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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2012 in all areas

  1. I wanted to post this for folks who lurk here, whether in or out of the way international. The image of Victor Paul Wierwille as portrayed by the way international is intentionally false. Whether this is done out of willful ignorance - that is to say - let's not cast out the baby with the bathwater, or intentional whitewashing the results are the same. Victor Paul Wierwille was never called of God to teach the word like it had not been known since the first century. He was not the man of God for our day and time. He was a dishonest, plagiarist who was also a serial sexual predator. And let me add this. From my experiences at all levels of leadership in the way international, from being in the inner circle so to speak, the current top leadership KNOW what type of man he was. They KNOW he was an adulterer that used his position as a supposed man of God to prey on vulnerable women and DELIBERATELY cover it up to save their positions in their beloved non profit corporation. I am someone who bought into the lie that Craig Martindale had a mutually consensual affair on a one time occasion only to find out that he too was a serial sexual predator who learned his craft from Victor Paul Wierwille. I used to say to myself "that was their sins and I have to hold the good works they did because when they walked for God those works stand." I was basically telling myself, trying to convince myself that these false prophets were OK because they did some good. That is no excuse. Before I get too long winded, I encourage everyone who lurks here, as I once lurked, to READ what so many people who know first hand what type of person Wierwille really was and have posted here on GSC to expose him. Read John Jeudes site and study the information he has presented exposing the fraud for the fake he really was. Nothing justifies committing oneself to the ministry of a dishonest, crook who preyed on vulnerable women. You owe it to yourself and to your family to break free from the bonds that the way international has placed on you. They have no authority other that what your consent allows. I speak from experience.
    2 points
  2. They are good and sound rambling thoughts and this is helpful information in taking the initial step of questioning TWI theology. Thanks! TWI is a real hodgepodge of theology and spiritualism......even the relevant theology is so polluted that not much is worth keeping IMO. Although VP stole others ideas....he really didn't steal from many sound sources. I have often wondered what attracted VP to Bullinger and the other sources he stole material from? Trying to follow the curving path that leads to these sources is time consuming and trying to discern their theology is an exercise in futility. Mix in a real distrust of Christians in general and an arrogance towards real bible teachers and it is like a bottomless pit we can't dig ourselves out from.....it just keeps spiraling out and is a mess. Someone on here did a great deal of the leg work .... the Snapping thread has some good information. I think it is a real eye opener. I am ever thankful to the poster who contributed that information. We support things we believe in....that includes ministries. TWI is all about VP and his strange theology. The problem is....many of us were young, ignorant of theology and caught up in the whole thing when we were still developing and it is really difficult to see through it all. It isn't a Christian group.... it is a heretical cult. It isn't your family or God's special household.....it is an anti-Christian group which at one time had Christians who got caught up for a time. The off shoots are not a new and better version of the same.....you can't take a rotten foundation and build on it without it eventually falling apart. Sadly, there is a remnant of diehards willing to follow VP straight to hell. Not much we can do about that......but for those who want to be Christians, there are good sound bible teachers and good churches willing to embrace us. It can be difficult to realize how wrong we were and how totally caught up we were, but it beats staying in that nightmare.
    1 point
  3. I know that some among you are going to try to just rationalize away what's been said. So, I'll lay some things out for you, and you can see them for yourself. A) According to twi's own books, Mrs W said that vpw never EVER mentioned the supposed 1942 Promise (when he supposedly learned from God) from 1942 to the early 1970s. Is there any married Christian ANYWHERE who would hear a major message from God and conceal it from his or her spouse for DECADES, then reveal it first to other people? Come on, if he REALLY heard from God, he'd have to tell SOMEONE, and his spouse would hear as soon as was possible (as in "next time they spoke".) B) vpw's accounts of this vary. According to "The Way:Living in Love", this was the most important day of his entire life, and the supposed snow he saw made everything WHITE. According to "Born Again to Serve", the supposed snow he saw made the sky BLACK because it was so thick. Did the snow switch from white to black, or did he forget what happened the most important day of his life, or did he lie and improve the lie as he went along? C) Supposedly, vpw claims that God spoke to vpw, and God promised vpw that He (God) would teach His Word to him (vpw) as it had not been known since the first century, if he (vpw) would teach it to others. This can't possibly be a message the REAL God gave someone. It would have to either be a LIE, or be a message from the devil, who lied when he gave it. Why? First of all, nothing vpw taught to others was UNKNOWN SINCE THE FIRST CENTURY. It can ALL be traced to OTHER CHRISTIANS, which means it had been known by them and by their students before vpw claimed he heard from God Almighty. So, this promise FAILS. Second of all, how was God's Word known in the first century? Well, a layman or someone with inadequate education (like a major in Homiletics rather than Church History or something related) could think this was a valid thing to compare to vpw's teachings. They are completely unrelated. The 1st century Christians DID NOT HAVE THE COMPLETE BIBLE. The New Testament was still circulating while it was copied by hand, one at a time, around the known world. vpw teaches the Church Epistles, which were not widely disseminated until the 2nd century AD. The 1st century Christians DID NOT STUDY- which is the mainstay of vpw's Christianity and how to excel thereby. The 1st century Christians knew God BY EXPERIENCE, and in the face of their persecution. Their teachings were often very practical, and in power, not study. The 1st century Christians were DE-CENTRALIZED. vpw did his best to consolidate all decisions into his own hands. Either vpw heard a promise from a God who makes mistakes, or vpw heard a promise from a God who lies, or vpw lied and he never heard from God. Take your pick- but based on other proven lies, I think the last one is the only real possibility. If vow heard from the devil and can't tell the difference, vpw is not ready to try to teach others- he needs to learn the fundamentals himself. If vpw heard from a God that makes mistakes, I don't want to learn about such a "God". And one last thing: If you think it's better to call God a liar or incompetent rather than say a man is- even if that man is vpw- then you really need to re-examine your beliefs and structure.
    1 point
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