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I haven't really read a "Sower" in years (as far as I was concerned, they were too wordy and hard to follow), but I've thought more and more it's necessary, if only to hone my critical thinking skills. This month most of the magazine focuses on truth and relationships. I'm going to be honest about this. For years, I had a hard time having a "deep relationship" with anyone who I wasn't sure was non-trinitarian. It was a point of commonality for me that was a deal breaker. This belief in the importance of the belief caused me to shut out people that I knew were trinitarian. The truth is that I could not have a non-antagonistic conversation with someone about the trinity. I was so wrapped up in the "truth" of my belief system that I could not imagine myself apart from it. And then it happened in October of 2002. I got my first taste of being ministered to by trinitarians. Granted, none of them knew I wasn't one of "them". But I stopped thinking of them as "them". I don't keep my beliefs hidden anymore, but I don't go out of my way to push what I believe onto my friends and make it a point of contention. Why? It came down to semantics. I believed Jesus became a functional equal to God. Trinitarians believe he always was. I say "believed" because I'm not so sure about any of it anymore. I opened up my mind to possibilities and I saw that none of it was as cut and dried as I once believed. The other reason is that I frame my discussions around the notion that I'm in "learning mode". I want them to help me to understand why a particular belief is so important to them. I have been able to have very deep conversations with people once I stopped trying to convince them that I was right and they were wrong. DG in his article about truth and relationships is dismayed that a long time friend gives up "truth" for relationship. He doesn't understand why someone would do that. He dismisses other's truth as being subjective, while believing his truth is objective. Well, I used to think the same thing. I used to believe that somehow I had a better ability to objectively view things than others. I will say that I have a higher than normal ability to step back and view things objectively, but I am far from being totally objective about my world view. Once I realized that even my awareness of that could be highly subjective, I stopped believing in any kind of absolute truth. Just because someone can state that they are objective about why he or she believes something, doesn't mean he or she is. EVERYONE works off of a set of assumptions and presumptions and no one can be 100% sure his or hers are the correct ones. DG acknowledges that while trying to convince the reader that his view is truth rather than his truth. DG describes himself as a "genuine" truth seeker while (IMO) looking at others as less of one. Those who are not genuine appear to be people who won't consider his (opposing) position. He defends his stance because he doesn't hold the position "for position's sake". I beg to disagree. Once one makes a statement regarding a "truth", it becomes a position. Once a relationship is dissolved based upon doctrine (position), then it really does become "for position's sake." Why am I bringing this up? Because I see many of the same tactics that were used within TWI to keep people from thinking for themselves. I have observed these "truth seekers" first hand and how they refused to entertain any position other than their own. I have witnessed and been at the other end of how they drew information out of a person only to use that information against them at a later date. The reality is that the vast majority of people who invest money into STF do NOT have the depth of relationship with the people at the top that they think they do. If you read the letters and testimonials, they are full of "way speak." Basically people who believe that because these guys came out of TWI that they somehow have a better way of approaching God's word when it comes to proper understanding. I would agree that STF has a system, but it's flawed. I personally believe ALL systems of bible study are flawed, because they are designed by humans and therefore have biases. I believe that in order to be a true "truth seeker, " one must continually question what they think and believe, and never ever ever leave it up for someone else to decide.1 point
