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3 points
MOG Privileges Back in the day, when eyebrows were raised about VPW's material excesses (ie: hot motorcycles, classic cars, jets, vacation property, expensive hunting and fishing gear, etc.), people were prone to rationalize it by saying VP was under great pressure because of the "greatness of his mission" and he needed these things to relax so he could continue to stay receptive to "revelation". There's even a section in one of the classes that talks about how important it is for a MOG to find ways to relax. So, how far do such privileges extend? Do they extend to the MOG's family members? How about his cronies? How would their use of these things heighten any supposed ability of the MOG to "move The Word" ? Let me take a wild guess. It must have "relaxed" him to know he could use ABS to provide his kids and buddies with hot cars, and such, to use.------------- Sounds like plain old fashioned exploitation and opportunism to me. I'm just sayin'2 points
I rode in said car one time. My wife (at the time) rode in it several times. Aside from it being in pristine condition, the thing I remember most is that he told me the car did not actually belong to him. I don't remember if he said it belonged to Gramps, or big brother. My wife (at the time) and I had a big falling out over what I thought was the equivalent of impropriety in having such a vehicle at his fingertips while the rest of us drove clunkers. That was when all the "needs basis" propaganda was starting to fill the air. I also questioned, much to her chagrin, his fondness for W!ld T^rkey while the rest of us were couch diving for quarters to scrounge up a 40(oz.) ----Did I mention we got divorced not long after that?2 points
Taking me off on another tangent. I think one of the things that I liked (and now I find I dislike) about TWI was that the organization filled a desire to correct people on insignificant stuff. Since I was low on the totem pole in TWI, I really couldn't correct anyone in the organization because everyone in it aspired to a higher level of spirituality than I did, but I could turn and peck on someone outside the organization. The "grow a pair" comment was made when I was stupid enough to tell someone no. It was easier to tell someone you would do something and then just not do it.2 points
Mark, We don't live in a Christian country. . . . be glad we as a people embrace Christian values. You can't tell someone who is not a follower of Christ to do as He commanded. They reject Him. Why would you expect them to individually do what He says? You seem to want to impose that view? Jesus doesn't impose Himself. . . . he offers Himself. When we as a society seek collectively to do the things He would have us do. . . .you call this "grave evil". . . . I think it is a small miracle. You say it creates a culture of entitlement. . . . you, that is your opinion. . . . . I look at it much differently. . . as I have seen people on the brink of despair receive assistance. . . . it is a blessing. . . a safety net. . . . poverty is cruel Mark. We as Christians need to be working within our culture to effect change. . . . with the gospel. . . once you start imposing narrow parameters on people who are seeking to help others. . . . you have something ugly and you are headed to a man made imposed theocracy. To Add: When did food, clothing, and shelter become an entitlement? Seriously? If we receive these things with thankfulness. . . . I just don't get it. . . . . . I never will. . . . would you rather they go hungry. . . . I cannot believe that. . . so be glad people down trodden and hurting have a good meal . . . . be thankful God does provide.2 points
Mark, That wasn't the interpretation in post 13 at all. . . . it is you who have actually extrapolated that definition. Here is what I said. . . I am not a socialist nor do I advocate a socialist state. God wants us to depend on Him and Him alone. . . . okay. . . at the end of your work week. . . tell your employer God has you covered and say no thanks to your pay check. Who are we to tell God how He will provide for those in need? Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are instituted by God. 2 So then, the one who resists the authority is opposing God's command, and those who oppose it will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do good and you will have its approval. 4 For government is God's servant to you for good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, because it does not carry the sword for no reason. For government is God's servant, an avenger that brings wrath on the one who does wrong. 5 Therefore, you must submit, not only because of wrath, but also because of your conscience. 67 Pay your obligations (to everyone: taxes to those you owe taxes, tolls to those you owe tolls, respect to those you owe respect, and honor to those you owe honor. Government does not take the place of God. . . but God uses governments. . . for His purposes. In our society. . . which is governed. . . we have social welfare programs in place to help care for the needy. Thank God. I think you are arguing a point that was never made. We have a secular gov't which embraces the care and concern for it's citizens. . . . you call this a grave evil because it is the STATE doing this and God wants us to depend on Him.. . . . my point is. . . all good gifts come from God. It IS God who gives the bounty of food on the table. . . . whether it comes from the food stamp program or your paycheck. . . . one way or another. . . the food, clothing, and shelter we have ALWAYS comes from God. . . NO MATTER how it is paid for . . . . . a gov't voucher or a paycheck. God sets up government for His purpose. . . . to wield the sword. . . . keep the peace. . .not even a tyranny will allow lawlessness. You want to protest the use of gov't money collected in taxes for the use of social programs. . . . SOCIAL PROGRAMS. . . I think your outrage and use of hyperbole such a grave evil is sadly misplaced. Is it any LESS God's blessing because it doesn't come from the source YOU believe it should? I pointed out to you that God has even used bad men for His purposes. . . He can use what He wants and when hungry people eat. . . it is a blessing from GOD. I never said Christians should not resist gov't. . . . read Acts chapter 5. . . . it is better to obey God rather than men. . . . and it is also right to have regard for good things in the sight of all men.2 points
