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  1. I could liken how I consider "responsibility before God" as it pertains to a heirarchtical organization to the nazis. Nazi extermination camp gaurds have been held accountable for their own actions but Hitler was most responsible for putting together the system that needed those guards to commit their atrocities. In simple terms, I believe that in terms of accountability before God that sh!t actually runs uphill. (edited for grammar and spelling)
    2 points
  2. Mark, I read the language of the bill. The quote I pulled was from someone in office explaining the intent of the bill to the press. That's an example of representative democracy, as neither you nor I have any idea of the events, facts, and discussion in Congress that led up to this bill being introduced. That said, it doesn't look like the bill has enough support to pass, and that is probably because of the vagueness in language that you are pointing out that upsets the checks and balances. Overall, this bill is a wartime measure, and to me it's unlikely that any sitting President would commandeer major Internet resources that are so intricately involved in our economy without adequate justification. To do so would invite impeachment, and those checks and balances are very much still in place.
    2 points
  3. Mark, you may not have knowledge of UK newspapers, but the Daily Mail is a UFO loving tabloid and has been sued numerous times for libel and such. They are on the same level as the National Enquirer. If I wanted to, I could also pull out some articles where they make Bush look like a total retard, but even my dislike of him doesn't make me believe what they say. The fact is, the article you posted probably isn't true, so I would not suggest using it as an example to make your point. As far as the NHS making arbitrary decisions, they do not cut care for people to control costs. You may be able to find a case or two of malpractice, but you can't find any pattern or policy of them letting people die to cut costs. In the U.S., however, many people do die to cut costs so the investors in the insurance companies can make a higher profit. Every insurance company out there has a whole department whose jobs are to find ways to drop people and refuse treatment, and as a result many Americans die or suffer horribly. As far as what is in HR 3200 that you are throwing about as what appears to be a reference to Palin's "Death Panels", they will simply define what care is covered in general and what is not. This is the same type of thing that happens in any system including private companies. If you read the actual proposed bill, it states under the duties section: I don't know about you, but I personally would like them to consider covering more treatments as time goes on and new discoveries are made. For example, within the next few years, we are likely to see cancer treatment options include nanobots with bee venom that are used to attack tumors. Insurance companies may not like that treatment when it's new and reject it, while it would become commonplace in Europe, Asia, etc. because of the costs associated with new technology. From my perspective, I've seen the NHS work in the UK. I have family members alive because of it. They focus more on prevention than we do here, but when they need something, such as cancer treatment, they get it. Most people over there are happy with it and think it works great. You can quote from tabloids and right-wing scaremonger sites all you like, but the fact is, the NHS works mostly well. As a strong believer in how great this country is, I see no reason why our nation couldn't do as good as or exceed what the U.K. is capable of. There's simply no reason why we can't do it, unless we let greed, selfishness, or ignorance get in the way. My daughter was in NICU for a while too and when I read what Mark posted I got angry, until I clicked the link and saw he was using the British equivalent of the National Enquirer as a reference. The whole story was likely fabricated, and if not, it's likely that the baby was dead and there was nothing they could do. I seriously doubt any person who took the Hippocratic oath would simply allow a baby that had survived for a few hours to die.
    2 points
  4. Just did. Here's some of the text from the article: "The president of the United States has always had the constitutional authority, and duty, to protect the American people and direct the national response to any emergency that threatens the security and safety of the United States. The Rockefeller-Snowe Cybersecurity bill makes it clear that the president's authority includes securing our national cyber infrastructure from attack. The section of the bill that addresses this issue, applies specifically to the national response to a severe attack or natural disaster. This particular legislative language is based on longstanding statutory authorities for wartime use of communications networks. To be very clear, the Rockefeller-Snowe bill will not empower a "government shutdown or takeover of the Internet" and any suggestion otherwise is misleading and false. The purpose of this language is to clarify how the president directs the public-private response to a crisis, secure our economy and safeguard our financial networks, protect the American people, their privacy and civil liberties, and coordinate the government's response." This is a bill highlighting wartime procedures w/r to US assets on the Internet. To interpret it as a government takeover of the Internet is not accurate. But it may be appealing to conspiracy theory buffs, of which a number of TWI or ex-TWI individuals might fit the bill.
