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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2011 in all areas

  1. Good, thought-provoking post, Kit. Thanks. Arrogance and selfishness were certainly plentiful in twi. However, people's arrogance and selfishness did not hinder God from delivering people who were seeking him, even in twi. God should get the thanks and the glory, for sure, but the fact remains that God's Word was spoken, people believed it, and people got delivered while associated with twi. I knew someone who kicked heroin overnight. A girl I helped as a WOW, a teenager, quit prowling the streets every night and believing every jerk who came her way and instead learned to have some respect for herself. Those are drops in the bucket. I saw many, many, many more. The point I'm making is that God is not limited by the flaws and sins of the people who speak for Him or claim to speak for Him. I feel that message gets lost too often in the haste to promote the everything-anti-twi message.
    1 point
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