All right, that's the unaltered copy. Here's my analysis.
"Dearest PFAL Grad,"
[We have our audience defined here- PFAL grads, the "initiated", the only people likely to
fall for some nostalgic propaganda, the aging population, all in their 40s and older,
since after that, the numbers of PFAL grads became miniscule.]
"I just heard the news about the GreaseSpot forums closing down soon, and thought I'd send out one last missive from my heart to anyone who wants to receive it."
[Translation: I was cheered to hear that my most visible critic might be silenced. In response,
I figured that-before it closed-I'd post one last advertisement and try to get more customers.
I COULD have demonstrated I'd finally, in the twilight of my years- grown up and changed,
but instead I will demonstrate I'm making much the same mistakes now I made the rest of my life.]
"It was 43 years ago last month (December), while I was a Lieutenant in the 82d Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg NC, that my college three-sport teammate told me that he had "some tapes" on the Bible. Having by then become fervent about knowing God, I said, "Cool, I'll drive to Ohio on my way home to Indiana for Christmas and we can listen to them."
[Here's some nostalgia where I toss in a number to impress you with how long I've been doing this-
as if the rest of you haven't been doing the same.]
"When he opened the box of reel-to-reel discs on that Sunday morning in Cleveland, revealing 33 hours of tape, I said, "You said 'some tapes'!" And he said, "These are some tapes." And I said, "You're right; these are SOME TAPES! And when I get bored, I'm leaving for Indianapolis." Three days later I finished the PFAL class for the first time, and I was both stunned by how much error I had been taught about the Bible, and thrilled by the truth I heard in PFAL."
[More nostalgia, to lull those who used the reel-to-reels and impress those who came later. Or, at least,
that's the idea.
Moreover, here we see that JAL STILL hasn't taken a cold, hard look at everything from the ground up.
He's still stuck at "before PFAL I was taught error" and
"PFAL is where the truth was."
THE REST OF US know better, and have for many years, and have grown beyond it.
JAL's stuck in his spiritual adolescence.]
"I long ago realized that PFAL was an historically unparalleled presentation of the truth of God's Word, and I will forever be grateful that I was in the right place at the right time to partake of it. And it was the keys set forth in that class that have enabled me, with a lot of help from my friends, to grow in both biblical knowledge and expression so as to be able to now present it in an even more accurate and expansive way. Of course, that is as it should be."
JAL has had over 25 years to grow up. He has not. Where all the GSC regulars, past and present,
have seen how PFAL was plagiarized from several sources concealed from the public,
and advertised excessively to be from God instead of Leonard, Stiles, Bullinger, Kenyon....
JAL has not learned A THING in the DECADES since he left.
I can't summarize his delusion any better than he did, so I'm leaving his words as-is.]
"After helping to put together several such systematic courses of study in the last 24 years, I'm going to spearhead another, with a lot of help from my friends. Our goal is to film an accurate, entertaining, exciting, and effectual 24-hour foundational class, and we hope to do it about June 1. In case you are interested in obtaining a copy, my email address is"
[JAL didn't learn anything about how systems like PFAL and TWI hurt people.
So, he made another system that's gone on to hurt others.
When he wore out his welcome there (1 system, not "several such systematic courses of study"- CES is STFI
by another name, not an entirely new group), he left, and is ready to roll out
ANOTHER system which will hurt others.
" Our goal is to film an accurate, entertaining, exciting, and effectual 24-hour foundational class"
How's THAT for a mid-life crisis? PFAL is a dim memory, and nobody new has been hurt by it-
but JAL's ready to try to hurt some more and male the same vapid claims of, how did HE put it?
"an historically unparalleled presentation of the truth of God's Word"
[The man is trapped in his own personal hell- doomed to repeat the errors of the past over and over.]
"You may know that in January, 2010, about 30 of us started The Living Truth Fellowship, and each month via email (and hard mail for those w/o email) we send out a 3-4 page written teaching in our FRUIT OF D'VINE publication. We also have more than 125 teaching videos on our YouTube channel (justtruthit) and our Vimeo channel. You can find both of those on our website ("
[JAL's still good with coming up cutesy names for stuff. And he's getting to be an old hand at advertising
his products- something the current mouldering relic of twi has given up on.]
"I have a deep affinity for every PFAL grad, as I firmly believe that we share the unique privilege of hearing the Word of God as it not been heard since the first century. I am still committed to presenting the Word in the best way possible, so if my life and ministry can bless yours, great, just let me know."
[Here comes the sales pitch. All of you are going to join him because you're all smart, privileged,
wise, attractive people. JAL, in spite of amazing amounts of evidence, is still pushing the
" hearing the Word of God as it not been heard since the first century."
Either he doesn't know what the rest of us know- and is a delusional idiot-
or he knows what we do- and is intentionally lying like vpw did in order to fool people-
and he's looking at you while he's thinking "gullible."
There is no middle ground here. Either he knows it's all a lie or he doesn't.
Which is he- delusional fool, or lying con man?
I'll leave that to your own conclusions.]
"I love you.
Onward and upward!
John Lynn "
[JAL's still doing the "you are all strangers to me, but I love you all" nonsense
we all gave up LONG ago. And he's added the motto of the State of NY in an attempt
to sound more original than the other splinters.
JAL, aren't you getting a little too old to sell us on the Easter Beagle and the
Great Pumpkin?]