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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2010 in all areas

  1. Yes, absolutely. It is a diseased organization that instead of being able to genuinely help people pulls them in to a twisted little social circle that is sick. When Proverbs talks of those that wink with their eyes, scrape with their feet, and point with their fingers, it is talking about regimes such as this and the Way Corps. There are little private hidden messages communicated all the time to confront so and so, to take this action, to put together a report on this person. The level of control that is exerted over people is ridiculous. And the Way Corps are the enforcers. Now I basically functioned by teaching scriptures and allowing people to apply it in their lives as they saw fit by free will choice. However, I was an anomaly. Most set up little dictatorships, where they would present a smiling happy front to those above them and abuse those below them. The mind games that are played at the top levels to keep people under their control, threaten them, keep them functioning "likeminded" is astounding when you start to hear stories. When you think about it, what are the Way Corps trained to do? Obey. Follow without questioning. Carry out directives. To teach is all secondary. To "serve" means to carry out the bidding of those winking with the eyes, and communicating behind the scenes. You see that is why they must keep people away from this web site and people like us at all costs. When people start learning the truth about what happens behind the Wizard of Oz's curtains, they lose respect for the organization, and leave. They stop sending money in. So they hide all of that behind the scenes. They cover over their evil acts with silence and will not speak of it. Just like a murderer many times murders to cover up their evil actions to keep the victim from telling their evil acts to authorities or the public, so these monsters use slander, libel, and blackball people, using tactics to get the "household" to shun people. They trade on their little titles, and use movement up and down the ladder to punish people and to reward the most fanatical leaders. Those that are most fanatical will do the most extreme things and are used to do the top leaders' dirty work so they can keep their hands clean and stay out of lawsuits.
    1 point
  2. Bear with me, I'm trying to break these up into smaller posts so I can get my post count up a little. Basically what you described is a very typical pattern ham. It's like.. perhaps one has an isolated, non-mainstream dogma one adheres to.. fine. Doesn't bother me at all.. What's isolated? What's non-mainstream? And who gives a hoot - other than the mainstream group, the "collective" of regimented opinion? The simple fact that we evaluate another's dogma as being acceptable while being isolated and out of the mainstream says something. Not sure what, I'm thinking though. but then one adds a controlling oversight for the "standard" (whatever or whoever that is) follower.. This is normal behavior for nearly all societies in which there are laws. Who gives the control? Who added it and who accepted it? And why? and it starts smelling a little bit like a cod left on the dock a little too long.. then ultimatums from the pulpit, how devilish holders of different opinions have become. . I was Roman Catholic, raised and braised in the doctrine. I am now, in fact, hell bound as an RC. I am unable to receive any of the sacraments - well, first I'd have to find a church that had a priest and that was having services and then I'd have to go and if I did and just didn't tell anyone, I could receive the sacraments of the Holy Communion and particpate. In other words, lie. But the "sin" would fall to me and only get me further down the toilet. There are true blue practicing RC's who won't even talk to me like a reasonable human being because I've left the True Universal Mother Church. I'm dammed unfortunately so why bother? I was once........ Well, the list goes on. I've been a lot of things, and for many of those groups and affiliations, both religious and otherwise, my lack of continued membership, support and attendance is a dammed sorry state of affairs, boy howdy - Being a "Wayfer" didn't suck for me, most of the time. Well, till it did and then I stayed for years and let them beat me over the head..with and then I....and it was all.... Oh. Wait. That's not what happened. Never mind..... I'm not trying to be mean, just a healthy reminder that there are a 1,000 stories in the Big City....and these are some of them.
    1 point
  3. In a perfect world we would all be well paid for our religious affiliation. We'd be able to decide in a competitive market. Want a big church? Spend big money. I'll show for the right dough. Buy me! It only makes sense. When I, socks, rule the world, all religions that want to be formally authenticated to receive donations will be required to get licensed for that. Seriously though, they will. I may be the only person in the ex-Wayfer world who thinks this way buuuuuuuuuuuut I don't see any great difference between what the Way did (and still does in a different format) and what any number of hundreds, dare I say 1000's of other churches, and businesses do. Or cults and scams if you prefer that language. There are going to be many similarities, comparisons, metaphors, "this is a lot like that" examples and comparisons drawn because it's not nearly as unusual or singular as it's made out to be. Unfortunately what gets lost in many of the comparisons is any recognition that "your mileage may vary" in a rush to declare All-Things-Wayfer-Must-Sux. Oh, we say it varies yes but still struggle to grasp the possiblity that one person may have been badly treated or just stupid in how they made choices and another person .... well, not so much of that and as a result didn't have the same terrible experience. Humans have been doing it since the first men and women decided they liked the other side of the cave instead of the one they were in and yelled "look! Over there! Run!" and took up residence as soon as the premises vacated. F Fwd to today - is it any suprise that Christianity's messages get used as a means to manipulate others? Or that it's so popular to be manipulated like that? It's what people do, even in the best of worlds and societies. Anyone who doesn't think they're being manipulated on some level probably also thinks they're "free" too.
    1 point
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