That one-way commitment thing is absolutely true in TWI. I have heard the phrase "The ministry owes us nothing, but we owe the ministry everything because they taught us the Word" many times. It's not a Biblical phrase, it's not an ethical phrase, even by the standards of VPW's high school paper introduction to ethics called "Lifestyle of a Believer". There VPW said "no man is the means to another man's end". Yet by this phrase, and TWI's actions in conjunction with this phrase, every man is a means to TWI's end or rather Rosie's end.
What it is is more language of control. What happens is people make up these little catch phrases, then to look extremely spiritual, when in conversations, they will just pause, think for a moment, and spout out a phrase like that. It's simple, it's catchy, it appeals to noble motives of service. But it is absolutely counterfeit and doesn't line up to scriptures. They will even repeat it to one another saying "I remember when Rosalie taught us 'phrase'".
They replace God's Word with man's word, or woman's word. They absolutely have changed "It Is Written" to "It Is Position". It is no longer chapter and verse in TWI, it is person and quote. They are respecters of persons.