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  1. I had a Karma Ghia once but it just kept going around the block and back again.
    1 point
  2. This is probably not the best place to start posting after having been absent for over a year, but I just can't help it. This is, imo, one of those issues that will never get resolved, partly because proponents on each side refuse to respect each other's opinions. I see flaws in the reasoning of the GLBT side and the Fundamentalists. FWIW (not much admittedly) here's the way I see it. I have to agree with those who point out that homosexuality cannot be equated to drinking. Homosexuality is clearly and consistently denounced in the Scripture as sinful. I believe "abomination" is the work used in the OT, which makes it not only sinful but disgustingly so. So for the progressives to accuse those who oppose gay marriage as narrow-minded or backward is unfair. Another pet peeve of mine is the consistent equating of the gay rights movement to the civil rights movement. As an African American and a staunch believer in the inherent rightness of the civil rights movement, I must point out that this is analogy only holds water if you believe that people are born gay or lesbian. I for one, don't believe that. For one there is the whole Anne Heich fiasco. For those who have forgotten Anne, she was Ellen Degeneres' partner when Ellen came out of the closet. In an interview with Oprah, Ellen affirmed she'd always been lesbian, but Anne said she'd been heterosexual until she met Ellen. A short time later, Anne fled their love nest and ran screaming to a guy. She is now once again heterosexual, although probably not mentally or emotionally stable. I forget now where we saw it (I think it's on Web MD), but Deb and I read recently that studies have found that women can switch from heterosexual to lesbian lifestyles and back. If a woman is not in a heterosexual relationship and is living with a particularly close female friend, they may become lovers. When one of them meets a man, it can dissolve. I know people who have gone through this. In short, I don't believe people are not "born" gay. It's a lifestyle choice. On the other hand, people are born African-American, Latino, or Asian. Granting equality for ethnic groups does not automatically mean we should grant equality to gays and lesbians. Insisting that these two principles are the same is not only dishonest, it's offensive to some. On the other hand... I cannot automatically denounce homosexuality because the Bible condemns it. Years of reviewing and reconsidering what we were taught in PFAL and what's in the Bible have brought me to the conclusion that the Bible is not infallible truth. It's truth filtered through flawed human minds. Some of the aspects of that filter are the customs of the Judean and first century Greco-Roman cultures. That's why the Twelve didn't carry out Jesus' Great Commission to preach the gospel to every creature until several decades after Pentecost. They were comfortably Judean and didn't want to sully themselves with the Gentiles. Even after they were reminded of what Jesus had ordered (Acts 15:7-11)most of them stayed in Jerusalem and left the evangelizing to Paul and his associates. But I digress. The point is, I'm not comfortable condemning someone just because the Bible said so. So I respect those Christians who take a more progressive approach to this issue, remembering that we are all sinners saved by grace and that Jesus died for everyone; not just for good, upstanding, straight, righteous folks. If we are all sinners saved by grace and there is none good, not even one, we have little right to condemn a whole class of people because they have a "sinful" lifestyle; especially since Fundamentalist Christians have the same rates of adultery and divorce as everyone else. So I reject the GBLT argument that gay rights are the same as civil rights. But I also reject the Fundamentalist's argument that homosexuality is so sinful that we should universally condemn and reject homosexuals and treat them as inherently inferior. I think the Christian thing to do is to recognize that, even though homosexuality may be wrong and some of us may find it objectionable, we are all flawed and in need of grace and mercy. As such, we are not qualified to deny people the right to live in a private, loving relationship just because we disapprove of their sexual orientation.
    1 point
  3. My opinionated redux of martinpuke's VP & Me: The multifaceted, multivariegated adolescent musings, rage-oholic rantings, stupid observations, narcissistic sociopathic megalomaniacal tyrannical tirades, of a humanoid Oakie of below average IQ, but an unfortunate nack for deceptive, manipulative oratory Speaking of IQ, it would appear that the largest massing of neural tissue was not intracranial {in his head), but rather prevailed in the promised land of his pelvic pudendal nerve (which innervates the male member), so that he could altruistically bless the well-endowed estrogenic compatriots of twi with his erect stance in practice for the bema, as a true Athlete of the Scrotum The consummate twi yes-man relative to vpw, our original Hierophant of the hermetic mysteries of twi {yes, twi's so-called 'Mystery' & its bizarre 'Christ' have their origins in pagan mythology: a hybridization of Osirus-Horus, Dionysius, Hermes, Mithra, etc. pagan mythology} A coward who felt inadequate as a person, yet by way of (over-)compensation, demanded mindless unquestioning loyalty, commitment, dedication to him as the first derivative Heirophant MOG For Our day & time Turned sour A humanoid with a large sense of personal sexual inadequacy, who paradoxically vented his frustrations via sublimated rage into a bonafide addiction of an insatiable sexual appetite with continual female sexual conquests, along with a fist full of male conquests. Yet, he & his lesbian former wife taught twi's, The Believer's Family, which replaced Christian Family & Sex, produced by our father in the word, VPW: our father, who art in fountain, hollow be thy name. Lamblasted homosexuality, not because he thought it spiritually wrong, but because of his own personally repressed desires & his anger with his ex-wife's lesbian relationship with rivenbarf As per John Juedes, LCM was just a VPW wannabe; LCM's numersous atrocities were just following the lead of the original lying deceiver, VPW: our father, who art a heathen, sallowed be thy name. What miniscule amount of good done by him or vpw is phenomenally overshadowed by the preponderance of the corruption as manifested by their continuous abuses Hopefully the demise martinpuke suffers will be cruel, unusual, excruciating, & extremely prolonged (years). The same delightful fate could be wished upon any nonrepentant & living BOT/BOD, cabinet member, & top leadership.
    1 point
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