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  1. God first Down with America UP with a NEW AMERICA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGuvpzqw4O0 <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGuvpzqw4O0&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGuvpzqw4O0&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object> love Roy
    1 point
  2. Speaking of quirk....that got me thinking about Einstein. He was about as much a quirk as they come...that exact word was attributed to him by his peers and what few close friends he had. Tesla, also the name of a heavy metal band that was or is?
    1 point
  3. Out of the mouth of babes to my ears. The boy was in 5th grade. Sean and the boy had been in every grade together in elementary school. He announces after Valentines that Sean is mean and picks on him. How long has this been going on? Almost since the beginning of the school year. I said, well you know his parents divorce has been very nasty. I am sure this has had an affect on Sean. I think he just needs a friend and know he is loved. A few days later...Sean doesn't aggravate me anymore. Why? What happened? When he was calling me names I just turned around... and then the boy showed me how he pursed his lips out and smooched with that smack at the end...like a kiss. Sean never bothered him after that. I never told him to do that. He just figured that out on his own. Sean has been the boys friend since then. Has been camping with us a couple of times. It has been my experience that bullies really do need a friend and need love. With children it has everything to do with what is going on or not going on at home. They feel very unsafe and unsure of themselves....With adult bullies the last sentence is true.
    1 point
  4. I was thinking of the "just get over it" suggestion some offer. the whole problem with that is, if one is living and learning, one is generally offered a different set of tools to analyze the "problem" year after year.. I've looked at some things I posted a few years ago, and it looks pretty trivial. I don't think a person "gets over it".. just often gets another set of tools to honestly take a look at the experience..
    1 point
  5. If you refer to "the same freakin stuff"to herr wierwille and pfal,I get that,Now the bible? Well,that is a horse of another color,I think a man can "miss it"and get the religious cult,stuff a life time. understanding the scripture?Takes faith,somthing you just gotta have,what works for one certainly will not work for another. Hence the same freakin stuff,we were all trained to be the same response,same obedience,heck for the guys same haicut suit and stupid smile,girls,dress, obedience to the one in charge. The founding fathers,Washington,Jefferson,Adams,even ole Tom Paine had morales,standards beliefs that were uncompromsing. Heck,It founded a country!Was it copied?Yep ,several sources ,From native americans to the Brits,France,Germany,Netherlands. Certainly it was not stolen,as said wierwille.Even the supreme court in the early days,the judjements were premises from the bible. One good thing about mathematics,science,is without respect to countries,religions causes.
    1 point
  6. my first few days in Real Analysis.. the instructor is *wonderful*.. "now this is OK with you all?" Gawd.. at least he asks.. I can't figure out what is a legitimate *question* in this to begin with.. "yeah.. we're *OK*.." but I'm starting to get it.. last lecture I could actually follow what he was saying.. vewy, vewy scary.. I think it is the "make or break" point in mathematics.. It's the "same freaking stuff".. but on a whole different level.. we take off the training wheels.. the best I understand..
    1 point
  7. what I find astounding.. people actually ask "why are you going over the SAME FREAKING STUFF, year after stinking year.. there are whole new sets of possibilities.. whole different levels of deception and reality.. with the same set of facts (call them truths if you wish)..
    1 point
  8. it would be rather "profitable" (ahem, choke, excuse me..) to go back and interview this un-named Indian Official.. so we deal with yet another breach of honesty and documentation.. he's quoted *somebody*'s words, and did not credit the source.. I'm trying.. but I just can't find one "right" concept in this situation..
    1 point
  9. Could have been one of your shill witnessing events you describe, Waysider.. you know.. an Indian official on the train.. herr manogawd.. and a supposed lame man paid five american bucks (probably a fortune in those days) to illustrate the "gweatness" of da word available to them.. I find it vewy vewy interesting he omits the man's name.. apparently that was not "important".. what was.. was the supposed guy's position.. so self-serving, no?
    1 point
  10. why didn't he NAME this supposed high ranking official? maybe he couldn't remember the name.. "I've hob knobbed with the elite of Parliment in New Delhi.." kinda vague..
