How did we get on pantheism? Not that I would avoid a discussion with you about it, but I didn't see where it fit in. If I understand it correctly, karma, if that is what we're talking about, isn't limited to one lifetime, "bad" karma in one lifetime results in a "lower" status in the next life (remember, we're talking about a culture with an extremely rigid caste structure) and bad stuff happening to you to "balance" the bad stuff that you did. There are various ways that believers in karma explain the mechanism by which it works, some attribute it to a property of the universe itself, some say one or another deity controls it. Yeah, I agree, but no harder than putting faith in the biblical god who seems to me just as fickle and just as unjust. My opinion (at least the one I hold right this minute) is that cosmic justice is a human conception invented to make sense of a world that doesn't seem very just. Bad things happen, seemingly without rhyme or reason and our minds flail about trying to make sense of it, or at least trying to make ourselves feel better about getting screwed out of that job, or getting cancer, or getting hit with an earthquake or a tsunami. We just can't cope with the randomness of it all.