sorry, shiftthis, but TWI is a whited sepulcher. the same people who lied and abused are still very much in twi and influencing people. wolves in sheep's clothing is what they are. I stayed long after LCM got booted, waiting for the wrongs to be addressed and for some apologies to be issued to people who more than deserved them. IT NEVER HAPPENED. the wrongs were swept under the carpet and never talked about, and if it ever came up in conversation the asker was admonished to forgive, that it's a NEW, KINDLER, GENTLER MINISTRY AND WE'RE ALL SO BLESSED TO BE PART OF THIS NEW EXCITING TIME. exciting??? 'scuse me while I barf.
TWI is not kindler and gentler, they just learned some lessons the hard way about allowing leaders to coerce and rape. I think the only thing on their agenda is to avoid any more sh1t sticking to them. they tried to keep us off the internet, to keep us in isolation so we wouldn't know that the true consequence of leaving is FREEDOM, and I heard the anti-internet talk from leaders in 2006, I heard the denial in 2006, and I was put down for disagreeing with them. it was 3.5 years ago that I left, and I hear it hasn't changed.
TWI is like a sick family with a pedophile uncle. they punish the kids for talking about it and pretend the uncle is normal and tell everyone what a great family they have.