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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2010 in all areas

  1. Sono certo che è vero.... Tecnicamente, un hovercraft può essere classificato come appartenente alla classe degli aeromobili ed in tale ambito, un aeroscafo o anche aeroscivolante. Il successo commerciale degli "hovercraft civili" ha sofferto per la rapida crescita del costo del combustibile. Ma,... tra i metodi di pesca all'anguilla, l'hovercraft regna sovrana!!
    2 points
  2. Hi All, I registered to be on this website because I wanted to respond to comments made about me here. I’m not angry, but the comments were dismissive, somewhat belittling, and certainly misleading. I was described as a 3’rd Corps grad who was a faithful wayfer and is apparently still following Wierwille ideology. Then there was an embarrassingly dorky sentence about being so blessed for the keys to how the Bible interprets itself quoted from my website (brownbible.com) with a link to it. Fair enough in part; I don’t think the writer was trying to be unkind. I graduated from the 3’rd Corps and was a faithful wayfer, but the above makes me sound like a mindless groupie and is hardly representative of where I have been coming from for at least the last 30 years. I did not write the quoted sentence. It was lifted from an article submitted by someone else. I wasn’t aware that the article was on the site. I remember telling the administrator that we couldn’t use it and have since deleted it. While involved with TWI, long before “The Passing of the Patriarch,” I was outspoken with a number of the top decision makers for malpractice and/or errant teaching, and became quite unpopular among them. I am not and have never been a mindless groupie. My website has been up for a little less than a year. So far, I have written and posted 36 Bible related articles. Each is based on my own independent study of the Scriptures (and, yes, I still believe that the Bible as originally written is God’s Word). Some of these articles are in agreement with things we were taught in TWI, many are contrary to our previous teaching. I think the articles are well reasoned, though of course, I could be wrong here and there; but they are not a matter of following Wierwille ideology. So there, I said it. Not many of you will care one way or the other about what I have written here. Most of you probably don’t even know me. But I felt a bit insulted by what I read about me on this site and wanted to respond. Hey, for those of you who remember Sue and me, we are still together and happy. Our son, Rex, is now 20 years old. He is a great young man who loves God. He is in the U.S. Air Force. His top secret security clearance was approved, and he is doing something that we are not likely to ever know about, but we are very proud of him. God’s best to all of you.
    1 point
  3. I wasn't subjected to that "class," but my first thought was that he was setting himself up for later being able to say that he was getting revelation from God to pipe down and not "tell all he knew."
    1 point
  4. We've never met, but I'm glad you've shown up to speak for yourself. I hope you stick around a while- for this thread if for no other.
    1 point
  5. I listen to Alice's radio program most every night while driving. I'm a fan. Ted Nugent would be a wonderful choice, too! Maybe Alice for Prez and Ted for VP. Unfortunately, everyone's favorite Mother, Frank Zappa is gone, now. He'd be the PERFECT choice!
    1 point
  6. Thanks, Roy So, as I understand it you are talking about the death of, as you say, spiders and such. I almost lost my leg and my life to a Brown Recluse Spider, so yeah, I'd kill another one if I happened upon it. And you're not speaking of death of humans, am I correct? When I made attempts to keep my husband from death during a heart attack and then nothing worked to save him, I understood that death. When I watched a patient hold their newborn baby while it died shortly after birth, I came to understand that death. When Hospice was involved in my grandmother's death and I was her caregiver, I came to understand that death. I was looking for clarification on human vs animal, creepy crawly things or something else to which you refer. Now I see you mean other than human life and death. I think.
    1 point
  7. Roy, I used to go about my day considering a thread here at greasespot all the day long. I used to hurry with my job or errands or whatever other project I had going on to get back here and see what might have been further contributed; it took up a LOT of my life. I don't do that anymore, except for this one. When it said "The Emotion of Death" you had my attention. I have studied death in psych classes, I have involved myself in the lives of those dying, their families and studied what happens after death with ernest and fascination. I have lost loved ones to this enemy and seen things involved in death I do not wish to see again. I fail, however, to understand what it is you're attempting to discuss here and, frankly, it's buggin' me. It's not a personal issue with you, please understand, I'm just trying to get it. Are you saying that we should not kill, we should not stomp a spider or destroy animals habitats or................ Bless your heart and mine. Help me out here so I can get this one outa my brain and perhaps participate or minimally understand. And since it's in Doctrinal, are we looking at death of things from a biblical lens or just in general like in PETA's view or as ones who love nature and it's holdings. Thanks for clarifying for me.
    1 point
  8. I think Slyvester was ok but Michael Grade who was BBC program director(who fired Colin) already decided that Doctor Who had outlived its purpose. Paul McGann did alright(I hated the script). Then Chris Eeclestron wussed out adter 1 season. Russell Davies always wanted David Tennant to play the Doctor in the revived role. Curious to see how Matt Smith will do. btw, what do you think about Cushing's 2 movies?
    1 point
  9. hey Hartnell was suppose to be a cranky old grandfather figure. It's Colin Baker's Doctor that seemed to be really mean with about almost strangling Peri Brown in the first episode. Man, what a grouch. Even Trial of a Timelord season never really mellowed him. I know that there has always been a dark side to the Doctor. Did any of you see the episode The End Of Time with the return of the Time Lords?
    1 point
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