As someone that spent the first seven years of my life in a shell (completely autistic), and as a twenty-nine year old with Asperger's Syndrome, I can tell you that although there will always be little challenges in behavior and language. We are quite capable of learning everything we need to know, and in many areas we can easily surpass others as we become adults. Sure we may be a little bit "picky" and "quirky" and lack certain social graces, But we figure out ways to work around everything,.. ANYTHING! In order to continue we constantly are forced to learn to overcome and push on -- we never give up! It is a lesson some people never learn.
The Rod of correction though, will generally serve to push one such as I, back towards autism - but with a lot of love, we can become strongly stable in situations that would rock another's world to the core. We're rather feast or famine, and often brighter than your average bear.