One of the reasons VP was "deified" is because of his and our relative ages. Ever notice how, with few exceptions, he did not surround himself with men his own age and status?
I used to study martial arts. I had an instructor who I believe was a 4th or 5th degree black belt. That's a pretty high rank for those of you not familiar with ranking. He started practicing as a young man, I came across him when he was in his late 30's. In other words he had practiced martial arts for quite some time. In his case, he devoted his entire life to the practicing and teaching of martial arts.
We students thought he was amazing, which he was. I would watch him, and I would just marvel at what he could do with his body. To me it looked almost super human. It wasn't super human. It was the result of someone who had done something day after day for several years.
Wierwille was in his 50's when most of us were in our early and mid-20's. We weren't very seasoned, we were kids really (not "keedz" yuch!). So Wierwille could sound real educated, academic, and he could sell his arguments to us easily. What the Hell did we know? People who talked to him would be amazed at how "detail-minded" he was; how "organized" he was, "disciplined" etc. He said things we thought were so insightful and wise.
Well,duh! He had 30 years of adulthood behind him, of course he seemed "amazing" to us! I'm telling you, if we ran across him or someone like him now at our ages, we would do what most of our parents did which was to go, "Who the heck are you?" And we wouldn't do that as a result of having been in TWI, we would have picked it up because of our maturity. That's why there were almost no 50+ aged people around at that time.