You're asking me if what you've heard is true?
Edited to add: While the above quote was your entire original post,.. I see you've gone back and edited it to answer your own questions. I was pretty sure you never wanted to hear what I had to say, just by the way you're phrasing things. You don't actually care what I say, so why ask? You're just trolling here. You asked me for an example, and when I gave one you decided not to reply. Your comment on the book of Revelation is perhaps based on the fact that I quoted from it? You certainly doesn't seem to be applying that sentiment to your own basis for your foundational theology on the resurrections, although they were oddly the basis of your initial post concerning it.
Thanks for the edit. It explains a lot about your heart on this. I'm the one that doesn't understand Love, I need to go back and study it, while you, on the other hand. you're only doing this out of your great love for me, no doubt.
It's quite reminiscent of what I've heard of Way Corps dressing downs or confrontations, do your best to belittle the other person and their beliefs while professing great care for God and His words. Cut out a rather clear example if it doesn't support your view, and be dismissive and rude to others that you do not like, and it's quite clear you do not like me by the drippingly sweet forced condescending tone you've taken with me, because I don't believe as you do about one issue.
Congradulations Mark, job well done, you've managed to hurt my feelings again, not that that matters to you. Well done!