It was always "once you get to the next level, you will really get the meat of the Word." Just one more class, just one more commitment, just one more... almost there... almost there...
I have learned more about spiritual matters in the past two years AWAY from twi than I have the entire time I was in. Once I let all the confinements of twi's rules on HOW things were supposed to work, and all the categories of "devil spirits" that caused different things to happen, once I got away from that complete BLACK AND WHITE, GOOD AND EVIL thought patterns, I started to see that things are not always one way or the other. Life is so beautiful with many colors and nuances. Things are complicated, and you don't always get the same answer for similar situations. Once I saw that God just wants me to love Him/Her/It and love my neighbor as myself, things became so much simpler. I just try to love people the best I can. God shows me the rest when I need it, and most of the time I can figure it out on my own.
There is so much more good in the world than twi would ever want us to believe. That's why they put discerning of spirits at the top rung of spiritual maturity... they try to get people to look for the (devil) spirits - to look for evil, which of course is all they see. The Bible says that there are twice as many angels still with God than are with the devil. The Bible even talks about other spiritual beings other than those angels. And the Bible says that there are unbelievers who walk according to the law (Romans 2:14)... But we never learned about the good, only the evil.
The whole thing was just to get your money and get you paranoid so you could go out and "confront the world" with how much better you were than those who weren't fully instructed, because you could see the evil better than they could.
Sounds like the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, just a little, doesn't it? And how knowledge puffeth up?