Yes Pax, but I want your opinion. Not Wiki's :)
I do apologize if I spoke hastily.
So, I will tell you this:
I do not believe the Bible is a History Book.
I do not believe the Bible is a Science book.
If I want to know about creation, evolution, geology - I go to those sites - and there are many on the net, or read some great books. It is fascinating to see the first fauna and flora - when they died out, follow the story through the geologic rock formations, and then the cambrian "big bang explosion" as science calls it, stored in rock, when all life as we know it today pretty much came at once, out of nowhere - kind of like the big bang theory. I've always loved the stars from childhood when I stood outside in any type weather and found all the constellations. I find Astronomy fascinating - and the things they know today - who could have dreamed?
To me, science comes first if I want to know about certain things. If the Bible happens to fit, good - if not, good too. There are some chapters that deal with some fascinating geology and weather - i.e., Job. Interesting too. But, when it comes to hard science - science is the way to go.
So, if I don't believe the Bible is a history, science or whatever book people want to call it, nor do I believe its one big allegory we can dreamily wax poetic about - too much of that turns it into nothing - fluffy - sounds good, means, well, whatever your imagination would like it to mean. Then, what do I believe it is?
I simply believe it is a book of prophecy. We are told how things were, prefection, destruction, restoration and fall, and what will be - new heaven/new earth - which will not run by the laws we know now. Outside of time and space - light, requiring new bodies to dwell within the light whether in the new heavenlies or on the new earth.
A prophecy of what will be, and why we need a redeemer to redeem the fallen (yes, I do believe mankind is a "fallen" race) and take us there.
Prophecy - what was, what is now, what shall be.
Everything else is nice, but incidental.