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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2009 in all areas

  1. Well, it couldn't be Paul because he sang "When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me." (Obviously about debuhl spurt visitation.) And it couldn't be George because, even though he sang about , he was into Eastern Religion and obviously a "seed boy". Soooooo, I'll go with Ringo because he he sang about a love affair with a young girl who was only ".
    1 point
  2. Oh geez, you guys are making me sorry that I threw all my "Corps notes" away. Any other great classes, teachings, I'm forgetting about? Craig was in hog heaven when John Lennon died. Craig, Victor, couldn't stand anyone that was successful. Craig did have a favorite Beatle, anyone want to guess which one?
    1 point
  3. In reality.....twi would NOT clean their own swamp. Twi-lawyers had to ADVICE THEM WITH STRONG LANGUAGE to get rid of martindale......within months, he was ousted. Now ain't twi "spiritual"??????????????? :blink:
    1 point
  4. hmm.. adept in lying.. must be one of the new "qualifications" for "leadership" in the church or something.. I must have missed it somewhere.. The ONLY reason she still has a job- MONEY. How many millions did the organization sacrifice to settle the little All*n court case? Money- lawyers- and she had the organizations blind backing. As an organization, I don't think they would have survived the trial. Then there was talk about criminal negligence and such.. and what did the money buy? Practically- it bought them "another day".. and kept a group intact where business could run as USUAL.. I wonder how many staff and "participants" still don't know about these accounts.. They made their intentions well known with the a**ens. Put up with sexual harrasment and/or *rape* as condition of employment, or we will list you mark and avoid, label you as possessed and send you off packing in the middle of the night.. that is the reality of the situation. Then came the lawyers.. Personally, it is hard for me to even imagine someone can be that evil.. but the facts bear it out.
    1 point
  5. Ham.....in 1998, martindale was president, rosalie was vice pres. and reynolds was sec/treas When lawyers deposed rosalie in 2000.....she admitted that she knew of martindale's sex predation as early as 1995.... and those court documents are on file. BUT......even that is absurd!!!!! Imo, she lied again. She is so adept at lying that it doesn't faze her in the least. There is no doubt in my mind that she knew of martindale's sex predation that started at least by 1982 or thereabouts....maybe earlier. Even my wife had a not so pleasant encounter of his advances in 1983!!!!! I mean, c'mon.....the 1984/85 athlete of the spirit production dancers and the sexual/sensual imagery in it....etc. etc. Like others, I know more details.......but will not divulge confidences. Some women have moved on with marriages, kids and all....and have no desire to be mentioned in the same context with martindale's conquests. Twi is evil......period.
    1 point
  6. Well, as long as they're "kinder and gentler" everything will be alright.
    1 point
  7. The company line, of course, was that there was something wrong with church that wasn't wrong with TWI. For those of us who actually had encountered a problem or two with specific churches, this resonated and the reflexive answer was "No way! I wouldn't want to go to church!" But for those who grew up in and around TWI, the answer wasn't so obvious, the stagnation, the repetition, the blandness that many of us saw as the embodiment of "a church" was what they saw in TWI.
    1 point
  8. And....back in 1998, the phones were ringing off the walls and twi went into major DAMAGE CONTROL. When I revisit this timeframe, it really pi$$es me off to see all those major players lying and covering for martindale.....ROSALIE RIVENBARK, JOHN RENOLDS, J. L1NDER, HOWARD ALLEN, DON WIERWILLE etc. in such bald-faced fashion. And, after you peel off the obvious layer or those "in the know"......what about other security guys? receptionists and others with walkie/talkie radios? president's cabinet? wanda? emogene? others? How deep does this cover-up go? I sometimes think that L1nder, or someone close by, is planning to write a book on all this? Imagine.....the leverage gained in holding ALL THIS DIRT over the heads of twi's directors? What would it be worth? Millions??
    1 point
  9. Right. Men that really did make a difference and stood for something. Those "lightweights" were nothing compared to us who could set up chairs and cut grass in a straighter row that any other organization in the world.
    1 point
  10. Ah yes. I remember hearing LCM's "great insight" into the death of John Lennon. Some of his other "insights" were that Muhammad Ali was born of the seed of the serpent and it was actually a devil spirit that ko'd Sonny Liston in Ali's first title fight (Cassius Clay at the time. Bill Russell (the great NBA star) was possessed and that's how he rose to great basketball stardom. I'm sure he had plenty to say about Michael Jordan but I was gone by then. In contrast, Adolf Hitler was brilliant. Seriously, he said that at an Advanced Class. I think it was AC '81 or '83. That even made me take a double-take at the time. I know what you mean about sitting there and doing nothing. Of course, if we had said something we would have just been escorted out of the building and branded "possessed". But so what? Oh yeah, I almost forgot. If we left The Way we would be "greasespots".
    1 point
  11. Bump Oops! I Didn't see Jeff had brought it back.
    1 point
  12. Sure, if you don't mind my computer bewilderment.
    1 point
  13. A friend of mine is doing research on cults and found this list on the internet. How many can you relate from your twi experience??? 25 Signs of Cult Behavior * 1. The Guru is always right. * 2. You are always wrong. * 3. No Humor. * 4. The End Justifies The Means. * 5. Cult-speak. * 6. Group-think, Suppression of Dissent, and Enforced Conformity in Thinking * 7. Irrationality. * 8. Suspension of disbelief. * 9. Denigration of competing sects, cults, religions... * 10. Personal attacks on critics. * 11. Insistence that the cult is THE ONLY WAY. * 12. The cult and its members are special. * 13. Induction of guilt, and the use of guilt to manipulate cult members. * 14. Unquestionable Dogma, Sacred Science, and Infallible Ideology. * 15. Indoctrination of members. * 16. Appeals to "holy" or "wise" authorities. * 17. Instant Community. * 18. Instant Intimacy. * 19. Surrender To The Cult. * 20. Create a sense of powerlessness, covert fear, guilt, and dependency. * 21. Ideology Over Experience, Observation, and Logic * 22. Grandiose existence. Bombastic, Grandiose Claims. * 23. Enemy-making and Devaluing the Outsider * 24. True Believers * 25. We Have The Panacea. copenhagen
    1 point
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