As we all know each year a new theme is released in October at the anniversary. Now this theme and the resulting STS / Way Magazine is Rosalie's baby. Each year the theme is billed as where we will be led in the word or where God would have us to go or whatever - we all get the point!
But, here is the theme's dirty little secret and I will say it the way I will because I know how the directors are. Each year that theme is leveraged to address the biggest problems the directors identify from reports the way of the usa gives them and what they conclude from their isolated pontification sessions. In fact, reverse the theme and you will get the true intent of that they think the incapables need to learn.
For example: This year's theme is "Making god our Sufficiency." Translate that as the economy is bad, people are out of work, the way ministry is losing people each year making the resulting abundant sharing lower and/or participation in witnessing and other ministry classes and events are low. Because if God is your sufficiency you would put the way international first, give till it hurts, and move the word!