    1 point
  11. apparently, his wet behind the ears not halfway yet around the block namesake of a grandkid doesn't offer much objection either..
    1 point
  12. God first hi HAPe4me I want health care too but at price Obama has put on it is too much a bill does have to be 1,000 pages i think that greed has got into the bill and we will only go broke if we try it but cut the bill into small parts about one paragraph then begin again our government been greedy to long if big business was not over sea's there would be job here and the problem would not be here at all and yes it can get worse and it will love Roy
    1 point
  13. yikes, you advocate civil war? Because some of us want health care to be more accessible to everyone? Just because you have access to the health care you need, please do not forget many of us do not. No one should die because they cannot afford health care, and no one should go broke because they get sick.
    1 point
  14. hmm. You convince me OK.. but what about the Sowers? His "holiness's (?)" words are carved in stone, dontcha know..
    1 point
  15. just a thought.. didn't the "scriptures" belong to the "Jews" before da way compiled them from texts and microfilm and such?
    1 point
  16. So fella.. and if you don't have at least somebody reading this stuff posted about *your* organization.. you are NUTS. My opinion anyway.. what does your MOTHER think about your *great* endeavor? pa seems to relish using your name.. and *uncle* mac.. what about ma? I'm sure she said SOMETHING.. what was it.. if the "grand" poobah isn't reading this.. staff, please pass the message..
    1 point
  17. You might be right.. but so far, I've observed the same arrogant attitude "we've got the majority of truth" in even the most benign offshoots I've had any dealings with.. I saw one guy just kind of disappear not to be heard from again.. along with a "damage control" session to shift the blame of lack of results of the great "law" of believing on HIM.. so what, some bigwig got sick and died.. so what the "law" apparently didn't work.. what about THIS character.. his "problems" were a result of a lack of "believing" in every stinking action he took.. and his sole question.. if the "law" was really that reliable, how could an "expert" in "believing" succumb to such a "negative" outcome. I would say it was a heart's cry for answers.. and how was it dealt with.. and this was what most here consider a relatively benign offshoot. after seeing this, and the overt arrogance of STIFFI.. I am not in the least bit interested in any offshoot.. I partly agree with one poster's estimation: most share the "spiritual dna" of the parent organization. I'm not saying its impossible.. but so far, they seem to share the same doctrine, the same fruit.. the only ones I know of exempt of this arrogance, abandoned this crap, and hooked up with.. God forbid.. CHURCHES.. denominations..
    1 point
  18. Leave it to Google ads to come up with the *best* solution.. every offshoot needs a few of these.. http://www.jenesco.com/mold-and-mildew.html?gclid=CJmw4-P_05wCFQ8MDQodw0wUIg
    1 point
  19. One of my childhood memories.. neighbor had coats and clothing that were in a damp place.. he hauled them out and put them on the clothes line (they used to have them).. me being a snot nosed young wascal "WHATCHA DOOOOIN, neighbor?" putting this moldy crap out so the sunlight can kill the mold.. "OOOOOOO, O, K...." what a lot of these offshoot "morons" (excuse me, no better description I can come up with) can't figure out is, light really doesn't kill truth. I suppose if one just happens to BE the mold, they might have a few objections..
    1 point
  20. the general "principle" of any offshoots seems to be.. at least in my personal observation.. "we don't air our dirty laundry". why not? "it'd give da product, ahem, da *word* a bad reputation". God forbid that we would want the "world" to think we were ahem, "wrong".. just seems to me.. if the "product" is so stinky, mouldy and mildewed that a little exposure of light of day can't "fix".. isn't it time to find a new product?
    1 point
  21. I dunno. If someone has a burning itch to contribute.. why not Greasespot Cafe? There IS a little "donate" tab on the main page. We could even invent a little slogan: "Don't be a greasespot, donate to Greasespot.." or something like that..
    1 point
  22. umm.. your pontiac bonneville didn't quite show up.. :) while you are tooling about in the Bonneville for secret rendevous in New Breman and St. Mary's, you need a few of these to chug down..
