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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2011 in all areas

  1. That's why I do kinda prefer "Genius Love Diety", as I completely understand what it means and frankly can agree wholeheartedly any time it's applied to me. It's the only one like that though. There used to be an animated show in TV - "Dinosaurs" - really funny, in the tradition of the characters and plot of The Flintstones and The Honeymooners from years ago. The "family" had male and female parents, and three children including a Baby, named "Baby". The father had a name, "Earl" but whenever Baby would talk to the father he'd call him "Not the Momma". Which I thought was a really ingenious use of a name that was more than a label or reference, but a really cool view into Baby's understanding ot it's world. What's this got to do with fundamental names and labels? Nothing. Or maybe............everything. Or maybe nuttin'. Or maybe everything.
    1 point
  2. John, you've managed to change the subject again. No one is talking about God threatening them. They are talking about the threatening that took place within the organization. You seemed to understand this point in post #24. Is there something I can do to help you regain your focus?
    1 point
  3. There's another example from objective reality of God contradicting Himself in written material for His own purposes... DNA. I believe the information encoded in DNA was originally organized by our Creator God. DNA contains the instructions necessary for every operation of every cell in our bodies, written in the genetic code that controls the production of chemical compounds. Every cell of an individual's body contains essentially identical genetic material. HUGE steps have been taken during the last few decades in decyphering the human genome. The stretches of DNA that are active at any given time or cellular location in the body is relatively small. There are vast stretches that are redundant or contradictory. There are parts where the code controls obviously important functions. There are other parts that can be only be described as "playing around". One example of contradictory sections of DNA are the parts that control the coagulation of blood. When there's a "hull breach," a section of DNA tells certain cells to start generating the chemicals that make blood coagulate. If this didn't happen, then an organism would most likely die of hemopilia. BUT... as soon as the breach is sealed, that section is shut down, and a contradictory section is brought into operation that tells certain cells to resume generating the chemicals that keep blood fluid. Otherwise, the organism's entire circulatory system would sieze up in a solid block. These contradictory sections of DNA are in EVERY cell of a person's body, even those that have NO ROLE in the coagulation of blood. During the ovarian cycle, contradictory stretches of DNA are alternately switched on and off to control the production of estrogen and progesterone. During cellular differentiation, contradictory stretches of DNA are selected for each cell so that it can perform the function it needs to perform in the individual organism's body. Likewise, I believe the Holy Spirit can "switch on" or "switch off" contradictory sections of the objective Bible for each Christian, so that each one of us can perform the functions we are called upon to perform as members in particular of the Body of Christ. Love, Steve
    1 point
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