Hi Cafe denizens. Well, as if I hadn't done enough running in the Corps, here I find I have entered a half marathon. Why?? Dunno, seemed like a good idea at the time. Have been beating the feet and frightening the pavements (sidewalks) in the area for a while now. It was especially fun training when there was a lot of snow on the ground.
I will be raising funds for Genesis Trust, which is a Christian charity that offers practical help and assistance to poor, homeless, and disadvantaged people. There is a soup run, a cheap cafe, computer training courses, CV help, training in furniture renovation and such like; and specialist help with addiction problems. Nobody is creaming money off, and the premises is not benefitting from an elaborate paint job (or any paint job, really). The place runs on a shoestring (running shoe string, LOL?).
http://www.genesistrust.org.uk/ - and there is another link on the justgiving link below. Genesis don't spend a lot of time updating the web pages because they're busy "getting their hands dirty" helping people.
Anyway, the Half is 13.1 miles and takes place on 7 March. (Oops, naughty girl that I am, I won't be in church that morning!).
If any of you feel able to support me in my efforts to raise some funds for the vulnerable and impoverished people of Bath, you can donate by clicking on the link below and there is a safe and secure method of donating in whatever currency you use in your bank account. I'd really appreciate your encouragement and help - spiritual (prayers) and financial.
Many thanks.
Donations can be made anonymously but it would be nice to know your Cafe name.