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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2010 in all areas

  1. This popped up on my TWI alerts..... I know the building is old, but don't recall hearing any haunting stories, especially nothing about a wall bleeding oil..... Here's the link and the Rome City / TWI information is about halfway down with pictures. Anyone have any stories, experiences or whatnot while you were there?
    1 point
  2. I was only there a couple of times, but, I recall there were mineral springs on the property. They gave off foul smelling gases. The sense of smell has a way of stirring up old memories and emotions, even on a subconscious level. Perhaps these odors triggered a response to some unpleasant occurrences in the past.
    1 point
  3. When I was there for a short stint, my job dept. was in the depths of the basement (upholstery shop). Sometimes I'd go there after a class to finish something up or work on something. There quite a few times late at night - it was just creepy. You felt like something was there - watching. I eventually quit going there at night. It was just a vibe. I still believe there are places spirits like hanging out, maybe something happened in a place once, or, I don't know. I don't believe in dead people haunting things or being ghosts, but sometimes, there are some places, things or people that give off a "vibe" and not a pleasant one. To me, all of Rome City gave off an old, unpleasant vibe - it just wasn't right. That's the only way I can explain it. Many people love it and have fond memories, but I was glad to be out of there. I never liked it. It reminded me of an old, smelly, bedridden old person that we spruced up. Strange mind pic, I know, but that's what it reminded me of.
    1 point
  4. Godzilla isn't a blue hair either.
    1 point
  5. I dunno. Godzilla is "prettier". At least in my opinion..
    1 point
  6. Just as I thought. You are full of hot air. You have nothing.
    1 point
  7. Yeah, another book definately, maybe more than that; we'll see if they sell or not. Might just be the longest therapy I've ever done and nothing more. I meant for this story (and the book) to be only about TWI but as you know from writing, things sort of..........grow. :-) Just when I think I've come full circle on something, there seems to be another beginning and I'm learning to embrace that. Those seasons and stages of ones life are clearer to me now. I'm ready for home, love, together with someone kind of family again, companionship, a hand to hold, grandma/grandpa stage of life. (eeeekk) A year ago I would have never ! said I was ready for those things, no way, ever. Kelly is only in my house another 3 years as far as high school, Samantha is grown up and doing very well, I am essentially alone in my plans and it's weird and I get it. So, there are some endings, some beginnings, some middle stuff that just won't go away no matter what I do and maybe it's supposed to be that way too, huh? For 28 years I've been a mama with no major health problems for my kids until now. So that's a new and very frightening reality as we journey through that one and I have to stay back a little so that she can learn the skills to cope with her new lifestyle in her own strengths and only my oversight. My parents have reached that stage of life where their needs from me are changing and it requires a renewed dynamic with my brothers and my step parents. The college degree that I need the most is within reach and I've shoved it back over and over simply out of not knowing what I want to do with it even if I got it. That one will have (and has been) the most expensive therapy, and almost as lengthy in time as the book(s). I struggle with finding a voice and puzzle at having to use it so loudly when I do find it. Life is full of respect and lack thereof and I understand that particular circle too. I seek whatever spiritual needs there are for me and of course deal with the clouds of trust that haven't cleared. I have come to understand in this adventure that if I never find that, I already have everything I need so it's not like it's a thirst for God to fill me with something. I enjoy that in this life we get to seek, we get to listen, we get to look upon those things and we get to ask. I'm learning that most don't like me asking and therefore finding new ways to decide if I care. I'm curious about everything and I want to know, but I am finding that those that say they love that, don't. Those that offer to encourage that, won't. Those that push me in the ways they think I should go really didn't listen to the directions I gave or give me the value of the plan being mine. It's good and it's ok. I'm rich with a couple of really great and honest friends, I'm blessed with amazing daughters, I'm not shutting my eyes to better, I'm not closing off the door to understanding. As the 13th anniversary of Bob's death approaches, this is the first year it's been so painful while at the same time Samantha is doing mostly ok with all that now and Kelly is just beginning her grief; so again our stages of grief and loss and acceptance are at completely different places. We love each other; it's all we've got. Life or death is unique and there is no handbook on this stuff, there is no way to know if I'm doing it right until it shows itself and often then it's too late to stop people getting hurt and I pray for what I need for that. This story has been me telling our private story, our personal good and not so much, me blabbing things and trusting. Not a small deal for me. Some have taken advantage of that but I expected it and the cost to them will be evident. I don't worry too much about that as I come to understand it's not mine. It's a process and I'm ok with being there.
    1 point
  8. Thinking about your post more, wanted to answer more properly. There isn't really anything 'going on' but I am learning so much about myself and trying to understand how/why things happen, seeking answers and understanding that I'm likely not going to get answers and that pi$$es me off more than anything else. I'm the 'just tell me straight' girl and I'm learning that being that girl is a bad thing; I just haven't figured out where to put that and still be me. Clear as mud huh? But life is like that, isn't it? We have to keep breathing and not forget to breath out! oh yeah, that! As dynamics of life unfold and change and shift and stuff gets altered or good 'ol phucked up, we have to roll and bob and weave, huh? I can do that. I'm in a, hopefully, exciting place of wanting the old fashioned stuff, the traditional stuff, the american dream. Bob has been dead almost 13 years, my children are 28 and almost 15, it's time to do other things and explore, look for support and seek love. I grieve and I mourne and I learn that little is really known, little is honest and even less is revealed at the end of the day. To couple that with celebration of a new stage of life is major trippy. I've stated in this story that I seek the final chapter of it, I want to find an ending to this one, that I want to understand where I can learn and where I can teach and then I find that most days it's ok to understand that there really is no 'The End' to ones story; or I guess I hope so anyway. I struggle with how much of our lives I've puked out here and whether or not it will bite me in the a$$ and whether or not the cost will have been worth that loss. It's so easy for any of us to say "thank you for telling your story, it helped me more than you know" but I'm finally getting that those who say that are no where to be found tomorrow. Real life is real weird. I keep hanging on to such a pride in my daughters that yet remains unfathomable and makes the heart in my chest swell. I am so damn proud of their tenacity and strength and so thankful for their laughter and their genius, their grace under their mothers need and their generosity to me. I'm so thankful they were given to me to take care of and love. I'm beyond grateful for their story of love and their own personal journey that I get to be a part of. I regret hurts and I am sorry for my part in them and yet I understand they, too, are a part of this; my own journey. I've decided to try to finish my degree but will never again promise. I've chosen to start my business but will no longer explain why to those that don't get it. I've come full circle in appreciation for those that get my honesty and can hack it but understand those that are scared. I've realized that I know nothing in my curiosity to learn everything. I am now comfortable with the strengths of those that can ask and hear me when I answer. My grandfather told me so many wonderful and helpful things as I was growing up and I listened very closely with powerful love for the man; I have many favorites. He told me to not fear change, to not run from loss, to stick it out no matter how bumpy it might get, he told me to keep my word no matter who else kept theirs, he told me to never take what was not mine and to have the courage to remember. Smart man, I wish I could thank him again and I even more wish he knew my children and was still here to give me more of his sage wisdom earned from hard fought experience under sometimes vile and ugly conditions. He would understand like no one can now be willing. Put one foot in front of the other even if you have to literally grab your pants leg to do it.
    1 point
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