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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2011 in all areas

  1. Along withe the MANY warnings about vp.....for years, I kept thinking "Where are the signs, miracles and wonders? Why haven't I seen wierwille in the middle of God's miracles? Why doesn't wierwille initiate a healing service at the Rock of Ages anymore? Why is twi's headquarters so religiously dead?" In hindsight......I believe that wierwille was waxing more seductive and evil. Although many wonderful God-revering folks were in twi and searching for truth....twi's roots were growing idolatrous and wicked imaginations. Interesting, isn't it?.....as Rev. Billy Graham, age 93, basks in the sunlight of his golden years and respect from his colleagues/ministers worldwide, wierwille has been in the grave for 26 years and now the evil is coming to the light. What a contrast!
    1 point
  2. Did Wierwille think it was wrong for him to drug and rape young women? I think he knew that general society would consider it to be wrong, but I also think he believed in his own heart that it was only right, proper and innocent for a man of his great stature to have his "needs" met in this way. Why do I think this? Why does Jeremiah say the heart is deceitful above all things? Because the values of the heart are programmable. If you program your heart to feel it's okay to drug and rape young women, through habitual fantasizing about drugging and raping young women, then your heart is going to tell you that it's okay to drug and rape young women. That's what "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" means. Your treasure is what you attach value to in your habitual thoughts. The values you attach to things in your habitual thoughts are going to be the values that you heart reflects back to you. The Word of God is the critic of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The Word of God tells us that drugging and raping young women is an evil intent. The emotion that prompts a person to do the Word of the Lord instead of the deceitful intents of his own heart is called "the fear of the Lord" or "the fear of God." Fear is the emotion that moves us to get into right relation with the object of the fear. With those things in mind, let's look at Psalm 36:1-4 (NIV): "An oracle is within my heart concerning the sinfulness of the wicked: There is no fear of God before his eyes. "For in his own eyes he flatters himself too much to detect or hate his sin. "The words of his mouth are wicked and deceitful; he has ceased to be wise and to do good. "Even on his bed he plots evil; he commits himself to a sinful course and does not reject what is wrong." Wierwille taught us that we shouldn't regard "fear of God" as fear, but rather as the respect we might pay an aging uncle who is too old for us to have to obey any longer. After all, we don't really have to obey God in "this wonderful administration of the grace of God", do we? When Wierwille fantasized about drugging and raping young women, he didn't accept the criticism of God's Word. He didn't consider drugging and raping young women to be an evil intent, and he came to trust the values that he had programmed into his own heart. Wierwille flattered Wierwille in his own eyes, too much to detect or hate his own sin... too much to DETECT his own sin!?! His words were wicked and deceitful... PFAL was wicked and deceitful... because Wierwille had programmed his heart to be wicked and deceitful, and out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Wierwille ceased to be wise, and ceased to do good, long before he ever filmed PFAL. Even in his motorcoach he plotted evil. Wierwille committed himself to a sinful course and did not reject what was wrong. Love, Steve
    1 point
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