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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2010 in all areas

  1. And this is leadership training? Is the title of the topic? What is it really? I will start by saying my little son is afraid there are monsters in his closet. Every night before bed we have to check just to make sure. Then an all-powerful night light must be turned on. We all know this powerful weapon can scare any monster, goblin or bogeyman away. His older sibling thinks he is a baby. But this child is convinced that their teacher is on a mission to cause this child to fail. This child thinks the teacher is out to get my child, with extra work and being pushed in class. I sat down with this teacher to find out the deal. Well this child reads 4 grades higher then their present grade and has scored off the charts on all the state testing and this teacher is just pushing and changeling my child. I am ok with that. My point is, in someone’s mind perception is reality. The teacher is not out to get my child just like there are no monsters in the closet. BUT,BUT, if we are talking about perception and reality we were told, taught and beaten down with in the Way, a way corp. person has energized gift ministries. This is the trick and catch. Every a-hole corp. grad is revered as a revelation machine and walking with God. While lowly wayfers need to submit to leadership. No disrespect to the Corp program or grads of days gone past. Now days ALL CORP GRADS ARE ROBTS FOR ROSIE AND THE WAY. God caught the last train to the coast and any revelation is gone from the way. Is being a way corp. grad leadership training? No it just gives you a title to keep the wayfers in line. copenhagen
    1 point
  2. Thanks, Krys - you're absolutely right - I mean no offense. I really appreciate your input. I do think Cindy! knows me or knew me well enough to know my intentions but I think you cleared up any potential doubt I may have left.
    1 point
  3. On one hand yes, I feel you answered my question quite nicely. And I love that you want to share your wonderful achievements with us. On the other hand, I guess I'll wait before getting too interested in you and your life until I see if you're going to stick around and actually participate in "our" lives too or if this is just another instance of you sharing your accomplishments and then disappearing for months. I take it that the moment passed that you were going to actually share the results of your research with us that you came in and asked for our help with? You've addressed my question about it but haven't said whether or not you're going to actually follow through and do as you originally said you would. You said why you haven't done it. Again, it's up to you how much you want to share and with whom, just as it's our choice now if you ask us to contribute again whether or not we want to help you further. Personally, I'm not interested in one-way relationships. I prefer a give and take. I am happy for you and Steve! but I have to say that I feel a bit used and taken for granted when you post the way you do the past couple years or so. Like I said, I really prefer a two-way deal. To each their own. Peace.
    1 point
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