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4 points
Is it me, or is there a hidden Wayfer apologist coming along behind every one of you guy's posts, and flicking the negative red button? (BTW, I flicked all the green buttons by your names, so as to help negate such trolling behavior.)4 points
Last I noticed Home Depot was already over the World- If they wanted to drastically reduce the number of stores that they have, emperil the success of the company, or watch complete states leave in droves while he is telling them of their expansion --well--- they should hire him on as topdog --Martindale as a CEO would be the quickest way to crash and burn any company4 points
First there was the "President of Greasespot???" thread. Apparently, Craig Martindale was listed as President here at the ol' GSC. But he always said he could be a successful executive. So what if he was? On last report, he was climbing the corporate (aluminum) ladder at Home Depot. So what WOULD life be like at Home Depot under a Martinpail regime? Stringing the paint cans in aisle 12? Check out girls in mini-skirts? All managers must wear smoking jackets? JT3 points
If the forehead was the President of Home Depot..... .....I would do all my shopping at Lowes3 points
How bizarre!!! Going to TWI during a crisis, even when I was in, never crossed my mind. Don't these people have friends or family? Sheeshh! JT2 points
Humm how about LCM manageing the dumpster in the back of homedepot?2 points
I guess that whole hospitality thing mentioned on occasion in scripture. . . is of no real importance.2 points
I agree. All this sophistry and dancing around just to avoid saying someone did a "good deed." Heck, any Boy Scout in the USA should be able to give you examples of a "good deed" or of "doing a good deed every day." Perhaps it's all because the person who's so reluctant to call an action "good" is covering a reluctance to do good to others, or to face one's one moral standing. Being able to explain "good" vs "evil" really isn't that hard for a lot of people, even without bringing in any religion into the explanation. http://easydamus.com/alignment.html "Good characters and creatures protect innocent life. Evil characters and creatures debase or destroy innocent life, whether for fun or profit. "Good" implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. Good characters make personal sacrifices to help others. "Evil" implies hurting, oppressing, and killing others. Some evil creatures simply have no compassion for others and kill without qualms if doing so is convenient. Others actively pursue evil, killing for sport or out of duty to some evil deity or master. " ============= For those who are curious where their own personality might rank on good-evil, law-chaos axes, they can take this "alignment" quiz: http://easydamus.com/alignmenttest.html For those who are curious where their own personality would fall among D&D characters, they can try this character quiz: http://easydamus.com/character.html2 points
I dunno. I never cared for Way-Flavored music in even my most myopic of WayDaze so that was no draw. The weather was always nigh unto unbearable. Even the air was tainted with the rank, fetid odor of rural Ohio, the infamous "egg" water, and offal of a few thousand attendees. And then there was the mud, the rain, and the fact that you're stuck in rural, fetid, inbred Ohio. So, no, I was never an enthusiastic participant. I DID attend though. That fact alone should be mute testimony to the power of B.S. in the hands of a gifted grifter and conartist...2 points
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He had a Ministry of Extreme Narcissism, as well one of Self-Delusion. He was very very strong and even "gifted"in those areas... there may be others2 points
Maybe what LCM really said was that he could be CEO of a fortune .500 company.2 points
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I agree,psychotic,is right,the players become bipolar,nice to one,rip your head off to the other,paronoid,the mysterious "adversary will have his way with you,witchcraft as one dearly departed said here if they are christian why do they curse people? Protect us from who?The outside?or the wackos inside? The longer I am out the more I see the insanity The cornfield cult is becoming smaller,as the internet provides another side,some begin to see those that are there to protect them,really keep them in chains.1 point
I know one dude was ordered by a judge to take his meds. Often ended up in the Sydney prison. Others I think came by after something happened in their life, divorce etc. They then drive accross the country to New K. Gotta go see twi at 2 a.m. They could get hostile, that's what the vans were for . . .he he. . . making ex-wayfer pancakes.1 point
