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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2010 in all areas

  1. Saw this today and it actually made me feel sick! Lots of pictures of Dr.Fat Rat. All I can think about is the book "Losing The Way"
    1 point
  2. Like it or not, our generation has grown up with a soundtrack of various and diverse music. Have you ever watched a bit on television, heard something in a conversation, read something in the newspaper and thought. "Hey!, that reminds me of (insert song of choice here)"? For example, while reading the "Bridge To Nowhere" thread, I automatically thought about the Talking Heads song Road To Nowhere. Not just the similarity in titles, but, the similarity in concepts. I feel pretty safe in assuming that the Talking Heads weren't making any sort of reference to The Way in this song. Still, in my mind, I could draw similarities and parallels. Someone involved with a decaying business venture or a sports team having a losing season might read an entirely different slant into it. So, this brings up a question about scripture. How can we be so sure we know what the original, intended message was? Maybe, like the aforementioned song, it was meant to include intentional ambiguity. Food for thought. -----and that would make it impossible to "know that you know that you know" beyond the realm of your own private understanding.
    1 point
  3. Thinking in terms of twi's bod asking for forgiveness is almost an oxymoron. I make no assumptions whatsoever that these people even care...or are even Christians ...or for that matter, are even sane. When I consider the very nature of this organization... can good fruit grow from a bad tree? Perhaps it would be more "biblical" to quote the words of Jesus when he confronted the counterfeit religious leaders..."Ye are of your father, the devil" ...and isn't THAT the "unforgivable sin"...
    1 point
  4. Honestly to me whether or not they ask for fogiveness is a moot point. I can forgive if they do, or if they don't. If I use the Bible as standard, Jesus forgave those who crucified him and they obviously didn't ask for forgivness. Same with Stephen when he was stoned. But we must also not confuse forgivness with Justificaton. I could forgive someone for killing my wife, but if justice is served they will still do the time. And it doesn't mean that I not admit that the killing took place and that they did it. Just that I forgive them for it. Perhaps a better example, I can forgive you for wrecking my car if I loaned it to you. You will still have to deal with the following. You most likely will have to walk home, or wait for some one to get you after the wreck. You will most likely have to deal with all of the insurance issues. You may have to pay fines ect. And the odds are, I'm not going to let you borrow my car again. If you were a child molester and I were a former victim, I might forgive you, but that doesn't mean I will spend time with you, and I might have to inform others about you for your saftey. Unforgivness is really a form of bitterness and anger and it usally hurts you more than them, because they don't really care whether you forgive them or not.
    1 point
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