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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2010 in all areas

  1. Never heard that joyful snippet. Yeah, anyway, it's really walking in the steps of Jesus Christ, ennit? He always beat on people who had problems and told them it was all their fault. He never offered to help anyone in need. He never stretched out a hand to help when he could have done. No, he condemned at every opportunity. He even threw the first stone at the woman caught in adultery. And he really got in the faces of Lazarus, Mary and Martha for their lack of believing such that L died. I wish you could read it in the original. bleeeaghhh I think NOT.
    2 points
  2. My dad used to ask me, when I was in some trouble with him and at the end of his lecture "Shellon, did you learn anything?" I learned to anticipate that question and depending on what my current infraction was and the azs chewing that came with it, I'd prepare my answer accordingly to get out of there the quickest. Where did you let the Adversary in? My theory, plan, idea or stategy that had never let me down with my dad never worked for that one. I mostly always knew to expect it, but it never made sense to me and I never knew at which point in the current infraction I had done such a horrid thing as let the devil into my lives, my marriage, the lives of my children. I always learned something though! If something was amiss in my marriage, who the he!! knew when it started; all I knew was that it was current and we were in some deep fecal matter, shouldn't that really be the point at the time? If one of my children was sick, for me to spend time in my memory, which was very sharp then, going over and over things, places, actions, people, etc and blah and geeze.....to figure out where I opened the door for the adversary to try to kill my baby, was 1) a time waster when I really needed to be taking care of my child 2) silly and 3) still a time waster. When I couldn't seem to conceive our second child, surely I'd allowed the devil in somewhere, one day, somehow. My answer was the wrong one: why was this all my fault? I don't recommend that, by the way. Like holding of breath; not recommended. The story of my husband dying and TWI blaming the dead man and then turning their accusations and questions onto me seemed to fall into all of the "where did you let the adversary in' and then spilled over into every other thing. How about something like he had a rotten organ beating in his chest that he didn't take care of and it failed as expected. What did he learn? Nothing. What did I learn? That it wasn't the devil, it was a man who was an adult and had the free will to do whatever he wanted in regards to his health; his wife nagging him notwithstanding. I refuse to accept fault for that and I also refuse to give the devil due for it. If my life is in the toilet, yes, maybe I did "fail" somewhere, maybe I did miss a beat when I was marching to a different one, maybe I ought to accept responsibility for what I did, didn't do, should have done, could have done, maybe it serves well to answer "did you learn anything?" I eventually do get to those realities and painful truths. I just prefer to consider things like the human body isn't always cranking along as it should or we would like it to. If I lose a job, maybe it's because the job suckedasshugely; nothing to do with the devil. If one of my kids is ill, maybe they simply got sneezed on at school and caught the most recent crud. I understand and remember TWI's other lecture of "not only did you let the adversary in, you locked the door on God". Black/White/The End. I sure don't miss giving the adversary, the devil, lucifer, call it whatcha want, they did, so much credit for what's going on in my life and the lives of my kids. My almost 5 year old grand daughter was telling me a story about some kids throwing sand on her head, taunting her with words of "Tell the teacher, Cry, Go ahead you baby" and after we talked about it a little bit she said "Nama I know they are just meany poopheads, I iggynore them" I think I get it.
    1 point
  3. Yep, gotta know when to iggynore the poopheads
    1 point
  4. Your granddaughter is right!
    1 point
  5. Other Information (I'm not saying it's correct) source is: http://www.uia.net/~messiah7/rsr_vcchap1-2.htm A SCHOLARLY EDUCATION? While Wayers proudly call Rev. Wierwille "Doctor, " the biographies in his books never mention the source of his degree (though the wording leads some readers to believe that he received it from Princeton.) Perhaps The Way is embarrassed because Wierwille received his Th.D. in 1948 from Pike's Peak Bible Seminary in Manitou Springs, Colorado.(28) In its checkered 60 year history, this institution has never been accredited nor recognized as reputable by any agency.(29) Herbert Diamond summarizes the weaknesses of Pike's Peak as an educational institution: "In a letter from the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, a state official says that Pike's Peak seminary had no resident instruction, no published list of faculty, and no accreditation, and no agency of government supervised it. It offered its degree programs by "extramural..' methods, involving the sending of book reviews and papers by mail. The degrees, the official says, have no status except with the institution that conferred them" ''(30) Wierwille once defended Pike's Peak Seminary by claiming that its president at the time he attended was Dr. H. Ellis Lininger who "had been the head of the Department of Education for the state of Colorado."(31) While Lininger had been president of Pike's Peak, the Colorado Department of Education informs us that Lininger never did head this department as Wierwille claims.(32) Wierwille also claims "I took everything I could take at the Moody Bible Institute, too, through their correspondence courses. "(33) Yet, Paul D. Wieland, Director of Moody's correspondence school, contradicts Wierwille's claim. Moody's records contain the names of all students who have completed courses since the school's inception in 1901. Wierwille's name never appears, indicating that if he took any courses, he never completed a single one.(34) During the summer of 1943 Wierwille did serve as a guest professor of practical theology at Gordon Divinity School under the presidency of Dr. Nathan R. Wood.(35) Wierwille claims that sometime in his ministry, he became so tired of "reading around The Word" of God that he hauled over 3,000 volumes of theological works to the city dump.(36) It is difficult to accept or place this in Wierwille's chronology, since he clearly relies on books and does not offer a date for this occurrence. While this dumping may have happened around 1950, it is evident that he soon accumulated more books, many of them superficial treatments of Scripture topics, which came to dominate his thinking
    1 point
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