I know that some among you are going to try to just rationalize away what's been said.
So, I'll lay some things out for you, and you can see them for yourself.
A) According to twi's own books, Mrs W said that vpw never EVER mentioned the supposed
1942 Promise (when he supposedly learned from God) from 1942 to the early 1970s.
Is there any married Christian ANYWHERE who would hear a major message from God and conceal
it from his or her spouse for DECADES, then reveal it first to other people?
Come on, if he REALLY heard from God, he'd have to tell SOMEONE, and his spouse would hear
as soon as was possible (as in "next time they spoke".)
B) vpw's accounts of this vary. According to "The Way:Living in Love", this was the most
important day of his entire life, and the supposed snow he saw made everything WHITE.
According to "Born Again to Serve", the supposed snow he saw made the sky BLACK because
it was so thick.
Did the snow switch from white to black, or did he forget what happened the most important
day of his life, or did he lie and improve the lie as he went along?
C) Supposedly, vpw claims that God spoke to vpw, and God promised vpw that
He (God) would teach His Word to him (vpw) as it had not been known since the first century,
if he (vpw) would teach it to others.
This can't possibly be a message the REAL God gave someone. It would have to either be a LIE,
or be a message from the devil, who lied when he gave it.
First of all, nothing vpw taught to others was UNKNOWN SINCE THE FIRST CENTURY. It can ALL
be traced to OTHER CHRISTIANS, which means it had been known by them and by their students
before vpw claimed he heard from God Almighty. So, this promise FAILS.
Second of all, how was God's Word known in the first century?
Well, a layman or someone with inadequate education (like a major in Homiletics rather than
Church History or something related) could think this was a valid thing to compare to
vpw's teachings. They are completely unrelated.
The 1st century Christians DID NOT HAVE THE COMPLETE BIBLE. The New Testament was still
circulating while it was copied by hand, one at a time, around the known world.
vpw teaches the Church Epistles, which were not widely disseminated until the 2nd century AD.
The 1st century Christians DID NOT STUDY- which is the mainstay of vpw's Christianity and how
to excel thereby. The 1st century Christians knew God BY EXPERIENCE, and in the face of their
persecution. Their teachings were often very practical, and in power, not study.
The 1st century Christians were DE-CENTRALIZED. vpw did his best to consolidate all decisions
into his own hands.
Either vpw heard a promise from a God who makes mistakes, or vpw heard a promise from a God
who lies, or vpw lied and he never heard from God.
Take your pick- but based on other proven lies, I think the last one is the only real possibility.
If vow heard from the devil and can't tell the difference, vpw is not ready to try to teach
others- he needs to learn the fundamentals himself.
If vpw heard from a God that makes mistakes, I don't want to learn about such a "God".
And one last thing:
If you think it's better to call God a liar or incompetent rather than say a man is- even if
that man is vpw- then you really need to re-examine your beliefs and structure.