I visited an old friend who was a corps grad, about 10 years ago while traveling through his city. We had worked together for years , I hadn't seen him since the 80's, and I was only going to be in town that night. He invited me to stay the night , but unfortunately had to go to Geer's class, but there was no problem because even if he's a few minutes late, they'll still let him in ( as opposed to the legalistic way classes). He also had to get up at 4 am to wash windows, so my visit after all those years consisted of seeing him come and go to class,sleeping on a futon, and locking his door when I left in the morning. Nice to see ya.
I wondered why he couldn't have just taken a night off from class, but I also knew old habits die hard. He came back excited, telling me Geer made 4 crucified 'really live'. I guess the 500 other times he heard that teaching didn't for some reason.
And that's as close to Geer's class as I will ever get.