    1 point
  23. it might be bizarre, but some are still stuck in that kind of mentality.. some old deposed leadership saved up tithes from meagre wages from working at places like mcdonalds or taco bell.. waiting for a "god approved" place to deposit it.. I am thinking specifically of one individual.. naw, he'll never post here..
    1 point
  24. what I find interesting.. many of us who "watched" this nonsense for so long are now comparing notes.. not that I'm trying to scare the hell out of you or anything.. but if I were you fella, I'd want to know why..
    1 point
  25. You WILL be answering that question to Someone, someday.. for your sake, I hope the genuine answer is "no"..
    1 point
  26. I wonder how many "ministries" started at just such an event..
    1 point
  27. The Israelites marrying the offspring of Cain is on page 77. The other reference, I think it was in the sons of God/adpotion and birth section.. can't look it up now, I don't have the book anymore. The only book I have left out of herr vey's bookstore is a Lamsa bible.. oh, a couple greek books. I had the newest versions.. no, they were never corrected..
    1 point
  28. I saw Mike come back.. and remembered this little issue was never answered.. thought I'd bring it back to the top. Still.. nothing. I'm probably a "heretic" who being twice "confronted" with the supposed facts of the vicster's "goodness", and having failed to comply, am supposed to be "rejected" or something.. or maybe he considers these "unlearned questions" or something.. or maybe it's just a "sin" to read sections of the bible not referred to by "his holiness" in the sacred writings.. or look consider material from other authors..
    1 point
  29. It was the little orange book, studies in abundant living vol. III. The vicster claimed that the kings of israel were of the line of Jeroboam.. he also claimed that the caananites were decendants of Cain.. the canaanites the children of Israel married were decendents of ABRAHAM.. Abraham was a decendent of Noah, Noah a decendent of Seth. Not Cain. There were some Ishmaelites as well I think.. but they likewise were decendants of Abraham..
    1 point
  30. Really.. it's so simple a Squirrel can understand it.. The kings of Judah could trace their lineage back to David.. The kings of Israel did not share a common lineage. Jeroboam broke off with the northern kingdom.. he was not a decendant of David.. he was an Ephrathite.. Nadab his son reigns after him.. he reigns two years.. Baasha (a decendant of Issachar) conspires and kills Nadab.. and reigns. he dies, Elah his son reigns in his stead.. then there is a military coup.. Zimri slays him. Zimri reigns in his stead for only seven days.. Omri, another general off on an expedition, is installed by those in the "camp" as king, they retaliate and slay Zimri.. civil war ensues.. Omri, head of one party, and Tibni, head of the other.. Omri wins, and he reigns.. he dies later.. and Ahab the son of Omri reigns. so at least to Ahab, we see only ONE king that was of the lineage of Jeroboam. After Nadab, generally it was one military coup after another. The kings of Israel were hardly of the lineage of Jeroboam.. looks pretty black and white to me.. "well, what difference does it make? whether they were sons of Jeroboam, or not?" it makes all the difference between a "God breathed" accurate word of der vicster, and a pile of error.. like he said, it's like a chain. Only as strong as it's weakest link..
    1 point
  31. still waiting.. *yawns* what about the genealogy? the text says one thing.. and EVERY STINKING publication of der victoid's "works" said another.. I'm trying to be a good host here.. but the coffee is starting to look moldy.. maybe a couple shots of Drambuie will kill the mold..
    1 point
  32. Umm.. I thought that's how it was marketed. So simple a *fool* can't err therein.. easier than falling off a log backwards. vic practically guaranteed answered prayer with his little five step "program". He underscored the word "ANYTHING". Yes.. to receive ANYTHNG from God.. Here's my shopping list.. I want a polo pony, a mercedes.. a fifty million dollar mansion. Energy efficient, I am environmentally consious. a sixty inch new hd tv and computer in every room.. fifty acres of land, fenced in so my cats can run free.. I can get my "needs and wants" at the proper balance if need be. So what's da big deal? See.. I didn't say "anything", vic did. Then we get what is supposed to be the "real deal".. "be thankful if you have a healty body, sound mind, food and clothes on your back.. kinda like.. "go away kid.. don't bother me. We'll never admit the scam doesn't really work.."
    1 point
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