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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2009 in all areas

  1. I visited an old friend who was a corps grad, about 10 years ago while traveling through his city. We had worked together for years , I hadn't seen him since the 80's, and I was only going to be in town that night. He invited me to stay the night , but unfortunately had to go to Geer's class, but there was no problem because even if he's a few minutes late, they'll still let him in ( as opposed to the legalistic way classes). He also had to get up at 4 am to wash windows, so my visit after all those years consisted of seeing him come and go to class,sleeping on a futon, and locking his door when I left in the morning. Nice to see ya. I wondered why he couldn't have just taken a night off from class, but I also knew old habits die hard. He came back excited, telling me Geer made 4 crucified 'really live'. I guess the 500 other times he heard that teaching didn't for some reason. And that's as close to Geer's class as I will ever get.
    1 point
  2. Only if it's shill witnessing at the mall.
    1 point
  3. I guess those big shots just didn't understand because they were so spurchal, their poop didn't stink!
    1 point
  4. Hmm good question Twinky. well for me it took a long time and it was a step by step process... I guess if I had actually known I needed to wowrk on it it would have been faster.. but a couple things .. College as an adult has been probably the most helpful I took this class on how to research on the internet and it forever changed the way I interpret stuff. I don't mean just internet stuff but books I read now and when I listen to some ones speech. Newspaper articles Radio talk shows and television shows even the ones I just watch for enjoyment. We were taught to look for certain things when we went to a website. NO particular order of importance. 1 Who Wrote it 2 Why did they write it 3 How does the information benefit them 4 Are they selling something. 5 Who is their message to 6 Who is reading that message. 7 Who is repeating what they say 8 What are their credentials 9 Does the information benefit me and if so how? Another lesson I learned on a radio talk show.. IT was the only one I could really ever listen to..because the guy actually properly debated issues with his callers. Any way I would be going to pick up my girls from High school and his show was on so I would listen while I waited for them One day he was going to be discussing a very controversial issue and he told the listeners what a proper debate really was supposed to be like. each side tells what their idea is.. with out interruption then they discuss not yell out what is right or wrong. point by point. It was the first time I realized you could talk to someone with completely opposing ideas and share what you each believe in a friendly atmosphere, and that it was not only okay but preferable to listen to each other because each person would come to a better understanding of the issue. another thing that helped my critical thinking skills was having teenagers.. you can not just tell them no, you have to know why you are saying no, or yes or for that matter why they need to make their bed, or do the dishes... Okay and this is my new one I am learning .. IT is reading with a pencil in my hand.. reading and stopping to consider what is actually being said whether I am just trying to figure out where the writer is trying to lead me or just trying to organize my own thoughts about a subject, and not being afraid to mark in my books. IT is a way of tearing apart what a person is saying and digesting it and mulling it over... questioning it! One of the biggest problems I have regarding TWI is sometimes reconciling what TWi was to me with the reality of what TWI really was. So I sit and remind myself who wrote it , what his credentials were, why he wrote it, why he taught it. and what it did to other people , and what it did to me. I think now one of the biggest problems i learned from TWI was just accepting information.. I didn't question it.. at first I did but as time went on I stopped trying .. IT was too hard of a battle with all around me. so i gave up.. Maybe if I had been older it would have ....ed me off and I would have just walked away. The most important lesson I have learned in College.. just because some one wrote it doesn't make it true and just because someone has a degree doesn't make what they say correct.. you have to really take information you receive and consider the source and the intent of it.. and even the logic of it and the probability of it being true or correct. Information is to be mulled over examined from every angle and considered.
    1 point
  5. Wouldn't you just love to see a video of that now?
    1 point
  6. In an on-line, words-on-the-page community as this one is, it behooves us to think for more than a nanosecond before hitting the 'reply' button, but even then, misunderstandings and assumptions abound. One of my personal 'words of wisdom' is that I have the responsibility to express myself in a manner that is easy to understand and that isn't rude or abrasive while the person that I am addressing has the responsibility to refrain from thinking the worst or picking the most negative connotation when I am perceived as ambiguous. Wow! should write that down somewhere
    1 point
  7. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
    1 point
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