That is exactly why it was a cult,"As every man had need" 1rst century in the 20th?No one ever paid for my gas. Entitled?Yes.That is why the whole thing played humpty dumpty,That is why the new attempt will fail.2 points
I wonder what it was like to go through the same corps with him.. I think he graduated from pa's miracle program.. did he have to hitch-hike to lead with only twenty bucks in his pocket? Or did he take the big boat? Did he even HAVE to go to lead? were the ream sessions "modified" in his presence? was he over others in work details? Or did he muck the pond at the barking command of some other numbnuts? Did he have to beg and grovel at the feet of local "believers" to get his sponsorship? Write letters? Or was tuition waived? when he was an "employee" of da ministry, what did he exactly DO? Have a nice desk, a nice office? Or did he crawl under oil spewing wowmobiles? I guess what I am asking: and this is INQUIRY, not an accusation: maybe someone who went through the program at the same time could answer the question- What purpose did his corps experience fulfil? Did he actually learn how to DO something, or were they just training him to be an arrogant buffoon?2 points
I was told that one time in the early 90's after I had alreaady left for afew years and called the Limb Leader of Florida, one Alan LiXht. He was one very angry dude! I was more amused than annoyed...Personally I think it is projection as anyone in a leadership position has essentially been 'castrated' and is incapable of making any decisions or independant thoughts and acts, or doing anything than what they are told. They brought it up--they are the ones with the castration issues2 points
Note of clarification The photo I posted is a "stock" shot, not the actual car. But, it looks amazingly LIKE a particular car I remember. Sorry if I caused any confusion.2 points
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2 points
Ah yes.. "busy".. a busy "worker".. working for what? I was lucky. After I left or rather chose not to submit to stupidity (i.e. I'll think about it and get back to you. yeah, that's it..) no offshoot leader had my phone number.. maybe I was "lucky"..2 points
One of you "elders" is worse than Esau.. you sold your soul and heritage for one stinking tank of gas.. if you are reading this, it might be an "oh my god" moment.. just think back..2 points
From Skyrider on another thread: you pathetic "old timers" who snagged junior in this disgrace: what are you doing, that is any bit different? The only thing I can say that MIGHT be different, is number 9 and 10 on the list. For now at least. I can't say either way. The relevance here though, even if you didn't partake in gramps sin, were you AWARE of it? If so, how does that affect your "qualifications" to lead? Do you still sweep gramps real legacy under the rug? The worst part.. you raised junior to believe that gramps was some kind of bible super hero..2 points
The reality is that most here don't really want to do anything other than badger the heck out of the guy. There are very few people that I've been acquainted with that can hold their own in that kind of situation. Although one would think that four hours a day of bible study/training, along with four hours a day of disciplined physical labor would adequately prepare someone to hold one's own in a debate or arm wresting competition.2 points
Some of you may recall from PFAL that VPW said that these daily bible reading booklets "would always leave you short" or "would let you down just when you really needed help". We weren't told not to read them, but they (along with mainstream churches) were looked down on, and we were discouraged from having anything to do with them. It's easy to see why: it might distract from what was taught in PFAL, and it would give us a source of reference outside TWI so that TWI's control over us could not become a stranglehold. Over several recent months, I have been given the up-to-date bible study booklet - mine's called Daily Bread (from Scripture Union), but there are lots of others. The current readings (for two weeks) are a study of Nehemiah, and the integrity of the life of a leader. Other studies for this quarter include: Journeying with God; Looking back to get ahead; Judgment and mercy. In my bible I have a page that I tore out from the reading for 9 August last looking at Luke 13:10-17 which really hit me in the heart. I wonder if any of you read from these little booklets, and if you find them helpful? They may take you to bible passages that you wouldn't otherwise think to read. They may develop a line of thinking that is new for you. If so, is there anything you would particularly care to share? And before this thread is derailed right from the start, can I just say, it's not not not not NOT about the actual words used by VPW but it's about whether the booklets have helped you see something new, different, or helpful to you.1 point
