The evil hypocrite vpw shamelessly rewrote what each of the gift ministers was,
all so he could use it to his own advantage.
Sometimes he was willing to claim he was one or another-
more often, he made the comparisons obvious and left it for others to say.
Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers.
An APOSTLE is a "SENT ONE." A lot of Christians know this.
But vpw said an apostle "brings new light to their generation.
It may be old light, but to his generation, it's new light."
vpw was obviously not a "sent one" because the only one who "sent" him was himself,
and he "sent" himself wherever the money or the young women were.
However, he claimed to bring "new light", although even he had to admit
this "new light" was "old light" at the time, so he made up an excuse
for THAT, too.
Prophets speak for God, to God's people. Because they have to correct
those going off, they are often HATED as bearers of bad news, and some spent
time in prisons or tortured or killed for it.
vpw was "a hard man to take" because he was immature and lacked self-control.
He CLAIMED to speak for God. His claims never made him a REAL prophet.
Evangelists speak to the people to win new Christians.
vpw rewrote this too- he said an evangelist isn't the one who goes out, he's
the one who gets the OTHER Christians fired up to go out.
He stays back, smoking cigars and drinking Drambuie out of a coffee cup.
Very convenient for vpw. He could make all sorts of claims and work maybe
2 days a week, and still claim titles under God.
Pastors are like shepherds. Jesus said the shepherd gives his life for the sheep.
The shepherd is THE protector of the flock, and risks his own life for the flock.
vpw USED the flock, and considered the flock ripe for fleecing. He SPOKE about
using up his life for the flock, then went back, lit another cigar and poured
himself more booze.
Teachers- not every person can be propped in front of a room and actually be a
gift minister of a teacher. Those teachers CHANGE LIVES. FOR THE BETTER.
Those who vpw changed more have just become vpw machines, spitting out vpw
dogma and rhetoric, and crushing their own free will in the process.
vpw was to teaching what Dahmer was to fine dining.