Well, if there is ever a baying mob at their doorstep. . . they can offer up Rosalie as a consolation prize.1 point
Well, I remember Lot was willing to sacrifice his daughters to the mob. Very Christian I guess. But if those freaks came near my home in the middle of the night, I would NOT be very "Christian".1 point
Because they claim to be CHRISTIAN??? And. . . been there. . . done that. . . more than once.1 point
George? Do us a favor, okay? STAY THE HE11 AWAY FROM OUR STATE! I've been to Snohomish, lived in Everett for three years. I hated living in Washington State, but you don't see me posting hateful things about it, now do you? If you like it, fine, stay there. But I've lived in Ohio off and on most of my life. My mother was from Ohio, and I don't appreciate your rude remarks. WG1 point
LOL at Kimberly... Well I am ashamed to admit it but I loved ROA.. I loved the camping and the music and seeing people I hadn't seen for a year... that I only saw there... Yes I was a total TWI hippie. I loved the adventure of traveling to get there and boy did I have some adventures every journey.. but I only went to 4 of them 79-82. 2 of them revolved around my WOW year. and one around our way home and we were bringing most of the folks that took the class and we had a blast... Of course for me the water tasted like Michigan water (I grew up with that water flavor as a kid) so yeah I loved it,, I am originally from Michigan, a hop skip and jump away from Ohio and a similar climate so I loved it... IF I had known what I know now I wouldn't have been there but at the time I was just a young innocent having fun! I really probably ought to tell about these in my blog .. LOL they were totally epic journeys... Ahh to be young and stupid again. Well maybe not .. but the idea of it is always better than the realities.1 point
1 point
Eewwee, honey, I was young(er), wild and free and had the world by the tail, baby!!! I was go with the flow and heck, yeh, I'll go to a festival in Ohio. I would have gone just about anywhere with anybody. I was a little country girl and wanted to explore the world. Ohio sounded like a good start. Golly, how I remember a bunch of us would pile stuff in a car and just go. Throw caution to the wind, baby!! I did have some fun. I always appreciated those that worked the roa. After marriage and then came the children no more tenting. We had arrived!!! It was pop-up camper time!!! When we went wow I remember praying to go to Arizona. Go west, young woman, was my mantra. We went to Iowa. Iowa??!!!!?? Where the bleep is Iowa?!!!??? What the bleep is in Iowa?!!!??? Being from the south I thought the weather in Ohhh-Hi-Oooo to be mild.1 point
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It's August, hot, sticky, afternoon and evening thunderstorms. Time to go down memory lane,yes Rock of Ages. I know, we have done this topic to death. Part county/state fair, part carnival/circus, part tent revival/campground meeting/evangelistic crusade, and part Woodstock/Christian Music Festival(Sonshine). I wonder how Selah, Good Seed, Joyful Noise, Pressed Down/ Shaken Together/Running Over would compare to Don Moen, Ron Kenoly, Darlene Zchesch and Ruben Morgan(Hillsongs), David Crowder, Chris Tomlin, Brian Donerksen, Rebecca St. James, Casting Crowns, Newsboys, Sonic Flood, delirious?, etc. Pay attention to the phrase carnival and circus. We were deceived by fraudelent means through food, music, and supposed proclamation of the Gospel. It was well meaning, good(even best of) intentions, but no guarentee of the truth. Ironic, isn't it? 1 of the few truisms that Wierwille spoke. Comments welcomed1 point
He had a longsuit in @$%$%$%$%**^%^&^ with a lesser in@$$^*^%&*(^.1 point
I think it was anti-pasto (no garlic) or was it anti-pastor..1 point
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He fulfilled his job as a profit by bringing the great story humptey-dumptey to pass. copenhagen .1 point
I left in the late 80's, started a completely new life over on the west coast, and left the whole way stuff in the dust, until this internet thing came along, where I found out what's happened over the years, talk with people who also moved on, and maybe learn a little about myself, and the choices I once made. A few years back , I drove through Ohio, with my now wife, who only knew the way from what I told her. I had lived in St Marys of all places for awhile, so we made a side trip to show her, and frankly I was curious to take a look. Being 'attached' had nothing to do with it. It was surreal in so many ways. New Knox, St Marys, and what I saw of the grounds, looked nothing like I remembered. It was almost like when you dream of a past place, but is distorted from reality. Of course we didn't get far at the way. I slowed down to look at the fountain, and immediately had security tailing me. I was tempted to let them 3rd degree me, but decided it wasn't worth the hassle, and just moved on. The only thing that was meaningful, was finding that the mural I had painted for the New Knoxville high gym was still intact. The custodian was gracious, told me how they preserved it when they repainted the gym, and I was glad to have contributed something to the community. The way, which seemed to dominate the area when I lived there, seemed almost a sad afterthought to the community. It was all quite strange.1 point
