I think you are right. It is really good that he is coming to these things that have so hurt us....but, maybe, he should just stop trying to teach each realization he is coming to in his own life. Maybe he is not in a position to teach others.
If you look at his theology since leaving TWI...it has been all over the map. Why is he trying to teach people each thought that roams into his head as if it is the gospel truth? Personal Prophecy, a God with limited foreknowledge, Momentus, and now this. Most of us came to this on our own and people like John Juedes have been trying to expose it for years. Lot's of bible teachers never bought into the law of believing and cried foul right away.
JAL is not a bible teacher. He was in the same messed up cult we were. He needs a good teacher to take him in hand.
Why would people continue to look to JAL as an authority? It is obvious he has a great deal to work out in his own mind and life.....why sit behind a desk and spout? I think he is dangerous and a hindrance to those who may be seeking deliverance from TWI teachings. Who knows where his mind meanderings are going to take him next? Wherever it is, I don't understand why he feels the need to drag others along with him.
I wish him well, but I wish he would just direct people to some sound bible teachers and let it go. That would be the loving and selfless thing to do. I don't think he can...he believes he is an authority.
Also, what is with the mesmerizing hand gestures and that odd cadence in his voice? I couldn't look away...it was all I could concentrate on.