As most of us know here at GS......wierwille twice attended BG Leonard's class The Gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1953, in February and in June/July of that same year. This was no small commitment for an Ohio preacher who traveled to Calgary, Alberta Canada.....and on the second trip, with wife and son Don, two carloads of congregants. By October, wierwille taught this same material as his own......no syllabus, no class material. As the years passed, wierwille added some from Stiles, Kenyon, Bullinger and "law of believing jargon" to distance himself from others and copyright his material. What's in a name: Power for Abundant Living Hey.......you want POWER? And.......how about ABUNDANCE? And.......add some LIVING for good measure? C'mon folks......it's easy. Just pray, believe and presto......God will give you what you want!!! You get "abundance" in this life..........and REWARDS FOR ALL ETERNITY as you stay faithful to twi. Now, if you don't understand all the "keys" at first.....get into the next class nearest you and perfect your believing. See you at the rock and see you at the top !!! :B)1 point
Got this in my email a couple days ago and my reply. The sender failed to hit the BCC button. Incidentally, I've never, ever known anyone by the name of 'Sandi McCall' *********************************************************************************** From: Sandi McCall <slmccall@gmail.com> Subject: need your help urgently.....please To: acrosby@monitor.station.sony.com, adama@ustruck.com, aelfie@gmail.com, afcarter@academicplanet.com, agnie@mwpower.net, agnie@netxxpress.net, ainure@adelphia.net, ainure@earthlink.net, akannayiram@gmail.com, alex.gomes@pandora.be, alicia@meadowlandsnissan.com, allix@juno.com, ambjacobs@yahoo.com, amcr@amethystone.net, ammanni@cableone.net, amwagner@uia.net, amy.leone@verizon.net, amywelsh@gmail.com, anamul@accesscomm.ca, ande3302@umn.edu, andi@strayalleycat.com, andreas.g@ktv.nu, andredoose@gmx.net, andrew.dittman@ubs.com, andrew.mace@ntlworld.com, anicoletti@covantaenergy.com, anita.harris@oracle.com, anna.rizzo@ref-fuel.com, anthonynorris@colohealth.com, aprilm@jokeaday.com, aragusa@gmail.com, aratinid@cableone.net, arcie@thisistrue.com, arcnecro@pacbell.net, arekoske@monitor.station.sony.com, arekoske@soe.sony.com, arekoske@station.sony.com, argonath@earthlink.net, armandortz@yahoo.com, arose@soe.sony.com, ateeze@bellsouth.net, avivian@plumroseusa.com, avm.alex@gte.net, avm.alex@verizon.net, avm1@comcast.net, avonminden@soe.sony.com, awelsh@energyanswers.com, aydoon@mclarentech.com, ayee1128@comcast.net, aztec@map.com, bakaris@beowulf.net, barauk_therathe@attbi.com, barauk_therathe@yahoo.com, barbara@evilmuppet.com, baseballkidsam@att.net, bathanis@yahoo.com, batty_14@yahoo.com, bauxr@allwaysrite.com, bbcoordinators@yahoogroups.com, bckeller56@gmail.com, bcolleran@taylorbean.com, bdoll@covantaenergy.com, beaute@earthlink.net, beconomy@soe.sony.com, beliefnetbuddhistwisdom@partner.beliefnet.com, bellara@vzavenue.net, bevlimbach@aol.com, bgordon82@charter.net, bigdogbadmood@comcast.net, bill@century-tvl.com, blackknife2002@yahoo.com, blanket29@yahoo.com, blee@wyndham.com, blue_monkey_814@yahoo.ca, blueize@tampabay.rr.com, bob.keller@ref-fuel.com, boneheadofthedayaward-owner@yahoogroups.com, booraembj@emeraldis.com, brasse@cfl.rr.com, brenda405@att.net, brenda@ndgphoenix.com, brendag@netwurx.net, brendakeeler@comcast.net, brendakeeler@cox.net, brianh@ibsa.com, brindadar@gamebox.net, bseager@columbus.rr.com, btuch@usa.net, btuomi@shaw.ca, burninglake@jabridges.com, bwharris@camasnet.com, c4bchief@yahoo.com, caedriel@web.de, caison-xegony@cox.net, calisb1314@aol.com, callen@vvcsd.org, calnibri@amethystone.net, candim38@comcast.net, cani@neo.rr.com, captrosha@captrosha.com, carnivallia@idiosyncratics.com, caseycorbett@sbcglobal.net, catherine.williams@ref-fuel.com, cathmaza@bellatlantic.net, ccnelson@wsunix.wsu.edu, celebrathe@plausiblenotions.com, cferebee@uwgrocers.com, cflath@msn.com, charronn@amberwood.org, chengc@comcast.net, cheryl.govert@oracle.com, chrisbunker@cox.net, chrisl@easystreet.com, chrisroberts@quickenloans.com, christopher.johns2@verizon.net, christopher_gardner@cuc.claremont.edu, chromesn@earthlink.net, cilarea@iqmail.net, cjlalsante@msn.com, cjones@concordservicing.com, clangdon@nautilus.com, clhbrown@adelphia.net, clorenz@s4ms.com, clubrecitopia@yahoogroups.com, cmareview@aol.com, conaway.a@woodstown.org, consumer@plumroseusa.com, corene@helfire.com, cosmic@montana.com, crazysk46@gmail.com, creatickets@creationent.com, cs11@myaccountinfo.com, csc@csc.com, cspencer@wfsg.net, customersat_us@oracle.com, customerservice@costco.com, cvanwie@systemsfusion.com, cyberjoke3000-subscribe@yahoogroups.com, cyric@charter.net, dabbott@soe.sony.com, dakea@kc.rr.com, dale_heinen@covantaenergy.com, daleg@aol.com, darkwing@chartertn.net, darren.ferdinando@doir.wa.gov.au, dbell03@canada.com, dearwebby@webby.com, deborah.jones@bluware.com, debsc@peoplepc.com, dechan@homepctech.com, dedewhiteside@aim.com, demibean-bertox@comcast.net, demibean@comcast.net, derf@netxxpress.net, derythan@comcast.net, designsbb@comcast.net, destinydiv@aol.com, dgood@soe.sony.com, diaperfree@gmail.com, dickepoohp@yahoo.com, dimyr_gnome@yahoo.com, direserifrpg@yahoo.com, dloughy@att.net, dmartinez@covantaenergy.com, dmunevar@gmail.com, domnitia@allwaysrite.com, donnie@emj.com, dragonladyx8@attbi.com, dranok03@yahoo.com, drtns@flarn.com, dwscrub@aol.com, eahalliburton@aol.com, ebayauctions@remixgames.com, ecengineer84@gmail.com, ecm4kids@yahoo.com, edwardandcher@cox.net, eevans@rosicrucian.org, ehaskins@oraknowledge.com, ehill102@optonline.net, ehsupport@eharmony.com, eillim@blazenet.net, elder-guides@soe.sony.com, elder-guides@station.sony.com, elizera_the_elegant@yahoo.com, elleia@charter.net, elleia@enigmalake.net, ellen1230@gmail.com, ellsbury@sbcglobal.net, emdreception@yahoo.com, emilseq@charter.net, epm@iname.com, eqcomm-verant@soe.sony.com, eqcomm-verant@station.sony.com, eqdaarkseer@earthlink.net, eqdeifilia@bellsouth.net, eqmythra@earthlink.net, eqtanelle@yahoo.com, eqtt-train@yahoogroups.com, eqttsmt@yahoogroups.com, eqvalya@earthlink.net, eric.noggle@cexp.com, eroshkariz@optonline.net, errindel@rogers.com, eselagea@yahoo.com, ezine@gophercentral.com, fadraek@crimsonlegion.net, falucpatel@optonline.net, fannon@comcast.net, fannychanea@msn.com, feegflang@yahoo.com, feratu@charter.net, firefox11@charter.net, flyer86@tampabay.rr.com, fn3639@webtv.net, fonz88@aol.com, fran98765@insightbb.com, frashurejl@mail2.vcu.edu, gaiete@midsouth.rr.com, gcampo@csc.com, gcanham@cogeco.ca, gdm3rd@yahoo.com, gemma.wilson@discount-london.com, geoff@williams-family.com, george8888@pacbell.net, george999@earthlink.net, gill.nicholls@ntlworld.com, gillyn.hayes@ntlworld.com, githa_rathe@yahoo.com, gjwinter@gmail.com, glink24@aol.com, gmail.com@yahoogroups.com, gmcookie@yahoo.com, gmpy57@aol.com, goldenroot@cfl.rr.com, gourney@earthlink.net, gracefabrics16@yahoo.co.uk, greeby@greeby.org, greg.johnson@ref-fuel.com, greyk@dim.com, grid@kc.rr.com, gronkus@optonline.net, grylore@ntlworld.com, gscotto@soe.sony.com, gstout@glsphotography.com, guide-chairs@soe.sony.com, guide-chairs@station.sony.com, guide-dorean@comcast.net, guide-events@soe.sony.com, guide-graders@soe.sony.com, guide-taskforce@soe.sony.com, guide-trainers@soe.sony.com, guide-trainers@station.sony.com, guide_amulet@yahoo.com, guide_tyrail@yahoo.com, guidecudah@comcast.net, guidegandras@cox.net, guideklarie@geeklife.com, guideraeal@attbi.com, guideregina@yahoo.com, guideserenn@yahoo.com, guidexukuth@brokentower.com, gwaltonsp@excite.com, hajji2@swissmail.org, hality@ujannj.org, hbjacobs@sympatico.ca, heilpern@tmail.com, heirloom-brell@adelphia.net, heirloom-xev@adelphia.net, help@textbooksrus.com, henry@henrytkirk.com, higsby@comcast.net, hijinks@mchsi.com, hoerni@gmail.com, hoerning@comcast.net, hotaru@wmtel.net, hotchkiss25@juno.com, hotleadsingerguy@adelphia.net, howardnj1@yahoo.com, hr@tribecaoven.com, humor@webby.com, hvyas@covantaenergy.com, iley@gvec.net, info@davidzeller.org, irishfury@ec.rr.com, irobancho@soe.sony.com, isasweetie@earthlink.net, j.holness@ntlworld.com, jacommon@twcny.rr.com, jadcookbook@earthlink.net, jaer@atmos.ucla.edu, jamesljones@tds.net, jasmine70@sbcglobal.net, jcail@nycap.rr.com, jcalland@soe.sony.com, jcherb@ptd.net, jconn795@yahoo.com, jeburger@wowway.com, jeff.winter@ref-fuel.com, jenny@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu, jerryslife@earthlink.net