Very interesting.
OK, he's condescending, he's a 13 dollar bill, he's a wanna be cult leader...nobody seems to want to deal with his actual message. Haven't had any dealings with his group. It was good to hear him talk again. Reminds me of back in the day.
What I find interesting is that, having dealt with 4 other twi spinoffs, I conclude...
1) Vince Finnegan's Christian Biblical Counsel - don't recall anything specific about the law of believing, but since Vince rejects much of what VP taught, I'm guessing that applies here as well.
2) John Shroyer's Christian Family Fellowship Ministries - again, don't recall anything about the law of believing, but never took their class (wasn't done yet). This group seems to track much more with VP but don't know what they teach about the law of believing.
3) John Hendricks' Christian Research and Fellowship - definitely promotes the law of believing per VP. One of his collaterals uses an example of the law of believing that parallels the mother whose little boy was hit and killed by a car. JHs example is a pimply faced kid from his youth who had no trouble scoring with women juxtaposed with a handsome guy who had fear that affected all his relationships.
4) Chris Geer's Word Promotions - makes the same distinction JL just made: that our minds don't control the universe. That if that were true, then, as John Jeudes says, no God needed. BUT! IF God has given His word in a situation, THEN we can believe and act with the expectation of success.
I liked that JL said there's no way to disprove that you had doubt if someone says you weren't believing. That DOES make it ridiculous. There's also no way to prove God gave you revelation if you say you WERE believing something. That part of it is a stalemate. I can't even prove that the God I believe in exists, but nobody else can prove He doesn't exist.