    2 points
  5. The internet is a powerful medium of communication, for sure. It does seem to follow that power struggles in government would try and harness it and get control of it. There are many countries where internet content is censored - the Middle East, China, etc. In the US, our government is a representative democracy, so those in political office certainly do think of the general public as uneducated on most issues. With the Fairness push, that is kind of a reaction to the different balance of power in the media. CNN and the bulk of the news media is liberal/left slanted. Fox and the whole talk radio is conservative/right slanted. I don't think the Fairness push will gain any kind of traction necessary. Shucks, they can't even gain much traction to regulate porn over the Internet. It's too vast to control and there's too much commerce tied to it. And anything affecting US commerce is too volatile an area to touch from a regulatory perspective.
    2 points
  6. Over ten years ago CBS 60 minutes did a segment entitled "The French Paradox." It focused on the differences of lifestyle French and Americans with noted the paradox of the French engage in riskier behaviors linked to heart disease than do Americans, yet they are much less likely to develop or die from coronary disease. They smoke more, eat more fatty foods and even tend to be a little more overweight. But they also drink five times more red wine than Americans. Studies have shown that red wine contains a powerful antioxidant reservatrol, which has been shown in studies to increase good cholesterol (HDL) while reducing bad (LDL). Not only that it has been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers, rheumatoid arthritis and delays the onset of dementia. A votre sante. With that said, they only spend about 11% of their GDP on healthcare compared to our 17% and have far better outcomes. France usually ranks in the top five nations in health indices such as healthy life expectancy and lowest preventable deaths per 100,000 population. France experiences half the rate of infant mortality than does the USA which is an index closely tied to the availability of pre-natal care.
    2 points
  7. I was just wondering if any of the corps that read this could clarify what I believe I read. In the POP towards the end it was stated that VP turned to the side of the wall and shut his organs down and died. This indicated he had the power to do that which in turn indicated he could decide. This "shutting down of organs" is/was this a teaching only to the corps? I had never heard it. I once was very, very, sick, and a person of the corps status said to me, if you want to die, let me know and I'll tell you how to do it. I never asked....I got healed. But this whole thing about the individual shutting down their organs....can anyone comment on that? I do believe Death is a spirit...any comments on that? Without making this a morbid post....just wondered what the teaching was on the organ deal and where did it come from...how did they get that from the Word....... Thanks
    1 point
  8. The bullying you feel the most susceptible to seems to be an especially insidious kind of control. I can relate to your caution too. The one church I was briefly invoved with in this very same small Wisconsin town that I am in today had some really twisted control issues and behind the back stuff going on too.
    1 point
  9. One of the things that made my former splinter group terrible was how it was run left no room for anyone to have an opinion that did not glorify the leader. And when folks' opinions are managed in such a direct manner it often and rightly seemed that every concern I voiced was automatically considered heresy. So having my own thoughts and opinions were considered to be an attack on "the unity of the spirit", the loyalty that we were taught was owed to the false apostle, and a danger to anyone in the group. So while they learned to not confront me directly the judgemental, hypocritical, and behind my back judgments were still very harmful to me. I guess that is why these types of situations cause me to feel uneasy, sometimes even when that cruel and thoughtless behavior does not have nearly the potential to directly hurt me.
    1 point
  10. Dear HCW, That is some truly amazing info to me that you posted, thank you. I can't help but consider that the things that LCM, Geer, Howard Allen, and Donnie Wierwille did were learned from VPW as much as anybody. And that when they pulled their guilt trips and power plays they were really only following in VPW's footsteps. I have heard a lot of sharings that make it clear that in spite of VPW's charms that he was also exceedingly nasty whenever he perceived a possible threat to his power and authority here. He certainly spent a lot of time reaming those whose only crime was that with clear consciences they challenged his doctrines or did things that a narcissistic man would consider a public challenge to his status. Any thoughts on that HCW?