Funny how the past comes and bites one in the rear. Don't be embarrassed. I've had it nip at me as well a couple of times.. You know.. any LEGITIMATE organization you would apply for for a pastorate or such, knowing your past, would likely ask most of the same questions.. yep.. starting with questions about your "degree" in theology.. yet you place yourself in a position where your "followers" cannot.. what does that suggest, hmm?1 point
Just doesn't make sense to me.. how a young kid, eighteen years old or so.. can have a $90,000 dollar car (in today's terms) with a personalized license plate.. and pa apparently lives on "need basis".. gave it all to the ministry.. must have hoed a LOT of beans.. next question (not accusation by any means..) Did you at ANY TIME accept or request sexual favors, based on being the "son of the guy who runs this organization"? I personally saw you get away with a tank of gas.. and you seemed rather "practiced" in your presentation about how you were the son of the great one.. how much further did this kind of behavior continue? Just put the question in queue. Maybe just answer it to yourself..1 point
Yeah.. the privileges seemed extended to family members, friends.. but I understand that the sub-ordinates sometimes got "hand me downs". it is documented here somewhere that they had a pecking order as far as passing women along.. vic, then uncle howie, then.. whoever.. I hope they didn't do that among family members. It would be kinda sick.. but I have at least one suspicion..1 point
Geisha, The reason I am so blasted opposed to government assistance programs is not out of a desire to not feed the poor, it is because the programs damage our society as a whole. They tend to create a culture of entitlement rather than a culture of obligation. It's that simple. I think we both agree that individuals have obligations to the poor. I think our point of disagreement is whether individuals can fulfill those obligations through government action or whether those obligations must be fulfilled directly by that individual. I have cited Biblical examples of where individuals have obligation but have asserted that there is no basis in either the Bible or in the tradition of the early church showing that this should be translated to the government. If you can show me, out of either Scripture or out of the tradition of the early church to show me where I'm wrong, I'll be happy to review that. Your example from Romans 13 shows that I am obliged to pay my taxes and be a good citizen. But it does not put an obligation on the government to care for the poor. Therefore, the obligation still resides with the people. You may think that I have a very narrow, Biblical view. I know a lot of Calvinists who would gravely disagree with you. But I'll accept your slam on me. After all, Christ and His message should change society...society should not attempt to change Christ and His message. You have a good point about us not living in a theocracy. We don't and I'm thankful for that, because my particular brand of Christianity has been suppressed by the majority in this country in the past and would surely be again in the modern day if it was allowed. Despite the fact that we do not live in a theocracy, I am still obliged to follow my moral conscience, which is formed through my religious beliefs. The difference is that I have to respect the rights of others to disagree with my specific religious beliefs. It does not mean that I have to not follow my conscience, properly formed, in discourse. As to the country being blessed, we will likely have to disagree on this. I believe that the country is blessed by God only to the degree that the society and its members live godly lives. That does not mean a theocracy, that means walking upright in our day to day lives.1 point
1 point
Yep.. interesting that it was half of the "cult" of socialism, as some call it.. from each, according to his ability.. and what purpose do these "princes" fulfil? Well.. I guess they are supposed to make war. Protect us from debils, or trinitarians, or spiritualists and such.. there is no real enemy, so they make one up. sounds kinds Machiavellian doesn't it?1 point
was he picked on in school? Or just an average kid.. or a bully? Did pa go to bat for him every time he was insulted or ignored? how does he feel about his little corps grad certificate being worth less than a roll of toilet paper? In the real world, that is? how does he feel being usurped by rosie, a WOMAN, as arrogant as he? Still enraged? Use her picture as a dart board or target practice? How does he feel about a WOMAN.. his uncle's widow being appointed as some kind of head over the wienerville family by rosie? how does he feel about women, in general? Is he married, divorced, widowed.. single? If separated, why, and what happened to spouse? Most of the above questions apply to v2p2 as well. I'd modify the last question though.. isn't an "elder" or "overseer" biblically supposed to be a family man? i.e. married, have raised loving productive children, have a few life experiences? Why the exception here? I think its the "royalty" issue again.. I think these are fair questions..1 point
no, it wasn't gramps or uncles car. It was a big boat.. nice at that. If I remember correctly his initials were on the license plate.. I know.. I just MUST be thinking evil.. he probably got it from hoeing beans..1 point
