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GreaseSpot Cafe


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2009 in all areas

  1. The thing is, Waydale was fun. Remember the poptart thread? And of course, the infamous THE. There were so many witty, fun threads, that just let us excultists have fun.
    1 point
  2. No doubt, Waydale was incredible...twi never counted on the internet to rally their distractors against them...between Waydale and the A**en lawsuit, Martindale hit the wall harder than Mr MaGoo playing Jai alai...it was only a matter of time before lcm fu**ed with the wrong guy...and P**l A**en was that guy...good for him! I believe that Trancechat, Waydale and the GreaseSpot Cafe (collectively) has crippled the scum sucking cult known as twi...may they all suck sewage water and enter their necro destiny before they hurt another person.
    1 point
  3. Well you all know my story... I googled grease spot for some removal tips.. and there right up at the top was the grease spot Cafe...(a meeting place for anyone who was impacted by The Way International) Imagine my surprise to find out the cherished ministry I loved but had left in 83 was not at all what I thought it was. I came on here with trepidation... not sure if I would be welcomed or shunned as we were persona non Grata at TWI for leaving the Corps... at one time I had run into a twig when my girls were little and was invited to come to twig ( they didn't know who I was, didn't have my name).. This was in 87 and I had that gut turning feeling you get when something is dangerous(okay maybe only I get that) .. and so I did not go.. even though Hubby said I should if I wanted to. I could not do it. Thank God I did not start up again with TWI. IT would have been a huge mistake. And so it has been a year now that I have been on here and all my illusions about the ministry are gone.. and all of the questions I had about doubtful practices are answered and I am still learning stuff.. I am up to working in doctrinal beliefs.. sorting that part of it out. I realize you all are on about a different time in the time line but for me, my world could not have been more shattered than it has been by Grease Spot Cafe. I can not even begin to tell you all, how thankful I am that you are here and have made the information you know available on here. IT seems silly.. since my life was not impacted nearly as much as others on here, but the ministry teachings were insidious and even after all those years away I am still finding my self having to work it out of my belief patterns and speech patterns . and thoughts. Some people on here call it finding their voice... LOL I call it release from my prisons (Bwahahaahaha) the TWI ones that I didn't know I was enslaved in.
    1 point
  4. The HighWay: I googled "The Way International" - first thing up is this website. And I'd been searching for The Way International because I needed the zip code for any letter I might steel myself to writing. ...no such letter was ever written. :P Had been living down the bottom of a deep dark well since being M&A'd mid-90s so no knowledge of lawsuits or anything going on. Was totally shocked. At the time, there were big debates going on within other denominations about how to handle matters like whether homosexuals could be ordained; whether civil partnerships/same sex relationships should be blessed in churches; second marriages where there has been adultery in the first marriage; and paedophilia by RC ministers. I knew TWI would have very strong views and certainly would not condone any such wrongdoing. They stood on what the Bible said and just simply would not allow such conduct. My view of this pristine organization (LOL) was (hmm) somewhat disturbed (!) when I read the documents on the front page at the Cafe.
    1 point
  5. Jeezus Twinky - never crawl back to that space. I'd rather be in a good old fashioned barroom brawl than go back there. Chin up lass
    1 point
  6. FWIW, I never heard of Waydale. I'm glad this place is called "Grease Spot Cafe". Had it been called Waydale, I probably wouldn't have paid any attention. As it was, I found Grease Spot Cafe as I was looking for the zip code, preparing to crawl back to TWI over broken glass because my life was so miserable on the outside. The intriguing diversion to the Cafe...has distracted me ever since. Never made it back to TWI. Phew!!!
    1 point
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