    1 point
  11. Well I think you have a good point Tzaia, everybody should be accountable for their own actions. And no matter what the other factors are that still needs to be true. but in my case, the leader is the one who according to true TWI style holds a stranglehold over what people do and don't believe and what people think of others within the group. And in my case I hold people responsible for their own actions on one level, like the abusive thug who in a spittle flying fit told me to "F" mY recently deceased Grandmother. And the fact that he belittled me in front of my ex-wife was very humiliating. But from my perspective V.B. is the one who has been in control of my former splinter group and according to the very worst of TWI style control, manipulation, and bullying techniques has made RRF a place where these Way Corps leadership techniques can thrive. The particular thug that belittled me so is the same one who was accorded the duty of informing me that I was being kicked out the very same day that he moved my wife and one year old son out of my house. And even though his acts of thuggery are very personal to me V. Barnard is the one who the RRF folks have called "the Word in the flesh." So even though I see good sense in what you are saying Tzaia, because I've seen this very nasty little splinter group develop from the TWI split in the late eighties first and foremost according to the particular types of insanity that dwell in just one man it is still my opinion that he more than anyone else will bear the brunt of the responsibility for all the nasty, vicious, and controlling things that he and his thugs and thuggettes have done. Most of the thugs were led there by him. And he is sure to not allow anyone else to spit on anyone like he has (I mean literally hocking a lugey in a sleeping man's face.) if for no other reason than his narcissistic tendencies or his manic need to be in total control. (edited for clarity and/or grammar)
    1 point
  12. I can't say I was concerned about my tithe. But after 13 years away from TWI, when I became involved with a church I began tithing again. I love to tithe and have never regretted it. But if I feel that God is directing me to give somewhere else other than the church I attend I don't think twice about doing so.
    1 point
  13. I believe a months supply of trans-resveratrol (200 mg a day) is now about $20. Great. Problem solved.
    1 point
  14. Does the wooden spoon count as bullying? twi followers do what they believe they can get away with. As I grew bigger techniques changed - but stayed the same. What used to be wooden sticks, arm and neck twisting is now occasional letters and phone calls, that I can burn or hang up on. . . . oh wait, if you say the wrong thing there are still a few out there ready to "throw down"
    1 point
  15. VAT A COUNTRY!! Land of the free and home of the attorneys!! In the words of Steve Miller..."somebody give me a cheeseburger!"
    1 point
  16. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/6145785/Scouts-to-no-longer-bring-penknives-on-camping-trips.html
    1 point
  17. Unfortunately, what you excerpted was not a quote from the author, it was a quote from Jena Longo, deputy communications director for the Senate Commerce committee. Her boss is Senator Jay Rockefeller, the chairman of that committee. Sort of puts the expert in context a bit, doesn't it? Had you read the text of the bill, which I took the time to link, you would find the following in it: SEC. 18. CYBERSECURITY RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITY. (2) may declare a cybersecurity emergency and order the limitation or shutdown of Internet traffic to and from any compromised Federal Government or United States critical infrastructure information system or network; (5) shall direct the periodic mapping of Federal Government and United States critical infrastructure information systems or networks, and shall develop metrics to measure the effectiveness of the mapping process; (6) may order the disconnection of any Federal Government or United States critical infrastructure information systems or networks in the interest of national security; By the way, you may have noticed a term "cybersecurity emergency" and the term "United States critical infrastructure information systems." The term "cybersecurity emergency" is not defined in this bill, so if the bill becomes law as is, that means that the President, through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (part of the Department of Commerce) will have to define it for you. However, the term "United States critical infrastructure information systems" is defined as follows (Section 23): (3) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND UNITED STATES CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS- The term `Federal Government and United States critical infrastructure information systems and networks' includes-- (A) Federal Government information systems and networks; and (B) State, local, and nongovernmental information systems and networks in the United States designated by the President as critical infrastructure information systems and networks. So what does all of this mean: 1) The President can declare any information system and network in the United States to be a critical infrastructure system and network. (Section 23(3)(B) ). This could include Citibank's information systems, Boeing's information systems, Qwest's network, Verizon's network, thePlanet.com hosting service, or even AOL. It's not defined in law; therefore, it may be defined through regulation or through executive order. 2) The President may declare a "cybersecurity emergency" at his discretion (there are no limitations as to when he may do this or not in the bill) and may order the limitation or disconnection of any Internet traffic to or from any network he defines as "critical" in 1) above. 