Date: Monday, September 28, 2009, 5:53 AM Shalom I'm sorry for this request because it might get to you too urgent, I'm in a deep mess right now and need some assistance from you urgently,please. Actually,am stuck in London and need help getting back home, came down here to visit a resort on vacation , unfortunately ,i was robbed at gunpoint,my bag, cash ,cards and my cell phone were stolen at GUN POINT. it's such a terrible experience ,right now i need help flying back home, the authorities are not being 100% supportive . good thing is i still have my passport ,just don't have enough money to get back home, please i need you to help me promise to refund you as soon as i get back ,please get back to me asap thanks Sandi *************************************************************************** Ron's response... Ahhhh, Sandy, How very fortunate you still have your passport!!! (AND your computer along with a VERY long list of addresses...over THIRTY that begin with "A".) I am thrilled to be included in your voluminous list of dear friends eager to aid you in this, your hour of need. Applying the standard bell curve to relative intelligence, of a group of 100, and your list is WELL over that, IQ scores will break down as approximately 60% between 90 and 110. 30% between 70 and 130 and about 5% over 140 and under 60%. This should provide a sufficient number of "friends" who fall into that group of IQ's under 60-70. One problem you may encounter is the very group who might be reasonably expected to fall for your scam, are, by their very mental capacity, more suited to serving a speed bumps as opposed to being able to front you a plane ticket. Perhaps we can solve your dilemma by suggesting you use the old and lame but apparently still, roping in suckers, gimmick of offering to send a cashiers check for even more than the person is asking...and telling them to "take what you need" and simply send the balance to your "agent". This one appeals to their hidden greed and if properly played can be quite lucrative as it doesn't require that they be imbeciles to respond. dang for brains, but not IDIOTS. As a last resort, you might try the well-worn Nigerian millionaire which with the relative absense of cost using internet distribution just MIGHT rope in a gullible "fish". While you are awaiting the responses to your "plane ticket scam", you might polish up your technique by approaching folks (young guys...and leave your top button(s) inadvertently loosened) at service stations with the request that they "LOAN" you just enough gas money to get home to fill in town...about 150 miles away...or help you buy a spare tire as your is shot, and you have found a service station which will sell you one for $25. Be SURE to ask for a return address to which you will immediately send replacement funds when you "get home" This routine has been known to return over $100 an hour, more, sometimes MUCH more if enough buttons are "missed" and if 'asker' is young, comely, innocent and preferably, blond. This approach has the added benefit of allowing a last minute close' should you be turned down....that is: "I am really desperate...Just LOAN me the $25...I will REPAY you...AND I'll give you a b*** job." If you are currently sporting braces or other wiry dental appliances, you can substitute a hand job, but returns may drop significantly. I offer these friendly words of advice and hope they are helpful. Sincerely Helpful Ron1 point
