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It was dark. It was raining, and I didn't know my older bother Josh had been looking for me for 6 hours. I was sitting on a rock. I had been there for a long time. I was soaking wet. I looked down. The wet ground was a half a meter below where I was sitting crosslegged and I could only remember seeing the date - 08 Oct 2009, yesterday's date now. It sank in then, that he was as dead as the rock I bought and was sitting on. I hopped off into the wet mud and took a look at the rock. I took a second or two letting it register in my brain. That was my father's name alright. I started then to kick that rock. '"But - - - - you - - - - promised!" I'm not sure how many times I yelled that. There was mud everywhere. Somewhere inside I felt bad, as though I had disrespected him and I waited a while for the rain to wash all the mud off of everything. I heard a sound in the rain behind me as the rain picked up again. Josh was standing there with an umbrella, wrapped in a long macintosh coat. I'm not sure how long he'd been there. He walked up to mom's tombstone, which was next to dad's, said something I couldn't hear, and then walked up to me and handed me the umbrella. Without thinking I took it. Watching the rain hit Josh I began to laugh. He just waited there. I of course was already soaked to the bone, the umbrella couldn't change that. Then he said, "You going to let me get all wet, or are we going to go?" He pointed at some distant lightning and said, "It's not smart to stand out here holding an umbrella." I kept his umbrella, sisters do that kind of thing. I still have it. More later1 point
Watching the san Antonio news last night and they had a pole on Texas Secession. 59% were for it. The people in Texas are so upset with the attitude we get from Washington that they are saying enough is enough. The strange or troubling think is what states would try and join us. Yes the conversation has been here before with a large number fo the non Texans po poing the thought and laughing about it. The truth of the matter is that it is more and more popular here. The only thing that really frightins me is war. My wife is all for it. She has a real fear that health care will be passed and once you hit sixty health care ends. Laugh on its coming with a massive blow to what is left of the US enonomy. What happens of the Southwest leaves. The Us would import 90% of its energy. The dollar would lose all its value.1 point
And now, a post concerning the manifestations. Please remember though, this is "my take" on them... A word to begin with: As Gen-2 has indicated so many times, the physical and spiritual realms are closely related, as can be seen in nature, science and physics, etc. I believe (and will show) that the list of manifestations in 1Co 12:8-10 is in this order for a special (and very logical) reason: 1. word of wisdom 2. word of knowledge 3. faith 4. gifts of healing 5. working of miracles 6. prophecy 7. discerning of spirits “Word of Wisdom” (spiritual) is not unlike “wisdom” (in the natural sense). The same is true concerning “Word of Knowledge” and "knowledge itself". Their definitions may be found in many places in the Bible. For instance: Pr 8:33 Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. Basically, being wise is to “obey instruction”, or simply “to do what God has said is right” - that which you presently understand. God will not hold you accountable for what you have yet to learn. And there is a logical reason “wisdom” is listed first: Pr 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Pr 8:20 [in the context, wisdom "says":] I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment: A good example of wisdom is how all was fine with Adam until he transgressed. Simply, he disobeyed by doing the only thing God had said not to do. According to Prov 8:33 (above), he acted "foolishly instead of wisely". Word of Knowledge is bacially “detailed information”, just like knowledge we receive by reading books or studying in school, etc. By this manifestation, God can reveal particular details about something we need to be aware of.. And there is is a reason it is listed second: Note: For those who were in TWI, we always heard the phrase “Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom….” Then they went on to explain that wisdom is in the “second place” by saying “wisdom is applied knowledge”. In a logical sense this is true, but for our purposes here, it is OUT OF ORDER. You never see their “phrase” in the Bible! When both are mentioned, wisdom is always first and knowledge is after. Here are 3, and there are many more: Col 2:3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Ec 2:26 For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge… 2Ch 1:12 Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee… A good example of this is the account of Noah. He received some very detailed information about what would happen to the world (the flood), and specifically what to do in building the ark. (what kind of wood to use, exact dimensions, how to waterproof it [with "pitch"], what to put into it, etc.) In all, there are 14 entire verses of information! And why did he get this? Simple! He was the ONLY ONE continuing to OBEY what was right (wisdom is first), while the rest of the world was “screwing up”: Gen 6:12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. (except for Noah: Ge 6:8 "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD".) When we are obedient, (wisdom) we keep ourselves in the position so as to be able to receive this sort of information (knowledge) from God when we need it - just like Noah did. It's that simple! Faith (believing) is third. It is basically “taking action” on what we know: Heb 11:8 By [the manifestation of] faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. Abraham did not have any details, except TO LEAVE - and we just read his departing was considered as faith. (As he went, he learned the details.) So far, in short – 1. We do what we know is right. (wisdom) 2. We therefore get details (knowledge) when we need them. 3. And then we act. (believing, or faith) This is logical, and in order. Let me dispense with all the verbage and “cut to the chase”: The result of this “algorithm” is Healing – 4th. God has set up things so they take course naturally when applied, the way He designed things to work normally in life, or even spiritually. We follow the "rules" and get the "results". However, He can go beyond the “natural” with “supernatural” – Hence, Miracles – 5th. A broken bone may heal in time (six weeks or so), but God has a way to “speed up the natural process”, so to speak, so it will mend immediately. This is a “miracle”. Prophecy is 6th. Basically, you can “predict your future”, by simply repeating what you did which worked before, because it will work like that “every time”. It's sort of like using "mass production", once the "prototype" is established. “Short summary” thus far (1-6): Do right. Get details. Act. Get results – even supernatual results if needed. It will work tomorrow just as it did today. The 7th one is Discerning of Spirits. Once you have “the ball rolling” (as we have seen), the “last hurdle” is overcoming "the enemy" who will be “pulling out all the stops” to attempt to thwart your efforts – to make you quit. But as you become wise to “his bag of tricks”, you just “keep on keeping on”. When we sucessfully "resist him" - he MUST FLEE - he has no choice, for that is God's law! Jas 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. I know this “analogy” seems oversimplified (and lacks proper documentation), but the truth is: To see all the details about how these work would take the Whole Bible into consideration – and every example of those who experienced these manifestations. However, I am thankful one does not have to understand EVERY DETAIL just to "begin learning" how these work - recognizing and applying them "as they happen". We just do what we know thus far - we start by acting wisely. Details do help though – gaining experience is accomplished by an "ever-learning process", so we are continually becoming even more proficient at doing "what is right". I certainly hope this post will help some people. It seems to work very well for my wife & I, and I trust God would have us stop doing it this way if there was truly something wrong with it. Remember though, it is only "my logical method". Further details are in a book I am publishing this year. (My first! Please wish me success.) Love & Hope, SPEC :)1 point
We had a band teacher in our community who would brag about the numbers of students wanting to learn music since she came on board. There were only two elective choices, art and band. And the kids had to pick two electives. I knew a family that had Wymag subscriptions for every family member in their house. The parents said they were so excited when the Wymag came they they didn't want to make anyone wait to read it. The word was so timely. I don't believe their son really read it. I knew a Wycorpse woman who gave up her job and home to take a new assignment. A day before leaving for the ROA, she got a phone call from the LC wife (a gleeful egotistical beeotch) who told her she was dropped from the Wycorpse because she had not renewed her Wymag. (She had been sharing with her room mate). She had no job and no where to live. The Wyleadership did not understand basic math. If you run off all of your people, your numbers go down. DUH!!!!!!!! :danghitsfan:1 point