3) The President is directed to map the topology of any network or information system defined as "critical" above. 4) The President does not even require a "cybersecurity emergency" to disconnect a network or information system declared as such in 1) above. He can do so at his sole discretion for national security purposes. What is a "national security purpose?" The President determines that. Chances are that major Internet backbone providers, major financial houses, major chemical / petroleum processors, and major defense contractors' networks will be those that are identified as "critical." But here's a key concept to wrap your arms around: the term "critical infrastructure" is not defined in law. It is defined by a Presidential Decision Directive (the current definition is in PDD-63, signed in 1998, by B.J. Clinton). The term can thus be redefined by the President at his convenience. Chances are it wouldn't be, but it could be. I am one who opposed the creation of DHS. I also opposed the creation of the position of Director of National Intelligence (with budgetary authority over all intelligence agencies in the government). These were both created during the Bush administration. I also opposed the passage of the Patriot Act, when it was passed as a permanent measure. The reason why is that it concentrated too much power in one spot -- power that could be gravely abused. I take it, since the ONE quote you decided to pull from that article was a quote from the deputy communications director for the person who introduced the bill, I will assume that you have no problem with giving Mr. Obama that amount of power. But let me ask you: would you have wanted Richard Nixon to have that amount of power? Or if Tricky Dicky is before your time, would you feel totally comfortable giving Dick Cheney that much power? If your answer is anything but an enthusiastic "yes," then I'd submit that this is a bad piece of law. Because your guy will not always be in office. That might make me a conspiracy buff. Or it might make me somebody who actually reads the law. FWIW/YMMV
    1 point
  18. That isn't really fair or accurate. Those are medical guidelines and are not purely cost effective measures. There are other reasons they do not resuscitate a baby born before 22 weeks or give them intensive care treatment. What happened was wrong. . . . but, that it is strictly a cost effective measure is a very big assumption. NHS spends a billion dollars a year on preemie care for 40,000 infants. The guidelines were drawn up by a council on Bioethics. They are not compulsory. They are guidelines. The Doctors could and should have treated Jayden. It sounds like the hospital was wrong and are now passing the blame onto the NHS guidelines. BTW I sat in a NICU for 3 months with a preemie.
    1 point
  19. I don't agree. We are all accountable before God even in who we choose for our leaders. That is why when someone tried to tell me what they thought I needed to be doing to please God, I would ask if they would be there to vouch for me at the Bema. It was a rhetorical question. Regardless of why I make the choice, it is ultimately mine to make. IMO, blame needs to be assigned carefully as in blaming cancer on a devil spirit. I would propose that in light of VPW's cause of death and TWI's stance on the cause of cancer, that everything he ever taught needs to be thrown out, because he was possessed.
    1 point
  20. As far as the "Fairness Doctrine" Wikipedia Page Although the airwaves are technically "owned" by the public and not by the broadcasters The Obama administration is on record as being against reinstating the fairness doctrine LINK Limbaugh, Beck and the people who push the envelope on the fringes bring it up from time to time as if it is immenent to scare their listeners but there are no movements by the government to reinstate it. The Internet is still relatively new and powerful. I have been aware of a few attempted powergrabs (mostly by corporations wanting to gain greater control and charge more exhorbitantly for access) over the last 5 or 6 years but they have all been defeated so far---Its worth keeping an eye on...
    1 point
  21. Shooting Ermal's funeral was one of the first of the "VPW's personal projects" I'm constantly blabbering about my having done. It was during that time & some of the private moments when VP spoke his feelings; of course Ermal's death reminded him of the loss of Harry. He talked about what those guys meant to him & made some transparent "telling statements" that helped me get to know the real VP. During the whole time he said, "I don't think I'll ever be the same without my brother Harry, now that Ermal's gone too..." then he broke up in tears a little, Then went on to say something else. Craig had been pretty much the undisputed "alpha dog" of the the Corps, but the first few WC groups were "hippies." Kinda grungy as it were. When the 7th Corp came along HQ was abuzz about how they were the "best Corps ever," & clearly Chris was everything Craig was and more. The buzz was really similar to the sciptural account of Saul & David, where the people said, "Saul (Craig) killed his thousands, yet David (Chris) killed his ten thousands." Whereas Craig had that loveable goofy "Okie" kinda charm. CG was smooth, polished, ultra-organized & sophisticated. CG made being the "top guy" in his Corps group look easy.... whereas Craig had had to to work at it. It was obvious that "this farm ain't big enough for the both of us, dude." ... was in the air. ... so they could establish their own kingdoms Ambassador One pilot ...is a smart guy. I'll never forget seeing VP drunk @ staff Christmas Party that first year on staff. .. lost a lot of respect for him that day.
