Dear Copenhagen,
I think it is great that it is clear for you when you started realizing that LCM was really underserving scum as opposed to all the honor and love we were told he deserved as Wierwille's chosen successor.
Personally, I kind of Wonder how much Rosie and her defacto wife rejoice in the fact they put LCM out to pasture and now run the show in TWI. They kind of seem like some freakish, vainglorying, power hungry monsters beneath a thin veneer of biblical respectibility now.
I think love and honor for these scum may very well be the number one cause of people being pulled back into the fold or a splinter group. And to me it seems thet every splinter has some version of dwelling on the best of TWI.
I thought it only took a little leaven to leaven the whole lump?
Dear Potato,
So you realized that while you lived with the repurcussions of much abuse that the real liars and scum were running the TWI show. To me that sounds like a life changing realization.
For whatever it's worth, I had realizations before I got kicked out and lived with much abuse too. I think if I had soundly realized that V.B. of RRF was the scum I know him to be now back then, I may have made it out with less pain.
Daer Watered Garden,
Was the son of yours that also had the sense to help get you out of TWI because he stood up to them too? I seem to remember you sharing something like that before, sorry if I have it wrong.
Dear crystalclearblue,
I bet everyone that spent time in TWI or one of the splinters has similar regrets to the ones you are sharing. I am glad you share them with us, thank you. TWI had to work very hard to keep people from processing stuff, and to me it seems that even the ones who knew much of the TWI evils didn't realize that Top leadership were often scum and their sins should be shouted from the housetops, and IMO, TWI deserved all the censure that we might have possibly been able to even hypothyetically given them.
And as long as an old Wayfer does not realize that Wierwille really was a monster, they will never really have a hold on what really went down at "The Way International.
(edited for spelling)