Hi again Kizka, I have to agree with much of what brainfixed said. Just as anywhere else, but maybe on the internet especially, folks are not often what they seem. I am guessing since you have been a member here for a while that this fact has not escaped you. Heck, I have heard stories of even people pretending to be one gender while seeking relationships with their own gender. And no matter what one thinks of relationships or their own choice of gender preference it seems obvious to me that dishonesty is not a healthy place to start a relationship of any kind. I think that your first post was very brave. The folks that have had the most impact on me since I came here had the courage to share their own stories without much in the way of pulling any punches. And I think many TWI trained predators may see a woman who admits to certain patterns as you have as a possible mark, I would hope that posting at GSC with your anonymity in place may provide you with a certain safe distance from folks who may try to play you. At least it gives you the chance to fully consider a post or private message before responding in any manner at all, which you have the right to not respond to any overtures of any kind if you wish to not respond. Let me just say that if any man at all has tried to contact you thinking to start any relationship that you already know is unhealthy for you as you have stated plainly, that I am embarrassed a little for us all. And if any woman has contacted you privately in order to warn you off of continuing this thread that there may well be good reasons and personal ones at that for their warnings. But when I first saw your post I thought that this thread may be a good opportunity for both women and men to discuss the folly concerning our own personal relationships that TWI may have built into us. I know for certain that as a young man that I was attracted to other young women who professed Godliness but also had a certain sexual edge to them and their relationships without the necessary love and commitment. So it seems to me that even us men may have the same kind of unhealthy patterns that you have described from your own perspective. But I already know for certain that you are not the only one with the issues that you share with us. And it was very brave IMO of you to be up front with us concerning some of your issues. But without honest participation from any of the gals and guys that I know could really relate to your situation it is unfortunately inevitable that even an outstanding topic such as this thread will come to nothing out here in broad daylight where we can all see just what is happening. And I hope that for you Kizka, that the things that may be going on behind the scene are not troublesome for you. Take care and God bless, JEFF1 point
In the late 90's they started doing reviews of the previous week's SNS as part of the SNS itself. then we had to devote one teaching a week at fellowship to teaching the same subject as was on the SNS, and doing a review at fellowship of the tape. So we had to hear the same crap 4 times: The tape itself The review on the next tape The teaching at fellowship and the review at fellowship1 point
Charlene, Thank you for the clarification and your hard work. I still own all of the volumes and have used them on many occasions. One of your fellow 2nd corps grads was a friend and filled me in on the hard work that went into the project. One great use I found was to read parts of it to my kids when they were younger. King James is a bit much for kids but your translations were so much more approachable. JT1 point
Well, who knows,, THW, maybe we met. When I was in rez, I spent a lot of time getting ready for SNS one way or another. At differing times, this might include making up vats of coffee, or wrapping burgers in foil, or preparing other stuff to hand out to people leaving. At the time, I was impressed (though somewhat amazed) that people should have the dedication to drive so very far to come to SNS. And I was pleased that we could freely give coffee or burgers or whatever to such dedicated people. Of course, now it's clear that it wasn't dedication but compulsion that brought those people. And a cup of coffee after the SNS was such miserable recompense for the cost in time and actual expenditure for people to get to SNS. Anyway, FWIW the coffee and burgers that I put together for field folks were made with love and respect (on my part, anyway). And it was nice to see you, to see some fresh folk, even if some of you didn't for obvious reasons hang around for long.1 point