Heh. maybe so Frank. I was only being sarcastic. But the arrogance lives on.. as nasty as rosie might be, I can kinda see how she might want to drum that kind of arrogance out of da "ministry".. no room for two like her. I think the "specialness" of the family.. and all drove her NUTS. Sure, call her an opportunist.. and she likely had to kiss vic's "royal" rear in ways we may never know.. along comes junior with the same kind of arrogance.. maybe he just brought back a few bad memories.. I'm not saying I agree with her.. I just am saying I can understand it.. I don't know if it is genetic or learned behavior. In either case, I've observed the same arrogance in v2p2.. doesn't have time for anyone who doesn't agree with him.. calls gramps his "hero".. accepts fawning and worship from numb brained followers i.e. "whatever you say, he is a GREAT MANOGAWD.." hasn't even hit thirty yet. who do they really think they are? Royalty? Entitled to a high place, over the church body? I kinda thought there isn't supposed to be "royalty" or "lords" over God's heritage..1 point
Don wierwillie car,one family member remarked to me "There were amazing things done with that car."1 point
coulda been.. I thought it looked like one of those stupid cars people put horns on the hood.. yeah that was probably it.. friggin jackasses.. heh.. don't they think there are those of us sent to observe this kind of moronic nonsense, for one reason or another? the nice thing about the internet.. we get to compare notes.. it is a pleasant surprise of sorts..1 point
I absolutely loved that show. I liked Mork and Mindy too. [different time frame]1 point
1 point
the "instructions" were.. *mrs* or *mr* owens.. let them have all the gas they want.. watch out for the way production people. they will try to sell you their soul.. to con you out of a tank of gas. they are off the list. this one particular character.. was not on or off the list. I asked him why he should have the gas.. "Huuumph.. I'm the son of the guy who runs this thing.." go ahead fella.. but you pay the price.. friggin moron.. hey.. what can I say.. he went ahead and filled up.. today.. I cash in..1 point
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1 point
Jiminy.. you both didn't get it right. Sometimes, you have to put "unbelievers" outside of the region, if not the whole stinking country.. diabolical threats to "community believing" and all you know..1 point
The problem is, you aren't starting at the fundamentals. You know, the not so hard to document.. "thus sayeth the lard, the sun will rise yet another day.." in about fourteen hours here, anyway..1 point
Its easier to count the failed "prophecies" keep trying fellas.. one of them may work out ok someday..1 point
maybe the recipe for snake oil was more appropriate, with the ingredients he had at the moment..1 point
suurrre. Lotsa things.. even as we speak, the Pope in full dress is parked out of Boston Harbor, conversing with his staff and making terms with the locals to pull off a new inquisition..1 point
Wierwille had this really slick way of predicting events AFTER they happened by claiming that "the father" had told him about it BEFORE it happened...and of course, he had to keep it quiet. These stories, oftentimes, were retold by glassy eyed followers who would claim that Wierwille foretold something... and by the way, he made a lot of money doing this.1 point
1 point
Maybe he was too busy getting revelation on the hook shot to be bothered with such a minor detail as the internet..1 point
hmm.. might be good, who knows.. but to get enough "substance" from a few for tacos, wouldn't one have to include the innards and such?1 point
Duck of Doom.. actually.. I think loy fit that role admirably.. even *uncle* howie knew full time corps wasn't exactly financially "with it"..1 point
from your reference Waysider, the movie scored: maybe that's the connection to HA.. the critics can't find anything positive to say.. In regards to *mr* allen, if I dropped anything, it would be the "duck" part.1 point
Is he still at a Home Depot in Toledo? does any one know which one? Seriously--Im actually heading through there sometime this upcoming weekend and will be needing some supplies... it would be some sort of Karmic closure if I could send him to get a box of 2 3/8th inch woodscrews, a few tubes of bronze silicone, a 3/32 drillbit and a maybe roll of 5 mil plastic--somehow something silly like that seems like it would be interesting to me in a weird way if anyone has any info PM me1 point
"These kids" don't need a fat farm - I'm just saying that the regimen might actually produce real transformation rather than package free labor under the guise of spiritual enlightenment.1 point
and the kid who apparently runs this thing.. I think he is just as inept and unprepared. I don't think he had a clue of what the "elders" were dragging him into.. so they want to know what kind of reception they will get in the "world".. I think they found out. There will be many, many questions. "Oh.. that's nice. Who is your group affiliated with.." Oh, nobody in particular.. "who did you say is on staff?" well, there's me.. "They were trained by who?" oh, just spent a few years in a work study program on a farm in Ohio..1 point
You would think. and its supposed to be an "honors" program, at that.. the "best of the best" and all..high achievers.1 point
Twinky, In the past I have read them occasionally and they were good--some days, very good. They were thought provoking, comforting, inspiring--all that sort of thing. I haven't read any of them for around five years. The Full Gospel people have a version of that that was my absolute favorite. Theirs seemed to hit whatever it was that I needed on the head for the moment. But, can't remember the name of their little booklets. Same format, though.1 point
I agree this could rewire the whole system of what we were taught by vpw causing the light to go on!1 point