    1 point
  22. I trust you understand the sarcastic overtones and that I'm using the whole "broken heart" thing figuratively. My point being that now, after I've had some two decades of maturity, spiritual mileage and just basic life experience to add to my person; since leaving TWI... I can more clearly see the experience, even in retrospect. You said it buddy...now that I/we understand what was really going on... when we look back it can be so clear, IF we take our blinders and emotional projections off of the experience. Yes. It Was Not His Fault... Oh, YES IT WAS. I saw, & knew all of the things I mentioned in my extremely long post. BUT. I saw them differently then. Now. I took great care not to say that VPW's heart was broken because they BETRAYED him. I'm on record here saying that it was Donnie W. that took down TWI & his father VPW.... at least from the business POV. However, part of the reason I mentioned Mrs. showing us the family album from the India trip is that I also saw pictures of Donnie as a child & read the look of disappointment/anger on his face. Now that I have a son who is coming into adolescence and a College grad daughter and have experienced ALMOST losing my daughter's love & respect over a stupid bonehead decision.... I've seen the look in my children's eyes that told me, "one step further Dad & I'm lost to you...." I pulled up. I didn't make the bonehead decision. In fact I made the BEST decision I could FOR my daughter & make the best decision(s) I can FOR my other children to reel them back into my nest, so to speak. Even if it means some sacrifice for me at that point. I "count it all but lost to gain" my child's heart. VP gave his son, his eldest son, "the finger" and did irreparable damage to that bright young boy, who grew into a man who had a love/hate relationship with his father, VPW. VP gave his son little choice. Donnie didn't betray his father, he REPAID him. VP, created every crack that existed in TWI with his own hard-headed arrogance. In so doing he proved and lived the Word of God that he told us that he loved so dearly. "A house divided against itself cannot stand." "...the foolish man builds his house upon the sand..." VPW in his years building TWI left a wake of hurt people all along the way, many who would have been capable allies, he turned them into angered enemies with a legitimate axe to grind against him. Losing TWI was actually, in VPW's own words, "the consequences of his unbelief." Donnie, Craig, Howard A., Chris & others simply did as they were taught and "no man can go any further than he is led." As for Vp. "Woe be unto you, scribes, pharisees, hypocrites."
    1 point
  23. Yeah.....it WAS his fault that the "ministry" went down in flames. Along with H.E.'s death in the fall of 1977......Ermal died in July of 1979. In Feb/Mar of 1982, vpw ordained Cgeer and sent him to Europe. Clearly, the ultra-egos of Geer and Martindale could NOT be on the same continent together. Geer became the European Coordinator and the European Corps Coordinator along with a dozen other responsibilities. It didn't take but a few months and Cgeer was dictating policy of what "his" European corps would and wouldn't do. IMO....wierwille had lost the respect of many of his clergy by 1979/1980. Wierwille had grandeoise "visions".....but many in upper leadership were only counting the days until he retired. All those camp gunnison visions and sunset corps claims........never happened. Wierwille had become marginalized by 1980......his entourage was falling by the wayside. His Ambassador One pilot abruptly quit and left, a couple of bodyguard guys were publicly scolded and fired, and more than likely.....years of heavy smoking and alcoholism were catching up to his 63 year old body. Lots of things.
    1 point
  24. I was on staff @ International HQ during the time of VPW's illness & subsequent death. TO answer your questions from my POV: (sorry bout the length of this post - hope the background info fills in some blanks for folks) Looking back w/ a more objective viewpoint... TWI was a total mess during this era. As the ministry grew into a multi-million $$$ corporation "leadership" guys were pretty much all lusting after the major positions. After all, the bigger your TWI post, the more power & influence. Eg: Limb leader (state "coordinators") jobs, came w/ company cars, a big house & travel/expense budget to "coordinate" your state (kingdom). Guys wanted the big states, for obvious reasons & some maybe not so obvious. VPW, as he got older & began the process of turning over the reigns, especially after he announced his retirement and the "search" for the next president, lost more & more "control" over how guys ran their areas. His own son Donnie ushered in the "new way" we do things, His way became "the old Way" or, as Donnie put it, "Dad's Way." There was constant bickering @ HQ around the concept of "we don't do it that way anymore." People began to assume that the bigger the position, the "more spiritual" they were. They were constantly "over spiritualizing" stuff, hurting people and using position to bend people to their own will. All was done in the name of God, Jesus, and of course, VPW. That stuff helped inspire the leadership terminology change from "Leader," as in Region, Limb, Branch or Twig, to "Coordinator." The Trustees had simply lost control & they knew it. They were trying to reign "leadership" in at the same time "leadership" was setting up their own little & some