I'm writing this additional bit to clarify what I said above. First, I'd like to say my name is Charlene Edge. While in The Way, my maiden name was Charlene Lamy; my married name was Charlene Bishop. I graduated from the Second Way Corps in 1973. Credits: In the above post, I did not state the names of those who worked on the this Concordance because I did not feel comfortable doing so. My reason was NOT because they are trying to hide their identities or are not proud of their work. On the contrary! It is a work to be proud of! I simply did not have their consent on hand to name them. First, many of us know that Bernita Jess began the Aramaic/Syriac work for The Way in the early 1970s. Over the years, beginning in 1972 while in the Way Corps when VPW assigned me to work with Bernita, I began to help her in minor ways. As the Corps groups grew in numbers, so did Bernita's helpers. The Concordance published in August 1985. By this time, the primary person responsible for bringing this Concordance to completion was Joe Wise, an 8th Way Corps graduate. He told me I could release his name here. Joe earned his Masters Degree in Near Eastern Studies from the University of Chicago, gaining this specific academic training in order to work on the Aramaic/Syriac projects at The Way International. An article came out in The Way Magazine, July/August 1985 that describes the project and states the names of contributors. Frankly, it was painful to find out that so many people, both in and out of The Way, do not know who is responsible for that research publication other than the fact that The Way International published it. To the best of my remembrance, The Way ministry put no names on their book publications other than VPW's or Walter Cummins's, at least while I was there. In the front matter of the Concordance, it simply states, "Edited by The Way International Research Team." Since members of the team changed over the years, no one would know which members did the work. A little more background: About a year before its publication, Bernita had some family issues that took her away from the project for awhile, namely the unfortunate death of her husband, George Jess. Then Joe Wise, because of his academic training and ability, assumed the leading role. I hope this helps the discussion. You can contact me through my profile on this web site if you have any further questions. Cheers! Charlene a.k.a. Penworks1 point
If there's anything I learned from my way experience.. I'm really not *smart* enough to find Him. Somehow, he has to find me.. its not my responsibility.. so to speak.. I look out the window every morning.. I dunno.. maybe one has to hear the "call".. where is it.. what is it.. sometimes, it presents itself.. and one can't understand the language at the moment.. if it was that easy.. what would the experience really be worth..1 point
Leafy, You are bringing back memories! No sleep better than TWI-induced. We used to do the same thing as roommates. Until we got this corpse guy. Ugh. Then it was like being at headquarters. But in our basement. Really weird. The guy was nice but way too wayfer for me. The really bad part was the couch we had was SOOOO comfortable. It was leather and overstuffed. Wow, great place to watch sports, movies, anything! Except listen to SNS tapes. ZZZzzz..... So you went WOW and had never been to twig before? I bet your family had a heart attack?! JT1 point
I'm pretty sure the radius was 250 miles. Thankfully I lived in Texas (and still do.) But for someone just inside that 250 miles, that would mean about a four hour trip each way. That would sure make for a long day, not to mention a couple tanks of gas, plus wear and tear on your 'nodebtmobile'. Then as a final insult, you'd be required to listen to the same thing all over again on tape the next week.1 point