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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2011 in all areas

  1. The scriptures are actually theocentric, not anthropocentric. johniam you have an extreme anthropocentric theology. Where did you pick that up? How do you just gloss over that it is God in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself with a "but"? Who was it that opened Lydia's heart...Paul? No, it was God. Who leads us into all truth? Do we? No, that is the work of the Holy Spirit. Who straightened Job out after his friends got done speaking "the word" to him? Who got Paul's attention?...."I am Jesus who you persecute." Speaking to someone about the gospel is not the same thing as reconciling someone to God. We do not stand in the gap. There is no scriptural basis for limiting God to needing our hands and feet. God does not pop in front of people and say believe in me here I am? What was Jesus doing here then? What is it you are telling people anyway? Never mind, sadly, I am all too familiar with the gospel via PFAL. Well, then again maybe you are right...when God speaks it is more a shout. He doesn't even need words! There is not a place He doesn't declare Himself. However, God can speak through a dumb a$ if He wants to.. . .. He can speak through a burning bush... The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. God can allow people the privilege of preparing the way...He is gracious.......but, what on earth did poor God do before we were born? You say all this and yet, you believe someone who claimed God basically popped in front of him, spoke to him and made it snow. What a joke.
    1 point
  2. You know, this probably should go into "Theological/Doctrinal". But just as an FYI, God does the reconciling,not us. What God has "given" is the good news, the words, the opportunity to serve in sharing the good news that God has reconciled the world unto Himself through His Son.. You and I are only ambassadors. Those who share the good news. Not the ones who actually "reconcile men to God".. God already wants to reconcile, and any willing person that comes to Him is reconciled, but you and I are just there to share the news and help point the way if they willing want to go and reconcile.. If you want to call that help, reconciling, well, it's your business. And in just that, some feel they ought to be paid to share the good news.. Sure.. Go be a sale person. Have fun selling those newspapers, classes, and magazine subscriptions.. For the most part, they're preaching to the choir. TWI and exTWI folks. Heck, most churches. If people were actually giving money to help the sharing of the good news, they ought to give it to those who ain't sitting in their nice little enclave and groupie friends, but rather is out there amongst those who have never heard of Christ and what God has done. Else.. Well, waisted money. Trying to convince people their egocentric view is better than the last. Waisted $$ I say..
    1 point
  3. Yeah, I have to actually agree with you. A poster here once described it as "VPW's plagiarism that he so skillfully presented via rhetorical grandiloquence of his trance-inducing homiletics." On the plus side....cult indoctrination is not without its benefits.....it can produce disassociation, anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, PSTD . . .. The list is long and distinguished. And we thought it was just fruit of the spirit!
    1 point
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