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(((((Radar))))) I'm with Bow and Radar. I love spending time with J & HR! And can vouch for the fact that they definitely know how to throw a party. Hope and I had a blast when she came to stay with me for the Green Day concert here in Orlando. This site (GSpot) is about The Way International. I just don't get why so many of you are obsessed with what others are doing while enjoying life the way that makes them happy and has absolutely NOTHING to do with you and your life. <_<2 points
I don't know J and HR - they may be fine folks. Even not so fine folks know how to throw a party - so if they truly are fine folks - well raise a glass in toast. Glad you and Hope had a blast. I presume you have good times with many people. Once again - yay for you! GS is indeed about twi. However... While I'm not obsessed, that site does have to do with a part of my life - almost a third to be exact. I chose to join and I chose to leave. Mostly because it wasn't much fun and it was filled with the same type of clique-ishness that marked all things wc and twi. Too many layers of bs on too many pages. How do you know what percentage of GSers here were wrongly treated by WC? Or on the other hand, how do you know what percentage of GSers would like to contact a WC person and thank them for decent treatment. Or are you saying that just because you had a good time with these fine folks on more than one occasion that you can vouch for 100% of their actions and motives along with the actions and motives of every person not only on the WC site but also on this site as well. My main objection to the wc site is that it needs (for whatever reason - be it well-intentioned or not) to be exclusive. That exclusivity causes a feeling that the "elitist thought" is still in existence. Like I said before, lack of accountability is what has long been a trademark of the wc and twi adherents. (Meaning those folks who still think they were right and good in all they did because gawd-awlmighty called them to be wc and told them what to do all the time by all nine.) Let me ask you something. Just how many wc folks would have joined using their real name if they knew that it wouldn't just be wc? (Or at least mostly wc with a few folks dropping in to give their "bless you's") Don't you think that the reason there are over 1400 wc members on that site is because of the insulation granted by the exclusivity? Now some of my friends who are still members have told me that posts on their own blogs have been deleted if they say anything negative about twi. So how much of JR's energy does it take to keep up appearances? And just who is being protected and served? Isn't it a bit too much like mind control? Granted, JR might indeed be a fine man - but that doesn't make this action fine. Unless he's Jeezus...1 point
Quote from Pond on page 2 I thought I had seen the end of it, but I just now saw it again Pond--In the exact same thread no less some things you cant make up1 point
1 point
Obsessed, no. Perhaps amused. Or curious.. *human* behavior is fascinating.. maybe I'm just trying to understand this..a group of grown adults poking themselves in their eyes with ball point pens would make more sense to me.. so they want to go on a cruise.. remember the good times long ago, willing (and sometimes self-paying) victims of one not so really special multi-level religious scam.. and many think it made them somehow *special*.. they can even rub elbows with some of the more convinced and motivated scammers or abusers.. if that's what they want to do to "enjoy life".. by all means, go ahead.. you don't need my *blessing* or anything.. this kind of (in my opinion) lunacy kinda screams for comments though, doesn't it? as far as having NOTHING to do with me and my life.. I disagree. I was scammed to support sometimes innocent and sincere people into this grisley mess.. and some of the *product* of the corpse turned out to be those who harmed me and my family the worst.. like it or not, we ARE connected.. they can *handle* a little sarcasm.1 point
Oh sarcasm. . . . . how unique around here. . . . great way to contribute to the topic! As to your question . . . sure you can polish my halo. . . come on over. . . my silver is looking dull too.1 point
I'd personally like to be on this ship so I could anonymously watch the show.1 point
Welcome to Greasespot Cafe doingjustfinethankyou Your post here reminds me of the "every and never" words again. I don't see where Jeff blames others for every bad thing in his life. Every bad thing? Sometimes when someone expects others to take accountability for their actions that altered our life other say "you chose to be there, why blame them". That is an excuse, again, so that the one excusing doesn't have to interact, consider, converse or, perhaps, help. Read what he's said, he lost his wife ! His marriage ! Why would he not want someone to have some sort of accountability for that massive loss in his life? Could he have walked away and given up and not fought for his wife and marriage and their son? Sure he could have and likely saved himself a helluvalot of grief and torment, but it seems to me he's got more integrity and scrap in him than that. Then he'd be accused of "allowing it to happen" or some other silliness. He took vows with a woman he loved and they bore a son; that's not a small deal and he had every right to not accept the loss of either. I believe that blame is a good thing; maybe it's the word we don't like: blame. Call it whatever works, but he has the right to understand and put the spotlight on those that harmed, hurt, wracked and ruined his, and it seems many others', lives. And by all accounts continue to do so. Why not? Wouldn't you? Would you lie down and watch your family be ripped out from under your heart and just say "ho hum, whatever"? I hope not. These forums are tricky in that we can't know a whole lot about a person unless we hang here quite a bit and get a feel for their words, ideas, watch for consistency, and listen with our reading, as it were. So much for my introduction to you; I do welcome you here. And add that this is the My Story section of this forum; of course implying that it's that person's story. Unless you or I or anyone has actually lived a part of the writers life, we can't possibly refute or contradict or argue with their telling, can we? Jeff has been given the freedom, here, to tell his story and he's done so with the information he's got, in fact looking for discussion and exchange, but not to be confused with argument of his facts. I'd bet if you told one of your life's stories here, you attempt to do so with the assurance that it's your story and therefore you hold the copyright to it, by default, 'cuz it's yours; who's to argue with you. Am I to assume by your 'get your facts straight' comment that you are familiar with Jeff and his story? Then, by all means, share as he's invited. Again, when we write out a story in a forum such as this, we do have to practice some form of edit for the sake of time, the readers attention span and our own other obligations. I'm 50 years old and if I were to tell EVERY fact of my story, there would be much snoring; it's just too long. I know, you would suggest that he "tell the story he's told here" with his facts straight. I would again say 'how do you know'. Get a life. Why is that the quickest retort available; seems like one of those "get over it" excuses, rather than actually giving someone the courtesy of your time and consideration to his story. Get spellcheck. Read his posts and you'll see how often he edits for "spelling and clarity". Again, isn't it rather unkind to make such a comment as "get spellcheck". Perhaps you are an Editor by trade and spelling errors pizz you off. Understandable but still not neighborly to point out anothers' errors. I add again, we don't really know each other here, save for a small handful of those that have met, or have been hanging here and elsewhere before Greasespot, so we only have each other's written words with which to get aquainted. We have to exercise patience and kindness. If someone chooses to tell their story around here, it's not how they do it, it's that they do it. That, as I understand it, is the purpose of this part of the forum. Get to know us, wander around and see that we're not perfect, there are not a whole lot of judgement calls in this part of the forum. Alot of Greasespot Cafe, in my opinion, is telling what happened, with the eye toward finding the places our experiences fit in our life so that we can live with them and not err on the same side again OR telling what happened so as to perhaps assist another in not having it happen to them. One voice can carry a long way towards healing if that's what is needed, understanding which is always helpful and clarity as needed. Regardless, it's his story, my story and you have one; tell us.1 point
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