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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2010 in all areas

  1. One day in doing some research, I stumbled across that mansions in John 14:2, should be abiding places. These abiding places will be in the north, Yahweh's throne is in the north, we that get gathered up at the gathering together, we will have to stay somewhere, until the new heaven and new earth is in place, our real home will be in the new Jerusalem. Has anyone done any research on this abiding place in John 14:2?
    1 point
  2. NOR DO I!!! I'm sorry if any of my rants against bad religion implied that the practitioners were evil. No, only the hypocrisy and crimes and mumbo jumbo teachings of some leaders. Those who say one thing and do another re: public and private sexuality are to be most pitied. Often their financial, psychological, and familial well-being drive them to these falsehoods. Fundamentalism is a powerful counterfeit of good religion... but alack, we're surrounded by it in different flavors... Muslim & Christian, among others. It's sad because progressive Christianity with, an enlightened view of scripture, has the lasting power that biblicism, with its house-of-cards-faith, doesn't and it does provide a firm basis for a healthy sexuality and guidance for living joyfully and faithfully, in times that demand good guidance instead of retrenchment into some idealized, false history of an easier time with paint-by-number morality that works well for older, white, straight, European-extracted males (like me). For those who want to take a peek at progressive Christianity I recommend this book ... THE HEART OF CHRISTIANITY by Marcus Borg... "The heart cannot easily accept what the mind rejects." Marcus Borg
    1 point
  3. Thanks for helping me with that reputation thing, it is a drag to get labeled, the way seemed to have a way of labeling people. If I fall on my face, than it is my doing, but to be labeled, I got flash backs of being in the way again. Thanks Sunesis, hope your doing well.
    1 point
  4. The way has got the meaning of that life, in that verse, wrong? That life, is the life that Yeshua got, when Yahweh raised Yeshua from among the dead? The world is not going to go for this meaning of life, their is no believing for things now, according to the way's teaching, I mean, VeePee knew to use spirit in his con job, his con, comparing the world to his abundant life, the life Yeshua got, should have been taught? 1 John 1:1-3; they seen and touched Yeshua's spirit life, not? Grammer of the Greek New Testament in Light of Historical Research, by A.T. Robertson; the meaning of that word life, was change according to this man's research, and many other interesting meanings of words that were changed, VeePee knew where the money was, abundant life now, using the spirit con? A lot of good people just taught me VeePee's con, maybe Yahweh knew some day, that somebody would see through VeePee's con of a abundant life for himself, and teach that abundant life Yeshua got, and we can get too; beware of the spirit con? The thief comes not, except for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy, VeePee, that groovy heart would have ate the true meaning of that life up, in them days, but VeePee had to use the world con, for his abundant life con?
    1 point
  5. I learning that the life in John 10:10, in which Yeshua was to have in John 5:26 is a noun; but why is that life taught as a verb? Can a verb be a noun?
    1 point
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