If we can vote? I vote for me Copenhagen..
I will run on the promise of a can in every hand.. A can of copenhagen of course..
I will require the entire board + Donna and Linder out Way D. Make that everyone on at H.Q. out Way D.
These people need to come out of the corn field and live life. If they dont run at least 2 class's they
get dropped from Way Corp. If they are not corp then they will never want to be.Also no one can return
to H.Q. ever. It's time to grow up and get a life.
Ok if I am elected president I vow to hold one S.T.S and announce the way is an evil empire and a lie..
I will shut it down, send back all the abs. You can fill out a form for a portion of the 53 million.
I will let H.Q. stand for 1 month and anyone can come visit. Then I will hold a vote of what to do with it.
vote copenhagen