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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2010 in all areas

  1. Roy, Why do you say this? Especially if "All books are wrote by man and they man's were picture of how man see's God God is said to be a good being who created man and all things but God did not write the many books but people did to imagine how God is like" Hey, if it is all so vague, let's party and say what we want.. ... to whomever. Kind of like GSC :) I judge people all the time. I never let Hannibal Lecter babysit, I taught my kids to be wary of strangers, and I am particular about who I buy a car from . . . . if I had used some sound judgment of people. . . . I never would have ended up in TWI. By telling Sunesis she had no right to judge. . . . you kind of judged her. IMO, some people just beg for a little judgment. There is no getting away from it.
    2 points
  2. This absolutely amazes me. My husband teaches in high school and if there is the slightest hint of such goings-on, he addresses it with vigor, usually scaring the hell out of any potential bullying miscreant he comes across. That the school officials knew this was going on and did little if anything to stop it blows my mind. I would fire the entire school board, the superintendent, the principal and anyone else who turned a blind eye, likely because these chickies came from wealthy, socially prominent, politically influential families. "Know the whole story" the mom says. The girl is dead. That is the whole story. She's dead. Your kid helped drive her to her death. WG
    1 point
  3. And the problem with this is ... ? Folks, the problem with smoking isn't that it just puts you yourself in medical danger. Or even puts a burden on your family. It also puts a burden upon the rest of society. Through: 1) the dangers of 2nd hand smoke, which has an increasing medical evidence of the risk to other people. 2) the increasing medical costs to other people, particularly when the smoking patient is uninsured. Thus sending the costs to you and me. 3) the health effects that is on those that smoke often makes them less efficient, less productive, and invariably puts your fellow workers at the risks given above. 4) since smoking is so damn addictive, it exasperates the problem, and again, often on the backs of others, not just upon yourself. Guess what, boys and girls, at the risk of sounding like an e-v-i-l Marxist, liberty is not something that is solely the benefit for you yourself. Liberty comes with responsibility to have the regard for other people. ... No option in that. Liberty for yourself and regard for other people are like Siamese twins; cut one off, and the other dies. Like my mother would always say, "You live in a world with other people." ... Oh, and as regards to all those other items that people can possibly be harmed by; sugar, booze, etc., ... legal products they might be, but if the usage of said products causes harm to come to you as well as puts a burden on society as a result, then yeah, your 'liberty' as regards using such is going to be curtailed to some degree.
    1 point
  4. I quit smoking before we went in FWC but I missed it for a while in times of stress. Then I worked for 8 years at a cancer hospital. Listen to someone whose lungs are filled with tumors, blood, and fluid try to breathe and you will definitely think again. I think a private company has the right to decide based on cost controls. Smoking is one of the biggies when it comes to health care costs. I don't think it is discrimination; you cannot control the color of your skin, but you make the decision to smoke or not. The hospital where I worked offered free smoking cessation programs to its employees, but some of them smoked anyway. Then the hospital system decided to build a nice garden atrium for smokers and invited the cancer hospital to pay for part of it. Needless to say, they refused. Now the entire campus is allegedly smoke-free, though of course there are still people who stand around in their hospital gowns, holding onto their IV poles for balance, while sucking on a cigarette.
    1 point
  5. MP appears to have spread to the doctrinal forum . . . You collected money throughout the game for no apparent reason . . . Except when it came time to buy and design a shrubery. A nice one of course. . . With a path down the middle. . . . One side just higher than the other. . . .
    1 point
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