I think I may just be in a foul mood. . . . or feeling completely antagonistic . . . . but, a friend or two from the way daze doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility.
That being said. . . .
I do think brainfixed points out a really valid distinction between the perception some may have of their time in a cult to the actual events and overall reality of what we were a part of. . . . basing "fellowship" and "friendship" around an idea that never really was.
The "Word". . . Moving the "Word" . . . and serving some "Greater good".
Breaking it down. . .the "Word" taught was a lie. . . . "Moving the word" meant lining TWI's coffers by selling a class and indoctrinating new recruits . . . . and "Serving" meant within the extremely limiting parameter of "The Word" . . . you were a workhorse to the "Household".
I know some rebels did step beyond the parameters and actually help others with real problems. Sadly. . . . that was the rare exception and they usually had to break the rules to do so.
For me, and in my opinion, what probably IS a good example of some sort of delusional collective memory and yearning for bygone "fellowship" and "friendship" sometimes articulated here . . . . is that Way Corps Only site.
From what I can glean, because hubby refuses to join, is that it is filled with the collective nostalgia and revisionist history of days gone by, laced with a fair amount elitism added for the complete nostalgic experience.
However, that is only a guess from threads here, Penwork's article, and others posts.
Offshoots are another example. People perpetuating the fantasy of Moving the Word, Fellowship, and Service. Learn the gospel and go on missions if that is what you want to do! Or, do relief work. . . if you want to make a difference. . . . feed a hungry belly.
So, is there anyone here I missed? Or have I offended just about everyone?