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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2010 in all areas

  1. Dittos. There are three places in the Bible where we are told "In the mouth (singular) of two or three witnesses (plural) shall a matter be established." I think this means we are more likely to find the truth if we look at the places where two or three independent witnesses agree, than we are to find it if we listen to only a single witness. I think God intended the written Word to serve as an objective witness to His will, that is, the words actually written in a specific copy of the Bible do not change over time, or according to whatever person is looking at them. I think that God communicates subjectively with individuals through inspiration from His Spirit. I think that the Word lives in a person where the objective words of the written Word agree with the subjective words of the Spirit of God working within that person. When people magnify the written Word and ignore the Spirit, they wind up in Pharisaism and legalism, as The Way International did. When people magnify the Spirit and ignore the written Word, they wind up in emotionalism and spiritualism, as CES/STFI did with "personal prophecy". In the fall of 1987, when communication through the Way tree between individual believers was breaking down, I took a 30-day bus trip around the country... not so much to speak as to listen to what was being said in different parts of the country. Almost everywhere, I heard Corps people saying "Multiple centers of reference cause confusion" meaning "Headquarters told us not to listen to anybody but them." That was what sparked my interest in the "mouth of two or three witnesses" verses. I feel wiped because my meds were out of whack last night. I hope everybody has a good night tonight! Love, Steve
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