For a period of time.....I spent alot of time reading the gospels and pondering the life of Jesus Christ. The Pharisees, the religious hierarchy, were surreptitiously engaged in ensnaring him and, ultimately, signing his "death warrant." Jesus addressed their deception and hypocrisy and traditions of men in supreme "undressing and unmasking" terms!
To me, the corps program was wierwille's unmasking of motives.......where "submission and discipline" were the underpinnings of three years in the guise of "leadership training." The academic/study side was pfal rehash.....and the work side was a joke. The program was an all-out assault on individual liberty and dignity. And, the classic bait-n-switch reared its ugly head as corps coordinators implied that we owed our lives to this ministry with a lifetime of service. In other words, you signed up to serve twi.....period!
Wierwille's twi was aligned with Phariseeism........straight up!