big, "kingdoms." All of us who actually knew VPW & had known him for a long time (especially the locals) understood that whereas he was capable of being "really great" he was a completely high strung, head strong loose cannon who would say & do "all kinds of stuff." Yes, some it it was really "out there" into the crazy range. (This is why they originally set TWI up w/ THREE trustees all executive decisions were decided by a 2/3 majority.) VP would say extreme & off the wall stuff so often, HQ folk were sorta used to it. We used to all be humans @ HQ before we were elevated to different levels of "gods in a stick." VP's wild foot nature was accepted as part of his humanness. Urmal Owens was steady, patient, wise, sound thinking; a real salt of the earth kinda guy. He and Uncle Harry ( who, admittedly by VP) was the only man on the planet who could influence VP & change his mind on things. When Uncle Harry died, it hurt VP to the bone & changed him. That, in retrospect, I think was the beginning of the end for VP (in quite a few ways), Harry was his big brother, his backbone, and in many was, his conscience. Harry & Ermal were the behind the scenes guys who stabilized the early growth of TWI & did the "heavy lifting" at the major leadership level to build TWI through its infancy. How does all this speak to your question above? Well... It was basically LCM & Howard Allen who put out the BS that "it was you believers' fault" that VPW died. As with all of the best lies, there was a measure of truth to it. VP actually did "die of a broken heart." Of course it wasn't the literal cause of his death; (he died of Melanoma, etc.) VP's heart was broken by the fact that as he grew older & knew his days were numbered, as he looked God in the face, all he could see reflected back was his own failure. Those whom he had trusted the most to carry on the ministry had for the most part ALL betrayed him, they all wanted "the BIG position." Too many guys simply wanted the "keys to Ambassador One." They lusted after the motorcoaches, the campuses, all of the power & prestige that went w/ having the reigns over a world-wide multi million corporation where people simply gave you the $$$. The Trustees had basically agreed at that time; "you stay out of my are & I'll stay out of yours. Donnie & Howard took all of the operational business aspects of the ministry (as memory serves... Donnie took Emporia & Indiana Campus & the College program & Howard took Gunnison & LEAD) and the gave Craig free reign over the The Way Corps, Sunday Night Services, and Way Productions. The other two split up the stuff @ HQ. Basically Craig was free to run around & do "spiritual stuff" that Howard & Donnie didn't really care about. My take on the whole deal is that I don't think VP ever got over the loss of his brother, emotionally. He basically felt betrayed by those he trusted most. Having the ministry survive to the next generation was a HUGE THING to VPW. He saw that not happenning as he'd envisioned. He was surrounded by too darn many yes men & those whose motivation was to get as much "Leadership" as they could. As they say, power corrupts, & absolute power corrupts absolutely. Vp had absolute power & with Harry gone, VP lost his "compass," and the monster that we now know as VPW went basically unfettered. The cracks that grew into what we now call "splinter groups" started many decades ago. Vp's position allowed him the luxury of making the sometimes outlandish statements that grew into ludicrous doctrines and hideous practices. Whereas they are now widely exposed the arguments existed LOOOOOONG ago and the riffs were firmly entrenched in the ministry before the FIRST ROA in 1971. POP was only a straw that broke the camel's back. There were many things that VP had said in classes that were known to be "not particularly accurate." Whereas the veneer of VP seemed unchallenged, that was not the case behind the closed doors in the research dept. and others who were with VP basically from the start. Vp's stuff was challenged; by basically the same guys who now shout it from the rooftops, so to speak. The whole thing about cancer being a devil spirit, as time went on had less & less credence among top leadership. They basically ignored it, right along with his "...the original sin, that took place in Genesis, during the first period of man's existence on earth; the original sin was MASTURBATION...." (from the original Christian Family & Sex class.) SAY WHAT?!!! One prevailing foundational issue with all of the erroneous doctrine of TWI was this: For the most part when the classes were filmed, he overwhelming majority of Wafers, even the leadership simply wasn't old enough (in general) to have experienced middle aged things like "normal" health infirmities like cancer. (When I was involved, the average age of a wafer was around my age & I'm just past 50 NOW; having been out for 21 years.) Not too many of the young people challenged VP on anything back then (but there were some, even back in the 60's). For the most part folks would just parrot his stuff. As years progresses there were a few unquestionably "believing believers" across the country & world who HQ knew had come down w/ cancer(s), strokes, miscarriages & the like, things VP has said in the Advanced Class were devil spirit influenced, or worse. Life pretty much went on as usual. We would get prayer requests and pray over them at lunch every day. When VP was healthy & in charge we'd just pray for stuff. We'd also