If Lay said it, consider the alternatives. Like if Lay said "the world is round", check it with a level. Just a thought.
Yes, my own reaction to Spigrong's work is one of a reaction to his shoddy research - which isn't really any kind of research work at all but rather an imaginative narrative-on-a-theme that reads more like the lost 4th book of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy that explains exactly what the relationship of the Nazgul were to Sauron's illegitimate Orc spawn and if they survived into the next Generation of Men long enough to make it to the south Pole as has been postulated but which I personally think is PREPOSTEROUS, I mean come on, really?? ??. But also for me the topic of Paul and his various inclinations kinda requires a different way of looking at the available information
(somewhere around here roams an Invisible Dan who is not often seen but sometimes heard who could speak to the relative layers of the man we know from these records as "Paul" , but not sure if ID is on prem).
Some of the N.T. books attributed to him are most likely not written by "him", whoever that person of the books was - but rather are compliations written by later scribes. So who knows, maybe they thought he was gay....
you know, or maybe they were gay. There's no lack of gay possibilities and angles to consider here. Maybe I'm gay, thinking I'm not but really am, because I think I'm not, so oh sure, what better way to hide the secret message of my gayness than not thinking I am when I really am. Who'd've thought?
Really, there's a lot of work to be done in the maybe-coulda-been category, lotta work my friend.
No less inspired is the bible however, having said that, as frankly and IMO - we don't know "Paul" any better than we would know Rabbi Bob Scribe or whoever. I create a character profile and humanity from the information but as much as I feel a closeness to "Paul" and clarity into the humanity of the records I read.......it's really just information. I believe the true characteristics of the truth of the records can still open to us however and the "truth is out there" or in there, as you prefer.
Either way and no matter what, I stand on the veracity of the scriptures and the truth of the accuracy of the original - Paul was NOT a goy. The evidence is clear, the vote is in and the tally is hmmm, tallied and stuff. No way he was a goy.