I suspect this topic may have been sufficiently hammered over the years.
But ...
The Way International bills itself as a Biblical research, teaching and fellowship ministry. Now I was way disciple 2x. I spent a full year "witnessing" mega hours per week and advertising the research part. I always used to think that the research was so special and what made the way international so special and above all other organizations - I was proud.
Anyways, we all know the history. Victor Paul Wierwille's "research" turns out to be plagiarized from multiple sources, the good old days where the research team at international brought new light turned out to be not so good in hind sight, since the research turns out to be suspect at best, Craig Martindale ran off or fired most of the old research team, Wayne Clapp eventually left leaving only Craig who was fired in 2000.
Please correct me where my memory no longer serves me. Enter Rozilla. She comes out with this new fangled "research policy" that "opens the doors" for all in the ministry to add to the storehouse of research currently available in the way international. Yuk. Anyways, if someone comes across some new research it is to be submitted to Headquarters where it is worked extensively, comparing it to proven ministry research, etc. Then it is put on the shelf for 6 months then re-worked again. If it proves of merit it is presented to the way corpse for feedback. Then it is presented to the household.
You know in the 10 years since this policy came around I cannot remember one time where new research was presented. Not one. So this new policy was billed as something that would allow all to contribute and in reality it was the final nail in the coffin for the way international's research efforts.
So, where's the research, eh?