hear about miracles on a regular basis. In the 60's & 70's VP would actually ENCOURAGE people to send their ill & infirm to HQ... to get them healed. It was common to have possessed people from the area running 'round HQ. They would invite them to a meal & cast out their spirits. In fact the locals used to complain about all the "crazies; The Way would attract them like a magnet." HOWEVER; the advanced class teaching was still out there & when VP came down with CANCER! How could LCM say. "Hey gang, our 'Father in The Word; you know, the one who chose me as his successor... is POSSESSED, with a spirit of CANCER! In fact, he was possessed when he CHOSE ME to TAKE OVER...!!!" I don't think so. He would have sunk his presidency like a rock in a mud puddle. There wasn't a snowball's chance in hades that LCM would let that cat out of the bag. Primarily because there was already major dissent at the top (as in major Limb & above) leadership levels concerning Craig as VP's choice for Pres. There were at least three, maybe as many as five guys who all felt (and they have varying levels of support) they had a legit shot at the tip, top, spot. There were even some who felt that LCM actually should NOT have been chosen. They were only inches from rebellion. It was only the fact that we all loved & believed in VP that they only fought about it behind closed doors in the leaders meetings. There was no way Craig was givin' up his "key to the city." So, in typical LCM fashion, he pulled a power-play... He put a major guilt trip on the believers. He was just instituting the form of BS "logic" they still use even today to manipulate people. He tried to sanctify & martyrize VP, all the while elevating himself as one who had some mysterious knowledge from God (that we all didn't & don't have access too, seeing as WE're NOT "the man of God." Part of the MOG s.o.p. is that they get revelation(s), presumably from God. VP had "sources in the know" literally all over the country & world, believers in high positions in corporations, military, government, even the professional sports world who would call him up & tell him stuff. Some of it he shared, some he didn't. Often when he shared stuff, people assumed it was "from God;" pretty much every time he'd say stuff, if he didn't mention a source (which he generally didn't) people would assume he was speaking from God's mouth to our ears. Not to defend the guy or excuse his behavior, (because I DON'T) but you gotta recognize how intoxicating that can be. Moving right along... Simple. You don't ream your boss, you'll get fired (and lose your kingdom). As I said, HQ staff (at all of our locations) people were all, myself included, and to varying degrees "jockying" to hold onto our "kingdoms." As staff members, round Corps week/ROA time some people would look at us "woodgrainers" like we were MEAT, they were salivating for our spot. When I first came on staff in 1979, not too many folk wanted to work at the "Way farm." That was pre-OSC days. Then came the big building, cushy offices & most of all salaried jobs that you didn't REALLY have to be qualified for. There were relatively few people on staff who had the commensurate education/degree/experience to actually qualify for their job. In fact MOST people who had staff jobs probably would NOT have won that job "in the world" at a similar size company doing similar stuff. On the other hand I got my job @ HQ BECAUSE I had the right schooling & talent to do it. I went WOW and then into the WC to gain some spiritual & life experience to enhance my professional qualifications for my job. I'd originally applied for my spot when I was 19, in 1977. As time went on through the 80's though competition for staff job got a little stiffer, professionally, but people started thinking they could get a staff spot or even take yours if they were somehow deemed "more spiritual" than you. I knew my spot was secure though. especially as long as VP was alive. (I was the first one fired though, when LCM decided to get rid of everybody on staff who wouldn't play ball with him.) Unfortunately, things had degraded around the ministry by that time to major politics & red tape to get things done and even get & keep your job on Staff. Who you knew established your power base & secured your spot. Some folks had worked at HQ long enough that they were a little out of touch with their industries. They feared the prospect of having to qualify for the same job outside HQ. We used to call HQ "WayWorld" because we set & maintained our our standards, regardless. Ie: We NEVER made the deadline to publish The Way Magazine (that's why you always got yours late). We did the art, we owned the press, we did the shipping... If VP our one of our "major contributors" missed a deadline... since they were "more spiritual" we be forced to alter our production schedule because they didn't get their stuff to us. I mean....Who was "I" to tell a REGION leader (excuse me.... COORDINATOR) that if he didn't get his s#!