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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2010 in all areas

  1. We just turned off the negative reputation points. Although they were fun, especially in the Politics forum, they proved useless (and actually made some upset). Disagreement with a post now will have to be done via a non-vote. The forums will highlight anything that gets 10 positive points. So if you think something someone wrote is good, +1 it so others will find it more easily.
    2 points
  2. My only question to the board of dummies, who cannot figure out how to improve numbers in anything, i.e - advanced class students, staff at HQ or gunnison, way disciple, way corps. They can't fill the PWA to save their lives because the service is SO bad. Way ragazine subscriptions have to be down as well. Oh and how about all those new foundational classes. I know how hard it is for the field corps to put together foundational classes, so those numbers have to be down as well. But I digress. Back to my question to the board of dummies. Did you actually graduate more way corps than you lost in the past year? Not to worry, I won't wait for an answer but I can rest in the likely hood that Rosie will probably get to read this when she gets here printouts from WAYGB. 7 - ROFL! It won't take long for the euphoria to wear off, or for all the "gassing up" during graduation to burn off. You know, where they are told how spayshul they are and how the adversary does this and that and all about the lifetime commitment. But really, graduating 7 way corps speaks for itself. the way international used to graduate hundreds each year. Down to 7 now. I wonder of the 7 how many were married couples. Could be 3 couples and one single? Anyone know?
    1 point
  3. Cool, Sunesis. Loramie was a cool lake alright. Very pretty. I used to know a dozen or so ponds around New Knoxville, could get on to. Always kept my ultra-light rig and box in the trunk, and hit a spot here and there, early morning or evenings. Sorry about Lake St. Mary's - never swam in it much but used to go out there with Buddy C and others, to catfish. Buddy was a black belt ninja-cat dude and in a view trips out there taught me the Fine Art of Catchin' (as opposed to "Fishing"... . Bob L. too, I really expanded my fresth water light weight know-how those years. We'd catch dozens of catfish, keep the good ones and do fish fries. The water in the 70's was pretty clean and there were a lot of pond catfish around too, and they tasted GREAT!, fried up.
    1 point
  4. It seems information is the lowest factor of intellectual expression. Information can be a series of numbers or an assumption that is not proven. Information can take on many forms and the opposite of information is still information. Anything that informs be it positive or negative. Information can be false or true so it is subjective as to the quality thereof. What is information to one person is old hat or irrelevant to another. What has serious depth and meaning to one can be a farce or gibberish to another. Information assumes we are not already knowing of all things. Like a veil that is lifted, free will and freedom to speculate. Information as with DNA codes for a certain result. For information to cease it would take obliteration of all consciousness from the lowest microbial consciousness to the highest of all minds, the theoretical God....
    1 point
  5. i was not around when the actual veepee head was distributed, but i do think an eye would be good -- ohgod i'm sorry for being so whatever but after listening to them for years talking about statues and relics, etc., it does seem quite hypocritical veepee, i think they should have made a statue of something smaller for you -- dear god forgive me -- lol
    1 point
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