"I could use the same argument when sex abuse victims tell their stories. I could say that in India it's still possible for a husband to find his wife not pleasing and have her burned. That twi sex abuse is small stuff compared to that."
Yes, you could use that argument. You would be relying on a flawed comparison, though. First, because the issue of wife abuse in India is not the topic of discussion. Even though this topic is a serious one, introducing it into a discussion of sexual abuse in The Way is a bit of a Red Herring. It's important, yes, but, not relevant. It's a distraction. Secondly, it serves little purpose other than to minimize the seriousness of what took place in The Way regarding sexual abuse. Sexual abuse in The Way was/is a very serious matter and should be treated as such, not rationalized or compared with something unrelated.
Have you ever been raped, John? Men do get raped, you know. By other men. But,my guess is that you have not. Because, if you had, I don't think you would be so quick to minimize the physical pain, loss of self confidence, sense of unworthiness and mental anguish that accompanies it. I don't think you would want anyone calling it "small stuff" in comparison to anything.