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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2010 in all areas

  1. Funny, I looked at the dog/face and thought: "Wish I had chops in PhotoShop to do that...."
    2 points
  2. Is that another of LCM's wilder interpretations? What's clear in the verses is that it's "for food" (says so twice). The verses beforehand talk about going forth and multiplying. Then there is a clear change of context prefaced by "And God said, Behold...." in the verses you quote. God's smart enough to figure out that his newly-formed creatures on the earth need something to eat, so he tells them what. That's if you believe that Gen 1 is an accurate historical record and not a synthesis of ideas, poems, oral histories and myths encapsulating a bigger truth.
    1 point
  3. One example probably shouldn't set the stage for all. Any relationship takes an incredible amount of work, maintenance, communication and willingness to hang in there to do all that. Having something in common from the beginning isn't a bad thing, even while it does have the potential to make things tougher, it can also have the potential to provide a good base. It's up to the couple. I might see where Martindale hooking up with a gal who had only had PFAL could cause massive strife, I get that part of your points. But like any relationship, twi related or not, both have to be 100% aware of the others' "issues" (I'm sick of that word) and deal. There is also the added good of some hearty discussions at the supper table sharing memories of all that stuff. "Remember the time Wierwille said _____ "and some great and necessary laughter to follow or perhaps some healing from being able to have someone that gets it. That's pretty valuable and easier in perhaps another dynamic where the other person just can't relate. I don't think it's as simple as putting on ones dance card "if you were ever in a cult, I won't do the two step with ya". Love doesn't come around very often and why not take it if it does, if both are ready for love and willing to do what it takes? And we can't judge a couple from one experience, as well, I don't think. Hopefully if a couple are rockin it like they're "supposed" to, it's not about twi or any other such prior involvements, but rather about the two of them figuring it out privately and personally and if they do choose to offer something more public, it's done with an amount of tact and respect to each other, before the community with which they share. Communication.
    1 point
  4. Yeah. You can cut the "pie" into an "infinite" number of pieces if you want. That doesn't change what The Way tried to pass off as "research". It wasn't research, it was a confirmation, as well as a conformation, of Wierwille's preconceived conclusions. Remember, we're not talking about research in general. We're talking about TWI "research" and how how people have a fondness for remembering it as it never was.
    1 point
  5. In so many ways,exposing the truth about twi is about exposing the "spawns of Wierwille" who sometimes espouse the same garbage that Vic did or a slight variation of it...but the game remains the same...LORD OVER PEOPLE AND TAKE THEIR MONEY... ...and some of these guys have really "lost it"...has anyone checked out Dale Sides and his traveling pony show?...it's a freaking riot... ...but in a very sad way, the legacy of Dr. Doom Wierwille continues under many different names. The God business. Gain people's allegience, suck them dry and leave them by the roadside. I say that we should hunt them all down like vampires...drive a stake through their deceiving doctrines and abusive ways. ...but that's just me. :B)
    1 point
  6. When I got involved with TWI, everyone smoked including VPW. Later it was made mandatory to stop because of the cost. I don't think it had to do with healthy living---it was about having more money to give to "Abundant Sharing"
    1 point
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