Thank you Jerry :) I appreciate your kind thoughts.
Teachme, you certainly have many thoughts :)
I think, if memory serves right, that the OT was translated into Greek because the Jews had been scattered. The Greek translation of the OT was called the Septuagent(sic), and was read and carried by many jews who did not speak Hebrew and lived nowhere near Jerusalem and spoke Greek. It was a blessing to them. In many ways, just like english is pretty much the "world" language, so greek was spoken in many places at that time.
If I remember my old college prof., there has always been the theory that Moses and Plato had some contact with each other, if not personally, than at least their ideas did. I don't think they knew each other, but ideas do spread.
As far as Alexander the Great - he wept because there were no more worlds for him to conquer. That's all I know about him.
I find it interesting that all societies and cultures, especially Greek, Roman, Babylonian, Sumerian, Egyptian, etc., had their "myths" of Gods come down from the heavens, who fought among themselves, and in many cultures would show the way to heaven (think, main pyramid in Egypt - follow Orion's star).
So, the amazing thing about Christ was, that for the first time in human history, in a certain time, space and place, a "god" (so to speak - I'm not getting into trinity or not here) actually invaded human history - actually came to earth from the heavens to take all who would believe - home. To redeem and restore them so they could dwell in a new place in a new body suitable for that new place (new heaven and new earth).
In other words: The Myth Became Real!
All peoples of the earth could now somehow relate and understand - no matter where they were from.
Thus, Paul could tell the Greek philosophers at Mars Hill: I will speak to you of the "Unknown God." Him I will declare unto you.
The framework over many centuries had been prepared.