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The key word here is "middle-aged". Why do so many Vietnam War Vets want to travel to that country to visit old battlefields? Possibly because they feel they left a part of themselves over there when they returned to the USA. Maybe they think albeit subconciously they'll find a missing part of themselves at the location where they were traumatized. A lot of ex-Wayfers spent their entire youth at TWI. Maybe they think they'll recover a part of it if they return to the scene of the crime. Then again, maybe they're just looking for a restroom and they got lost and ended up on Wierwille Rd. It's not all that far from I-75 you know.1 point
No, I don't think so. But why do middle-aged people of varied backgrounds who no longer fellowship with twi remain attached to pathetic piece of dirt in Ohio?1 point
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Ironically, this is from a session of the Advanced Class that deals with characteristics of devil spirits. page 17 (1971 syllabus) "They inhabit certain places which they prefer to others. They tend to live in groups." The idea was this: Suppose you owned a tavern that was frequented by people with devil spirits. Even if you completely changed the function of the tavern into something else, such as a coffee shop or flower store, the devil spirits would still hang around the location. Maybe Linder's Freudian B.G. Leonard slip was showing. Hee Hee1 point
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I don't think I ever met him personally, but we did exchange correspondence. I sent him a letter about my concerns that "Uncle Harry Day" was too much like a Catholic Holy Day. He responded politely, attempting to assuage my concerns without admitting any wrong doctrine or practice. I doubt it's coincidental, however, that after that the day was renamed "Burn the Chaff Day." George1 point
I shook his hand and said hi a couple of times. I don't think he knew or cared who I was. And to be honest, I treated him with all the fear and respect that I would have for a rattlesnake. I watched him destroy a person's TWI life and career in an instant and I knew that I was surely no better a person than that victim. Looking back, it's amazing we could be duped by such a conman. To call bullsh1t on his kind today would be a honor and a duty to me. And yes, Mrs. W. was never anything but nice to me or to anyone else I saw her with.1 point
I have none. I do have a picture of Mrs. B holding hands with the cyclops. She was too young to remember anything.1 point
I was in the lobby of the local museum of art where he was teaching in the auditorium. He was walking through the lobby. I can't remember if I walked up to him, or the other way around, but I do remember that he took my offered hand, held it too long, and looked at me like all he wanted to do was get in my pants. The next time I met him was at an impromptu meeting at our local limb when he was going through on the Harley and motor coach. For whatever reason I was invited. There were about 50 of us in there and I was sitting in the back with JAL's dad being all snarky. I recall the reverence towards him by the others, but I figured if he was going to sit up there practically chain smoking and drinking, then we weren't really having a god meeting, it was just a get-together. He was co-mingling pretty well there before and after, but there's nothing that particularly stood out in my mind other than some people feeling the need to monopolize his time.1 point
Def: I'm warning you though, if you leave Grease Spot you'll be Craig Martindale by midnight.1 point
Where do I send all the tithes & the abundant sharing of heart if God tells me to stay away from you whacky tobbacky folks? GOD save us all and hey do let the door hit ya in the back if the wrong God or your gs conditioned brain has been talking to that funny *** brain of yours eh ? I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in ! Look out your PC window and I'll be gone cause your the reason why I sing this song ? ! Do think twice it's all right ! Ok gotta get that one in the GS song book ! :D-->1 point
G/S is sort of like the Mafia or Hells Angels. YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE. YOU MUST REMAIN HERE FOR LIFE. :D--> Thus Sayeth "The Onion"1 point
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