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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2009 in all areas

  1. I didn't know it was the charter of GSC to be helpful. I think that being helpful was from the BASIC (not WAY driven) goodness of people's own hearts. I believe - if I can still read English - the mission is to tell the other side of the story. While I certainly wish no harm on newbies who have (perhaps...and often fabricated) trauma of their own... simple facts are that GSC is not a certified psychological "help site." Just a bunch of folks telling the "other side of the story." Excie - perhaps you should go back to the JW site where you have been trashing GSC as well as Pawtucket by his real name. It has not been missed by several here on GSC. Pawtucket gave you safe haven and you have endeavored to trash him on the net. Wanna buy a used motor coach too?
    3 points
  2. it took me YEARS to even TRY TO express what happened to me in the way, and i'm fairly certain it's "old news" to most people here i talked to someone today who was in for almost 30 years and out less than five they have been trying and trying to "find their voice" -- greasespot hasn't been helpful i cannot tell you how heartbroken that makes me has greasespot evolved so much that people here forget ? i have forgotten until now, and that's what prompted me to come back on here so many of "us" (or at least "me") are years ahead of this outstanding worthwhile lovely soul -- why do we think others are where we are ? and even if they don't please us (or "line up with us") in their particular place in their path, why doesn't compassion rule ? i had actually forgotten what it's like to be out for a short time and ALSO i did not spend 30 years IN
    1 point
  3. I know people who refuse to come here because it's too aggressive. When I first came here I was appalled at the libellous comments about some of the leadership of TWI. But I read in a sort of fascinated horror and eventually it began to connect with what I had seen but couldn't comprehend or acknowledge. Eventually I realized that the comments weren't libellous but actually spoke out of a long pattern of evildoing. But my first thought was that these people are so unthankful, so ungrateful, so.... (head in hands). Easy to see why people are put off. Now I'm appalled by how rude some people are to newbies who still hold "TWI truth" in their hearts. It's a sort of "love bombing" in reverse. Give newbies a chance to get through the door, folks! Don't rise to the challenge to "speak the {GSC} truth" quite so aggressively.
    1 point
  4. I would agree that the tone is harsh towards people that are perceived as not getting "it". We (collectively) have not done a good job at meeting people where they are.
    1 point
  5. Since we didn't get one yesterday, I'll offer three today: mercurial, jovial, and saturnine mercurial: adj. liable to sudden unpredictable change; "erratic behavior"; "fickle weather"; "mercurial twists of temperament"; "a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next" jovial: adj. gay; merry; joyous; jolly; mirth-inspiring; hilarious; characterized by mirth or jollity. saturnine: adj. heavy; grave; gloomy; dull; showing a brooding ill humor; "a dark scowl"; a morose and unsociable manner. Martindale's behavior was mercurial: he could be grandly jovial one minute and profoundly saturnine the next.
    1 point
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