+ together and get his article in on time for "MY" Way Mag spread "I" was designing that HIS "revelation from GOD to the believers" wouldn't get published??? That thinking was magnified to the Nth degree w/VP by then. However. When nobody was around, & it was just us I would TELL VP what to do all the time, it was my job. And when it came to my job VP would only set the general direction the rest was up to me. At first he'd tell me these crazy ideas about projects he wanted, or show up for a photo shoot in a wild outfit... & I'd look at him & shake my head, "No. We can't do that, that's not cool." "Its not?" He'd say.. "Nope. Not even close." Then, he's laugh that goofy laugh of his & say, "Mrs. Get the boy some milk & COOK-ies while I change my clothes. He' young, they're always hung-ry..." I wouldn't tell him he was possessed when he was sick though.... he clearly wasn't, he was ill. Actually, the whole M&A thing was way after VP's death. It was an LCM thing, yet another of his endless power plays. But.... YES! At mid 80's HQ there were double, triple, and a whole stinking matrix of standards that we actually operated on. We had long lost the notion of "Chapter & verse" to reign in our behavior. It was more like, may the biggest stick win, in the name of Jesus Christ - that is. Honestly speaking, my "power base" came from Donnie W, (BOT) Bob W!%garner (President's cabinet) and VPW himself. Plus the fact that I was a "semi-old timer." I would constantly shut people up by saying stuff like, "I know what VP actually said about that because I was there when he said it..." I had worked w/ VP on his personal projects from 1979 until he died. If anybody got wrong w/me I could simply go to VP and trump anybody. In fact. Mrs VPW & Emogene Allen sorta adopted me when I came on staff cause I was only a few months past 21 and far away from home. I used to run twig in the basement of the Wierwille home & Mrs VP was our snack coordinator. We'd sit for hours & hours in their basement talking & she'd pull out their private family photo albums. She showed me/us pictures that were never published in anything of their famed trip to India (from PFAL). I've seen before & after pictures of the "man with the withered arm" ... he was waving it! I used to babysit the Allen boys & the Wierwille grandchildren & was one of their children's fellowship teachers & was around so much taking pictures at their family gatherings I was almost like one of them. VP saw my name on a list of WC needing sponsorship to graduate & paid off the last part of my tuition himself. I used to drive him & his guests in his Lincoln on special event weekends when he was in town & hang out with him tinkering on his Harleys in the shop in the courtyard. He was like a grandfather to me. Even long after I was M&A I called Mrs. W and came & had tea w/ her, on her porch... for old time's sake... no security escort in or out. All that being said. It actually WAS his fault. He was at the helm, knew it wasn't gonna make it he knew he'd messed it up & it broke his heart that it all went down like it did. Broke my heart too.
    1 point
  25. I know it was wrong, but it turned out for the best. After that, when someone attempted to tell me that TWI was my "real" family, I could say no without a trace of doubt. I knew who my real family was, and it was no one in TWI.
    1 point
  26. All I heard was in ac for grads 95 Rome city,Uncle howard said we killed dr wierwillie, He died of a broken heart.What a guilt trip.He lost his best friend because we were not believing for poor old herr wiereillie.Maybe if he (wierwillie) had not smoked and drank so much he would lived longer. No mention was made od cancer till I came to greasespot.
    1 point
  27. I contracted cancer myself in 1987 and I was a Corps Grad. I felt a great deal of shame and really questioned my worth as a leader and my effectiveness as a believer. "How could I, a Corps Grad, allow myself to get possessed?" I thought. In fact, I delayed getting examined because I didn't want to face facts. I was ashamed to tell others including family members and fellow Corps. Everyone in TWI was nice to me, at least to my face. I wasn't aware that VPW had died of cancer. I am completely cancer free (praise God!), but it took quite awhile for me to pull myself together emotionally. It shook me to the core. I finally had to face the fact that VPW was actually wrong about something. Later I found out that he himself had died of cancer 2 years prior. So, yes. This doctrine did a lot of damage at least to me and I would imagine lot of other people. It makes sense, but I wasn't aware that others were blamed for VP's illness, that is, outside of POP. I think I heard somewhere that the in-residence Corps at the time was yelled at for allowing the MOG to die "on their watch". Is that true?
    1 point
  28. you forgot member of al-qaeda, illegitimate offspring of Idi Amin, dope dealer and baby eater Naaaaa--why should things be "fair"? Who brought up this question WorldNetDaily? It'd figure
    1 point
  29. A Harley Rider A Harley rider is passing the zoo, when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his bike, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly. A New York Times reporter has watched the whole event. The reporter says, 'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I saw a man do in my whole life..' The biker replies, 'Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger, and acted as I felt right.' The reporter says, 'Well, I'm a journalist from the New York Times, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page.... So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?' The biker replies, 'I'm a U..S. Marine and a Republican.' The following morning the biker buys The New York Times to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on front page: U.S. MARINE ASSAULTS AFRICAN IMMIGRANT AND STEALS HIS LUNCH
    1 point
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